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#ifndef __WOLFDEF__#define __WOLFDEF__#define DEMO /* Define if this is the lame demo for dealers *//* japversion has mission pics instead *//* #define JAPVERSION *//* If code is compiled on a IIgs, pass the compiler presets... */#ifdef __ORCAC__#pragma optimize 15 /* Normal optimization */#pragma memorymodel 0 /* Force small memory model */#pragma noroot /* No root files */#pragma lint -1 /* Full error checking */segment "Wolf3d"; /* Code segment */#endif/* an angle_t occupies an entire 16 bits so wraparound is automatically handled */#define SHORTTOANGLESHIFT 7 /* 0x10000 to ANGLES */#define SLOPEBITS 9 /* Used in AngleFromSlope2 */typedef unsigned short angle_t; /* Must be short to allow wraparound */typedef short fixed_t; /* 8.8 fixed point number */ typedef unsigned short ufixed_t; /* 8.8 unsigned fixed point number */#include <burger.h> /* My standard system equates */#include "States.h" /* Think state equates */#include "Sounds.h" /* Sound equates */#include "Sprites.h" /* Sprite indexs */#include "Wolf.h" /* Resource maps *//********************************** Game constants and equates The game uses a tile map of 64X64 tiles and uses a 16 bit fixed point number to record the placement of any object in the game. The upper 8 bits are the tile with the lower 8 bits being which fraction into the tile the player is standing on. To adjust the screen size, modify SCREENWIDTH,SCREENHEIGHT,VIEWHEIGHT,ScaleX,ScaleY **********************************/#define MAXVISSPRITES 64 /* Maximum number of sprites to display (Must be a power of 2!) */#define MAXACTORS 128 /* max number of nazis, etc / map */#define MAXSTATICS 200 /* max number of lamps, bonus, etc */#define MAXMISSILES 32 /* max missiles, flames, smokes, etc */#define MAXDOORS 64 /* max number of sliding doors (64<=) */#define MAXAREAS 64 /* max number of bsp areas */#define NUMBUTTONS 10 /* Number of control buttons */#define WALLHEIGHT 128 /* Height,width of walls */#define SPRITEHEIGHT 64 /* Height,width of a sprite */#define MAXSCALER 960 /* Number of scalers to create */#define PLAYERSIZE 88 /* radius of player in 8.8 fixed point */#define PROJECTIONSCALE (SCREENWIDTH/2)*0x90l#define FIELDOFVIEW 364*4 /* fineangles in the SCREENWIDTH wide window*/#define MINZ 62 /* PLAYERSIZE/sqrt(2) rounded down*/#define MAXZ (32*FRACUNIT) /* Farthest thing away */#define FINEANGLES 0x2000 /* Power of 2 */#define FINEMASK (FINEANGLES-1) #define ANGLETOFINESHIFT 3 /* 0x10000 >> 0x2000*/#define GAMEANGLETOFINE 4 /* 512 << 0x2000 */#define ANGLE90 0x4000 /* Use a 0x10000 angle range */#define ANGLE180 0x8000 /* Use a 0x10000 angle range */#ifdef __MAC__#define SCREENWIDTH MacWidth /* Size of the offscreen buffer */#define SCREENHEIGHT MacHeight /* Height of the offscreen buffer */#define VIEWHEIGHT MacViewHeight /* Height of the viewing area */Word ScaleX(Word x); /* Scale factor for 320 mode points projected to SCREEN */Word ScaleY(Word y);extern Word MacWidth;extern Word MacHeight;extern Word MacViewHeight;#else#define SCREENWIDTH 320 /* Size of the offscreen buffer */#define SCREENHEIGHT 200 /* Height of the offscreen buffer */#define VIEWHEIGHT 160 /* Height of the viewing area */#define ScaleX(x) x /* Scale factor for 320 mode points projected to SCREEN */#define ScaleY(y) y#endif#define CENTERY (VIEWHEIGHT/2) /* Center of the viewing area */#define CENTERX (SCREENWIDTH/2) /* Center of the viewing area */#define ANGLES 512 /* Number of angles for camera */#define FRACBITS 8 /* Number of bits of fraction */#define FRACUNIT (1<<FRACBITS) /* Shift count for fraction conversion */#define MAXFRAC 0x7fff /* Largest fraction constant */#define MAXUFRAC 0xffff /* Largest unsigned fraction constant */#define MAXDAMAGECOLOR 32 /* Number of shades of red to use for damage */#define MAXBONUSCOLOR 8 /* Number of shades of gold to use for damage */#define EXTRAPOINTS 20000 /* Points for a free man */#define STARTAMMO 