Blynk supporte déjà plus de 400 cartes, offrant le support pour Arduino, Particle, ARM-basés, TI Energia, MicroPython, Node.js, OpenWRT et de nombreuses ordinateurs à carte unique. Vous pouvez ajouter vos propres types de connexion facilement (voyez ces exemples pour Arduino) !
Arduino (
- Arduino Uno, Duemilanove
- Arduino Nano, Mini, Pro Mini, Pro Micro, Due, Mega
- Arduino 101 (Intel Curie, with BLE)
- Arduino MKR1000
- Arduino Zero
- Arduino Yún (onboard WiFi and Ethernet, via Bridge)
Semblables à l'Arduino
- Blynk Board
- ESP8266 (Generic, NodeMCU, Witty Cloud, Huzzah, WeMos D1, Seeed Wio Link, etc.)
- ESP32 Dev Board
- Intel Edison
- Intel Galileo
- Teensy 3.2/3.1
- Blue Pill (STM32F103C)
- BBC micro:bit
- LightBlue Bean , soon
- DFRobot Bluno
- RedBear Duo (WiFi, BLE)
- RedBearLab Blend Micro
- RedBearLab BLE Nano (v1 and v2)
- Seeed Tiny BLE
- Simblee BLE
- RFduino BLE
- The AirBoard (BLE-Link, RN-XV)
- Feather M0 WiFi
- Feather 32u4 BLE
- Fishino Guppy, Uno, Mega
- TinyCircuits TinyDuino (CC3000)
- Microduino/mCookie Core, Core+, CoreUSB
- Wicked WildFire V2, V3, V4
- Digistump Oak
- chipKIT Uno32
- Alorium XLR8 (FPGA)
- LinkIt ONE (WiFi only)
- Texas Instruments
- CC3200-LaunchXL
- Tiva C Connected LaunchPad
- Stellaris LM4F120 LaunchPad
- MSP430F5529 + CC3100
- LaunchPad MSP432
- RedBearLab (CC3200, WiFi Mini)
- Texas Instruments
- Core
- Photon
- Electron
- RPi
- SparkFun RedBoard
- RedBear Duo (WiFi & BLE)
ARM-basés (
- Seeed Tiny BLE
- RedBearLab BLE Nano
- BBC micro:bit
- STM32 Nucleo + Wiznet 5100 , soon
JavaScript (Node.js, Espruino, Browsers) (
- Regular PC with Linux / Windows / OS X
- Raspberry Pi (Banana Pi, Orange Pi, ...)
- BeagleBone Black
- Onion Omega
- Intel Galileo
- Intel Edison
- Intel Joule
- LeMaker Guitar
- LeMaker Banana Pro
- Samsung ARTIK 5
- PandaBoard, CubieBoard, pcDuino, Tessel 2
- VoCore (OpenWRT + Espruino package)
- Espruino Pico
- ...
Python (MicroPython) (
- WiPy
Lua (
- NodeMCU
USB (Serial), connecté à votre ordinateur
Ethernet :
- Arduino Ethernet Shield (W5100)
- Arduino Ethernet Shield 2 (W5500)
- SeeedStudio Ethernet Shield V2.0 (W5200)
- ENC28J60-based modules
WiFi :
- ESP8266 comme modem WiFi (avec le logiciel original)
- Arduino WiFi 101 Shield
- Arduino WiFi Shield
- Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Breakout / Shield
- RN-XV WiFly
Bluetooth Smart (BLE 4.0):
- HM-10, HC-08
- DFRobot BLE-Link module
- Microduino/mCookie BLE
- RedBearLab BLE Mini
- nRF8001-based boards (Adafruit Bluefruit LE, etc.)
Bluetooth 2.0 Serial Port Profile (SPP)
- HC-05, HC-06, ...
- SIMCom SIM800 series (SIM800A, SIM800C, SIM800L, SIM800H, SIM808, SIM868)
- SIMCom SIM900 series (SIM900A, SIM900D, SIM908, SIM968)
- M590
- A6/A7 (alpha)
- GPRSbee
- Microduino GSM
- Adafruit FONA (Mini Cellular GSM Breakout)
- Adafruit FONA 800/808 Shield
- WIZnet-W5500-EVB
- Node-RED (can be used as bridge to HTTP, TCP, UDP, MQTT, XMPP, IRC, OSC...)
Ces cartes ne sont pas supportées et semblent avoir un problème pour marcher hors de leur fonctionnement original :