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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 8 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tue, March 26, 2019 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hours


  1. Update on ProgPow Audit
    • Hudson to give update
    • Subcommittee update
    • When are we shutting down Need to announce that now
  2. Hard Fork Coordination Update
  3. Process Management
  4. Moloch DAO & Aragon Review
  5. Updates on the action items from Constantinople post-mortem
  6. Update on the Ethereum Development Portal designs/structure
  7. Community Outreach
  8. Replacing Afri as multisig keyholder
  9. Eth2 coordination help
  10. website update
  11. Any Other Business
  12. Review of Actions from Meeting 7

Moderator - Tim Beiko

1. Update on ProgPoW Audit

1.1 Hudson's update

  • Hudson: ProgPoW update sent out on Sunday. A fundraiser has been created through gitcoin. Some organisations have committed to providing funding. Will keep detail anonymous for now. The funding should be done in the next week or so but to be confirmed. If possible use Gitcoin to donate as it is donation matched.

1.2 Subcommittee update

  • Brett: ACTION 7.1 Gitcoin Grant, ACTION 6.3 Complete.
  • Tim Beiko: Core Devs confirmed that ProgPoW EIP to tentatively go into Istanbul assuming no issue with the audit. Community seems to be concerned about this decision. So no confirmation yet.
  • William: Not sure what a decision looks like in a decentralised space.
  • Hudson: Nay sayers don't see why we needed it. This is valid point. After the audit we can discuss it. Whiteblock are shutting down the bounties page as they will not be persuing the review of ProgPoW. Should look to community sentiment.

1.3 When are we shutting down

  • Lane: Was not a Cat Herder initiative originally. It is costing funds. Need to make the community aware.

  • ACTION 8.1: Need to give warning to community that the ProgPoW carbonvote is shutting down. Two week warning - 9 April 2019 (block/time to be confirmed)

2. Hardfork Coordination Update

  • Hudson: Hardfork Coordinator/s - no updated yet.

  • Tim: Boris has been working with Alexey to submit a meta EIP for a hardfork. A small PR is open for the definitions around an EIP approval. Boris is looking at a document on how to submit an EIP.

  • Hudson: EIP1 would require a Pull Request so that the EIP editors can review and community can respond.

  • Pooja: Readme update Pull Request has been submitted. The Cat Herders are looking to collect the EIPs into a EIP tracker to be considered for the Istanbul hardfork.

  • Tim: Valuable to track it on a per client basis.

  • Pooja: Planning two trackers - one for consideration and one for client management.

  • ACTION 8.2: Pooja to present EIP tracker idea to Core Devs on Friday call.

3. Process Management

4. Moloch DAO & Aragon Discussion

  • No one available to comment on this at the meeting.

5. Updates on the action items from Constantinople post-mortem

  • Pooja: No update.

6. Update on the Ethereum Development Portal designs/structure

  • Charles: It depeneds on the status of the site. We don't wish to duplicate this.

7. website update

  • Lane: This is not an Ethereum Foundation intiative but it is looking good. Just no date is confirmed yet. No idea on who is working on it at this moment. And not sure who will have access to the minimal viable product. Lane continues to monitor this. There is another call for website upgrade in the community. The head of aragon is willing to commit resources to update this. Lane is keen to work on something in conjunction with what is going on in the EF. A github space has been created to start this:
  • Lane: Any issues with the idea to work in parrallel?
  • William: Worth having something open.
  • Lane: Agreed keen to get community input.
  • William: Community outcry may result if their points are not included in the website.
  • Hudson: I don't see that as a major issue. The EF would not take a public stance on this.
  • Lane: Continue with this without promises.

8. Community Outreach

  • Brett: No updates.
  • Lane: A bit discussed on gitter. Orgininally setup with Hudson, Lane and Afri as keyholders. Would want to keep it simple as possible and add an additional person for now. We can look at more people in the future.

  • Brett: No issues.

  • Hudson: Agreed. Nominate Charles, Pooja or Brett.

  • Lane: There was consensus previously on gitter.

  • Hudson: I nominate Charles, Pooja or Brett.

  • Brett: I continue to nominate Charles out of the Gitter discussion.

  • Lane: Anyone opposed.

  • All: No one opposed.

  • DECISION: Charles is to be added to the multisig and Afri is to be removed.