16 /* Ammo to begin the game with */#define TILEGLOBAL 256 /* Pixels per tile */#define MINACTORDIST 192 /* minimum dist from player center*/ /* to any actor center*/#define KNIFEDIST 480 /* max dist for a knife hit (fixed_t) */#define BITERANGE 350 /* max dist for a bite hit (fixed_t) */#define MISSILEHITDIST 120 /* max dist for a missile impact (fixed_t) */#define MAPSIZE 64 /* Size of a map in tiles *//* joypad masks */#define JOYPAD_B 0x8000#define JOYPAD_Y 0x4000#define JOYPAD_SELECT 0x2000#define JOYPAD_START 0x1000#define JOYPAD_UP 0x800#define JOYPAD_DN 0x400#define JOYPAD_LFT 0x200#define JOYPAD_RGT 0x100#define JOYPAD_A 0x80#define JOYPAD_X 0x40#define JOYPAD_TL 0x20#define JOYPAD_TR 0x10/********************************** Game enums and record lists **********************************/typedef enum { /* Think logic states (MUST match thinkcalls in EnThink.c) */ T_NULL, /* No action */ T_STAND, /* Watch for player */ T_CHASE /* Chase player */} thinklogic_t; typedef enum { /* Action logic states (MUST match actioncalls in EnThink.c */ A_NULL, /* No action */ A_TARGET, /* Target the player */ A_SHOOT, /* Shoot the player */ A_BITE, /* Bite the player */ A_THROW, /* Throw a syringe */ A_LAUNCH, /* Launch a missile */ A_HITLERMORPH, /* Remove the mechhitler's armor */ A_MECHSTEP, /* Mechahitler step sound */ A_VICTORY, /* You win */ A_SCREAM, /* Actor screams */ A_THUD /* Hit the ground */} actionlogic_t;typedef enum { /* Index to the button array */ bt_north, /* North pressed */ bt_east, /* Turn East pressed */ bt_south, /* South pressed */ bt_west, /* Turn West pressed */ bt_left, /* Move left */ bt_right, /* Move right */ bt_attack, /* Fire */ bt_use, /* Open door, use switch */ bt_run, /* Move faster */ bt_select /* Change weapons */} buttonname_t;typedef enum { /* Used by spawning and wall pushing */ CD_NORTH, /* Face north */ CD_EAST, /* Face east */ CD_SOUTH, CD_WEST} cardinaldir_t;typedef enum { /* Used by actor's motion */ east, northeast, north, northwest, west, southwest, south, southeast, nodir} dirtype;typedef enum { /* Weapons used by the player */ WP_KNIFE, WP_PISTOL, WP_MACHINEGUN, WP_CHAINGUN, WP_FLAMETHROWER, WP_MISSILE, NUMWEAPONS} weapontype;typedef enum { /* State of the game */ EX_LIMBO, /* Currently in limbo */ EX_STILLPLAYING, EX_COMPLETED, EX_SECRET, EX_WARPED, EX_DIED, EX_NEWGAME, EX_LOADGAME, EX_AUTOMAP} exit_t;typedef enum { /* actor class info*/ CL_GUARD, CL_OFFICER, CL_SS, CL_DOG, CL_MUTANT, CL_HANS, CL_SCHABBS, CL_TRANS, CL_UBER, CL_DKNIGHT, CL_MECHAHITLER, CL_HITLER, CL_PLAYER} class_t;enum {BSPTOP,BSPBOTTOM,BSPLEFT,BSPRIGHT}; /* BSP quadrants *//********************************** Compiled scaler **********************************/typedef struct { unsigned short codeofs[WALLHEIGHT+1]; /* Entry to the code for sprites */#ifndef __APPLEIIGS__ Byte FixA1[WALLHEIGHT+1]; /* A1 adjust for the screen */ Byte Pad[1]; /* Long word align it... */#endif Byte code[1]; /* Scaler code */} t_compscale;/********************************** Status of the game (Save game record) **********************************/typedef struct { LongWord score; /* Current score */ LongWord nextextra; /* Points to next free man */ LongWord globaltime, globaltimetotal; LongWord playtime; /* Time for the current game (In ticks) */ Word mapon; /* Current map */ Word treasure; /* Treasures picked up */ Word lives; /* Lives remaining */ Word health; /* Hit points */ Word ammo; /* Current bullets */ Word maxammo; /* Maximum bullets */ Word gas; /* Flame thrower ammo */ Word missiles; /* Missile launcher ammo */ Word keys; /* Keys obtained */ Boolean machinegun,chaingun,missile,flamethrower; weapontype weapon,pendingweapon; Word attackframe,attackcount; Word secretcount,treasurecount,killcount; Word secrettotal,treasuretotal,killtotal; Word globalsecret, globaltreasure, globalkill; Word globalsecrettotal, globaltreasuretotal, globalkilltotal; Word viewangle; /* Angle of camera */ Boolean godmode; /* You are invincible */} gametype_t;/********************************** Map data record (Stored maps) **********************************/typedef struct { Byte tilemap[64][64]; Byte areasoundnum[64]; unsigned short numspawn; /* Must be short */ unsigned short spawnlistofs; /* Must be short */ unsigned short numnodes; /* Must be short */ unsigned short nodelistofs; /* Must be short */ Byte data[1]; /* nodes, and spawn list */} loadmap_t;typedef struct { unsigned short NextLevel; /* Normal warp level */ unsigned short SecretLevel; /* Secret level */ unsigned short ParTime; /* Time for par */ unsigned short ScenarioNum; /* Scenario number */ unsigned short FloorNum; /* Floor number */} MapInfo_t;typedef struct { unsigned short MaxMap; /* Maximum number of maps */ unsigned short MapRezNum; /* Basic resource # */ MapInfo_t InfoArray[1]; /* Next map to jump to */} maplist_t;/********************************** Static data for each sprite state **********************************/typedef struct { Word sightsound; /* Sound at the sight of you */ Word deathsound; /* Sound at the death of the actor */ stateindex_t sightstate; /* State when you are sighted */ stateindex_t standstate; /* State when at rest */ stateindex_t attackstate; /* State when attacking you */ stateindex_t painstate; /* State when hit */ stateindex_t deathstate; /* State when dead */ Word points; /* Points for death */ Word speed; /* Speed of actor */ Word reactionmask; /* reaction time = 1 + w_rnd()&reactionmask*/ Word hitpoints; /* Hit points */} classinfo_t;enum {di_north, di_east, di_south, di_west}; /* BSP base directions *//********************************** The saved data structures are held in a single list, with segs being differentiated from nodes by the presence of DIR_SEGFLAG in the dir field Note... saveseg_t and savenode_t share the same memory **********************************/#define DIR_SEGFLAG 0x80 /* Use segment value */#define DIR_LASTSEGFLAG 0x40 /* Last segment in list */#define DIR_DISABLEDFLAG 0x20 /* Shut down (Pushwall) */#define DIR_SEENFLAG 0x10 /* For automapping*/typedef struct { Byte plane; Byte dir; unsigned short children[2];} savenode_t;#ifndef __BIGENDIAN__typedef struct { Byte plane; /* in half tiles*/ Byte dir; Byte min,max; /* in half tiles*/ Byte texture; Byte area;} saveseg_t;#elsetypedef struct { Byte plane; /* in half tiles*/ Byte dir; Byte max,min; /* in half tiles*/ Byte area; Byte texture;} saveseg_t;#endif/********************************** Static object struct (Bullets,food,gold) **********************************//* Used by the renderer, must match the header of static_t, actor_t, missile_t */typedef struct { int x,y; /* Item's x,y */ Word sprite; /* Item's shape */ Word areanumber; /* Item's visible area */} thing_t;typedef struct { /* Must match thing_t */ Word x,y; /* Item's x,y */ Word pic; /* Picture of item */ Word areanumber; /* Which room is it in (Rendering) */} static_t;/********************************** Static door struct **********************************/typedef enum { DR_OPEN, /* Door is fully open */ DR_CLOSED, /* Door is fully closed */ DR_OPENING, /* Door is opening */ DR_CLOSING, /* Door is closing */ DR_WEDGEDOPEN /* Door is permenantly open */} dooraction_t;#define OPENTICS 120 /* Time to wait before closing a door (In Ticks) */#define DOORSPEED (TILEGLOBAL/64) /* Time to close a door (32 ticks) */typedef struct { Word tilex; /* X coord of door */ Word tiley; /* Y coord of door */ Word action; /* Action code (See above) for door */ Word position; /* Pixel position of door (0=Closed) */ Word info; /* Texture of the door (Steel,Elevator) */ Word ticcount; /* Time delay before automatic closing */ Word area1; /* Area # on one side of the door */ Word area2; /* Area # on the other side of the door */} door_t;typedef struct { Boolean Area1; /* First area */ Boolean Area2; /* Second area */} connect_t;/********************************** Pushwall state struct **********************************/typedef