  • ACTION 8.4: Add Charles to multisig.

  • Hudson: Side note, just want to congratulate Afri on joining ETC Core Labs in Parity.

  • Mikerah: We require a release manager for a multiclient Testnet. Some teams are working on local testnets.
  • Hudson: Wasn't Artemis co-ordinating that?
  • Mikerah: We are working with Artemis but now need to work with the other teams.
  • Hudson: Has this been brought up with Ethereum 2.0 call?
  • Mikerah: Not yet, hoping to bring this up in the meeting.
  • Hudson: Perhaps not Ethereum Cat Herders.
  • Lane: Disagree this is perfect for what the Cat Herders are about.
  • Joseph: Cannot comment on this for now. Note taking would be great. Cross channel fragmentation.
  • Charles: What would be required.
  • Mikerah: Deadlines, bottlenecks, resolution of bottlenecks, ensuring the teams are implementing the specs on time. We would need to target 0.5.0 or above. A chart to assist with implementation.
  • Hudson: I am coming round to the idea.
  • Lane: Is it worth joining the Ethereum 2.0 call?
  • Pooja: Would be keen to learn more. Tracking and coordination is something that would work.
  • Parties who would be interested: Charles, Pooja, William, Brett, Dean

ACTION: Mikerah to bring the idea of getting the Ethereum Cat Herders to assist coordinating tasks to establish a multiclient Beacon Chain testnet at the Ethereum 2.0 call and will provide feedback at the next meeting.

11. Any Other Business

11.1 Website update

Pooja: Website need to be updated. New hardfork, gitter link.

  • ACTION 8.6: Pooja to engage with Charles and Hugo regarding the website.

Tim: How to share the updates from the Core Dev. Maria: Agree a summary. Keep it in Ethereum Magicians. Hudson: Ethereum Core Dev Twitter account would be good. Maria: Keep it within the Ethereum Magicians. Cross post in Reddit. Tim: Add to the Agenda. Maria: Pool of three weeks. Helen: Volunteer

  • ACTION 8.7: Brett to setup gitter channel for those interested in managing the notes and summaries of the Ethereum Core Devs.

12. Review Actions from Meeting #7


  • ACTION 6.3: ProgPoW subcommitte to review feedback from stakeholders to see if anything should be included in technical audit.
  • ACTION 7.1: Identify if the new Gitcoin grant was for the Whiteblock audit.
  • ACTION 7.2: Tim Beiko: Add comment to the All Core Devs Agenda regarding tentatively adding the ProgPoW EIP into Instanbul pending audit. Lane to assist with making it an agenda item.
  • ACTION 7.4: Pooja to manage. Cat Herders to review Pooja's initial master document to manage process flow and start to build this process - here.


  • ACTION 6.4: Joseph to post the updated communications checklist to the ECH internal gitter channel.
  • ACTION 6.7: Hugo & Joseph to work together to write up a general overview of how Moloch DAO might benefit the Ethereum Community.
  • ACTION 7.3: Hudson to provide feedback on Hard Fork Coordinator/s.
  • ACTION 7.5: Cat Herders to look the Handbook proposed by Luke Schoen and discuss over the next couple weeks - here.

9. Next Meeting: 2 April 2019 at 2pm UTC.


  • ACTION 8.1: Need to give warning to community that the ProgPoW carbonvote is shutting down. Two week warning - 9 April 2019 (block/time to be confirmed)
  • ACTION 8.2: Pooja to present EIP tracker idea to Core Devs on Friday call.
  • ACTION 8.3: Review Pooja's ECH task list and merge it.
  • ACTION 8.4: Lane to add Charles to multisig.
  • ACTION 8.5: Mikerah to bring the idea of getting the Ethereum Cat Herders to assist coordinating tasks to establish a multiclient Beacon Chain testnet at the Ethereum 2.0 call and will provide feedback at the next meeting.
  • ACTION 8.6: Pooja to engage with Charles and Hugo regarding the website.
  • ACTION 8.7: Brett to setup gitter channel for those interested in managing the notes and summaries of the Ethereum Core Devs.


  • Lane Rettig
  • Brett Robertson
  • Tim Beiko
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Helen Flack
  • William Schwab
  • Charles St Louis
  • Hudson Jameson
  • Mikerah
  • Dean Eigenmann
  • Maria Paula Fernandez