struct { Word pwallcount; /* Blocks still to move (Distance) */ Word pwallpos; /* Amount a pushable wall has been moved in it's tile */ Word pwallx,pwally; /* the tile the pushwall edge is in now*/ Word pwallcheckx,pwallchecky; /* the tile it will be in next*/ Word pwalldir; int pwallxchange, pwallychange; /* adjust coordinates this much*/} pushwall_t;/********************************** Sprite state struct **********************************/typedef struct { Word shapenum; /* Shape to display */ Word tictime; /* Time before next state */ thinklogic_t think; /* Think logic index */ actionlogic_t action; /* Action code */ stateindex_t next; /* Next state */} state_t;/********************************** Visible sprite struct (Used to render the sprites) **********************************/typedef struct { void *pos; /* position of sprite info */ ufixed_t columnstep; /* Step factor for width scale */ int x1,x2; /* Left x, Right x */ Word actornum; /* 0 if a static sprite / missile*/ Word clipscale; /* Size of sprite (Scale number) */} vissprite_t;/********************************** Data struct for thinking actor **********************************//* Actor flags */#define FL_SHOOTABLE 1#define FL_ACTIVE 2#define FL_SEEPLAYER 4 /* if True, dodge instead of moving straight forward*/#define FL_AMBUSH 16#define FL_WAITDOOR 32 /* if set, ac_dir points at a door*/#define FL_NOTMOVING 64 /* still centered in dest tile*/#define FL_DEAD 128 /* if set, don't shoot this anymore (death explosion)*/typedef struct { /* Must match thing_t */ Word x,y; Word pic; Word areanumber; Word ticcount; /* Time before motion */ class_t class; /* Actor's class */ stateindex_t state; /* State index */ Word flags; /* State flags (See above) */ Word distance; /* Distance to travel before change */ Word dir; /* 9 directions for motion */ Word hitpoints; /* Hit points before death */ Word speed; /* Speed of motion */ Word goalx; /* tile x,y for movement goal */ Word goaly; Word reacttime; /* Time to react to the player */} actor_t;/********************************** Missile struct (Rockets, flames) **********************************/typedef enum { /* Flame type */ MI_PMISSILE, /* Player's missile */ MI_PFLAME, /* Player's flame */ MI_EMISSILE, MI_NEEDLE} mtype_t;#define MF_HITPLAYER 1 /* Can it hit the player? */#define MF_HITENEMIES 2 /* Can it hit an enemy? */#define MF_HITSTATICS 4 /* Can it hit a static item? */typedef struct { /* Must match thing_t */ Word x,y; /* Position of the missile */ Word pic; /* Picture of missile */ Word areanumber; /* Area missile is in */ Word type; /* Also used as a ticcount for explosions */ Word flags; /* Who can I hit? (If zero then explosion) */ int xspeed,yspeed; /* Direction of travel */} missile_t;/********************************** Flags used by tilemap, NOTE: this allows only 128 unique tiles **********************************/#define TI_SECRET 0x8000 /* Secret level switch */#define TI_BODY 0x4000 /* Dead body here */#define TI_BLOCKSIGHT 0x2000 /* Sight is blocked */#define TI_GETABLE 0x1000 /* Getable item here */#define TI_ACTOR 0x800 /* Actor here */#define TI_DOOR 0x400 /* Door here */#define TI_PUSHWALL 0x200 /* Pushwall here */#define TI_SWITCH 0x100 /* Exit switch here */#define TI_BLOCKMOVE 0x80 /* Block in motion here */#define TI_NUMMASK 0x7f /* Can be an area, door number, or pwall number */extern LongWord rw_scale;extern LongWord rw_scalestep;extern Word rw_midpoint;extern Word rw_mintex;extern Word rw_maxtex;extern Byte *rw_texture;extern int rw_centerangle;extern Boolean rw_downside; /* True for dir_east and dir_south*/extern Byte *ArtData[64];extern Byte textures[MAPSIZE*2+5][MAPSIZE]; /* 0-63 is horizontal, 64-127 is vertical*/ /* 128 - 132 are doors*//* In Mac.c, 3DO.c, AppleIIgs.c */extern void InitTools(void);extern void BlastScreen(void);extern void BlastScreen2(Rect *BlastRect);extern void DoMacEvents(void);extern void BailOut(void);extern void GoodBye(void);extern void ReadSystemJoystick(void);extern Word NewGameWindow(Word NewVidSize);extern void ShowGetPsyched(void);extern void DrawPsyched(Word Index);extern void EndGetPsyched(void);extern Word ChooseGameDiff(void);extern void ShareWareEnd(void);extern void FinishLoadGame(void);/* In StateDef.c */extern state_t states[NUMSTATES]; /* Actor states *//* In Doors.c */extern void AddConnection(Word Area1,Word Area2);extern void RemoveConnection(Word Area1,Word Area2);extern void RecursiveConnect(Word areanumber);extern void ConnectAreas(void);extern void OpenDoor(door_t *door);extern void CloseDoor(door_t *door);extern void OperateDoor(Word dooron);extern void DoorOpen(door_t *door);extern void DoorOpening(door_t *door);extern void DoorClosing(door_t *door);extern void MoveDoors(void);/* Missiles.c */extern missile_t *GetNewMissile(void);extern void ExplodeMissile(missile_t *MissilePtr);extern void MissileHitPlayer(missile_t *MissilePtr);extern Boolean MissileHitEnemy(missile_t *MissilePtr,actor_t *ActorPtr);extern Boolean CheckMissileActorHits(missile_t *MissilePtr);extern void MoveMissiles(void);/* In Level.c */extern void SpawnStatic(Word x,Word y,Word shape);extern void SpawnPlayer(Word x,Word y,Word dir);extern void SpawnStand(Word x,Word y,class_t which);extern void SpawnAmbush(Word x,Word y,class_t which);extern void SpawnDoor(Word x,Word y,Word type);extern void AddPWallTrack(Word x,Word y,Word tile);extern void SpawnPushwall(Word x,Word y,Word tile);extern void SpawnElevator(Word x,Word y);extern void SpawnOut(Word x,Word y);extern void SpawnSecret(Word x,Word y);extern void SpawnThings(void);extern void ReleaseMap(void);extern Boolean SetupGameLevel(void);extern Word LoadWallArt(void);extern Word LoadSpriteArt(void);/* In Sight.c */extern Boolean CheckLine(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void FirstSighting(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void T_Stand(actor_t *ActorPtr);/* In Enmove.c */extern dirtype opposite[9];extern dirtype diagonal[9][9];extern void NewState(actor_t *ActorPtr,stateindex_t state);extern Boolean CheckDiag(Word x,Word y);extern Word CheckSide(Word x,Word y,actor_t *ActorPtr);extern Boolean TryWalk(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void SelectDodgeDir(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void SelectChaseDir(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void MoveActor(actor_t *ActorPtr,Word move);/* In EnThink.c */void PlaceItemType(Word shape,actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void KillActor(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void DamageActor(Word damage,actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_Throw(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_Launch(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_Scream(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_Thud(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_Victory(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_HitlerMorph(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_Shoot(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_Bite(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern Word CalcDistance(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_Target(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void A_MechStep(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void T_Chase(actor_t *ActorPtr);extern void MoveActors(void);/* In PlStuff.c */extern void TakeDamage(Word points,Word x,Word y);extern void HealSelf(Word points);extern void GiveExtraMan(void);extern void GivePoints(LongWord points);extern void GiveTreasure(void);extern void GiveWeapon(weapontype weapon);extern void GiveAmmo(Word ammo);extern void GiveGas(Word ammo);extern void GiveMissile(Word ammo);extern void GiveKey(Word key);extern void BonusSound(void);extern void WeaponSound(void);extern void HealthSound(void);extern void KeySound(void);extern void GetBonus(Word x,Word y);/* In PlThink.c */extern void ChangeWeapon(void);extern void Cmd_Fire(void);extern void Cmd_Use(void);extern void Cmd_ChangeWeapon(void);extern actor_t *TargetEnemy(void);extern void KnifeAttack(void);extern void GunAttack(void);extern void FlameAttack(void);extern void MissileAttack(void);extern void MovePlayer(void);/* In PlMove.c */extern void ControlMovement(void);/* In PushWall.c */extern pushwall_t PushWallRec; /* Record for the single pushwall in progress */extern void SetPWallChange(void);extern void PushWallOne(void);extern void PushWall(Word x,Word y,Word dir);extern void MovePWalls(void);/* In WolfIO.c */extern void SetNumber(LongWord number,Word x,Word y,Word digits);extern void IO_CheckInput(void);extern void IO_DrawFloor(Word floor);extern void IO_DrawScore(LongWord score);extern void IO_DrawLives(Word lives);extern void IO_DrawHealth(Word health);extern void IO_DrawAmmo(Word ammo);extern void IO_DrawTreasure(Word treasure);extern void IO_DrawKeys(Word keys);extern void IO_AttackShape(Word shape);extern void IO_DrawFace(Word face);extern void IO_DrawStatusBar(void);extern void IO_ClearViewBuffer(void);extern void IO_ScaleWallColumn(Word x,Word scale,Word tile,Word column);extern void IO_DisplayViewBuffer(void);/* In SetupScalers.c */extern Boolean BuildCompScale (Word height, void **finalspot,Byte *WorkPtr);extern Boolean SetupScalers(void);extern void ReleaseScalers(void);extern void IO_ScaleMaskedColumn(Word x,Word scale,unsigned short *sprite,Word column);extern void DrawSmall(Word x,Word y,Word tile);extern void MakeSmallFont(void);extern void KillSmallFont(void);/* In Intro.c */extern void Intro(void);/* In Music.c */extern void StopSong(void);extern void StartSong(Word songnum);/* In WolfMain.c */extern Word w_abs(int v);extern Byte rndtable[256];extern Word rndindex;extern Word w_rnd(void);extern Word AngleFromSlope2(Word y,Word x);extern angle_t PointToAngle(fixed_t x,fixed_t y);extern void GameOver(void);extern void VictoryScale(void);extern void Died(void);extern void UpdateFace(void);extern void PrepPlayLoop(void);extern void PlayLoop(void);extern void NewGame(void);extern void RedrawStatusBar(void);extern void GameLoop(void);/* In RefSprite.c */extern void Merge(Word Size1,Word Size2);extern void SortEvents(void);extern void RenderSprite(Word x1,Word x2,vissprite_t *rs_seg);extern void AddSprite(thing_t *thing,Word actornum);extern void DrawTopSprite(void);extern void DrawSprites(void);/* In Refresh.c */extern savenode_t *nodes;extern saveseg_t *pwallseg;extern fixed_t FixedByFrac(fixed_t a, fixed_t b);extern fixed_t SUFixedMul(fixed_t a, ufixed_t b);extern fixed_t FixedDiv(fixed_t a, fixed_t b);extern fixed_t R_TransformX(fixed_t x,fixed_t y);extern fixed_t R_TransformZ(fixed_t x,fixed_t y);extern Word ScaleFromGlobalAngle(int visangle,int distance);extern void DrawAutomap(Word tx,Word ty);extern Boolean StartupRendering(Word NewSize);extern void NewMap(void);extern void StartPushWall(void);extern void AdvancePushWall(void);extern void RenderView(void);/* In Refresh2.c */extern Word MathSize; /* The current size of the math tables */extern Word *scaleatzptr; /* Pointer to the scale table for z projection */extern short *xtoviewangle; /* Screen x to view angle */extern short *viewangletox; /* View angle to screen x */extern short *finetangent; /* Fine tangent table */extern short *finesine; /* Fine sine table */extern fixed_t sintable[ANGLES]; /* Course sine table */extern fixed_t costable[ANGLES]; /* Course cosine table */extern Word tantoangle[513]; /* Course tangent to angle table */extern void GetTableMemory(void);/* In RefBsp.c */extern void RenderWallLoop(Word x1,Word x2,Word distance);extern void RenderWallRange(Word start,Word stop,saveseg_t *seg,Word distance);extern void ClipWallSegment(Word top,Word bottom,saveseg_t *seg,Word distance);extern void ClearClipSegs(void);extern void P_DrawSeg(saveseg_t *seg);extern Boolean CheckBSPNode(Word boxpos);extern void TerminalNode(saveseg_t *seg);extern void RenderBSPNode(Word bspnum);/* In SnesMain.c */extern void SetupPlayScreen(void);extern void RunAutoMap(void);extern void StartGame(void);extern Boolean TitleScreen(void);extern void WolfMain(void);/* In Intermis.c */extern void LevelCompleted(void);extern void Intermission(void);extern void VictoryIntermission(void);extern void CharacterCast(void);/* In Data.c */extern void *SpriteArray[S_LASTONE]; /* Pointers to all the sprites */extern Word tilemap[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; /* Main tile map */extern Word ConnectCount; /* Number of valid interconnects */extern connect_t areaconnect[MAXDOORS]; /* Is this area mated with another? */extern Boolean areabyplayer[MAXAREAS]; /* Which areas can I see into? */extern Word numstatics; /* Number of active static objects */extern static_t statics[MAXSTATICS]; /* Data for the static items */extern Word numdoors; /* Number of active door objects */extern door_t doors[MAXDOORS]; /* Data for the door items */extern Word nummissiles; /* Number of active missiles */extern missile_t missiles[MAXMISSILES]; /* Data for the missile items */extern Word numactors; /* Number of active actors */extern actor_t actors[MAXACTORS]; /* Data for the actors */extern t_compscale *AllScalers[MAXSCALER]; /* Pointers to all the compiled scalers */ extern Byte **GameShapes; /* Pointer to the game shape array */extern Word difficulty; /* 0 = easy, 1= normal, 2=hard*/extern gametype_t gamestate; /* Status of the game (Save game) */extern exit_t playstate; /* Current status of the game */extern Word killx,killy; /* X,Y of the thing that killed you! */extern Boolean madenoise; /* True when shooting or screaming*/extern Boolean playermoving; /* Is the player in motion? */extern Boolean useheld; /* Holding down the use key? */extern Boolean selectheld; /* Weapon select held down */extern Boolean attackheld; /* Attack button held down? */extern Boolean buttonstate[NUMBUTTONS]; /* Current input */extern Word joystick1; /* Joystick value */extern int mousex; /* Mouse x movement */extern int mousey; /* Mouse y movement */extern int mouseturn; /* Mouse turn factor */extern Word nextmap; /* Next map to warp to */extern Word facecount; /* Time to show a specific head */extern Word faceframe; /* Head pic to show */extern Word elevatorx,elevatory; /* x,y of the elevator */extern Word firstframe; /* if non 0, the screen is still faded out */extern Word OldMapNum; /* Currently loaded map # */extern loadmap_t *MapPtr; /* Pointer to current loaded map */extern int clipshortangle; /* Angle for the left edge of the screen */extern int clipshortangle2; /* clipshortangle * 2 */extern classinfo_t classinfo[]; /* Class information for all bad guys */extern Word viewx; /* X coord of camera */extern Word viewy; /* Y coord of camera */extern fixed_t viewsin; /* Base sine for viewing angle */extern fixed_t viewcos; /* Base cosine for viewing angle */extern Word normalangle; /* Normalized angle for view (NSEW) */extern Word centerangle; /* viewangle in fineangles*/extern Word centershort; /* viewangle in 64k angles*/extern Word topspritescale; /* Scale of topmost sprite */extern Word topspritenum; /* Shape of topmost sprite */extern Word xscale[1024]; /* Scale factor for width of the screen */extern Word numvisspr; /* Number of valid visible sprites */extern vissprite_t vissprites[MAXVISSPRITES]; /* Buffer for sprite records */extern Word xevents[MAXVISSPRITES]; /* Scale events for sprite sort */extern Word sortbuffer[MAXVISSPRITES]; /* mergesort requires an extra buffer*/extern Word *firstevent; /* First event in sorted list */extern Boolean areavis[MAXAREAS]; /* Area visible */extern Word bspcoord[4]; /* Rect for the BSP search */extern Word TicCount; /* Ticks since last screen draw */extern Word LastTicCount; /* Tick value at start of render */extern Word MacVidSize; /* Current 0 = 320, 1 = 512, 2 = 640 */extern Word SlowDown; /* If true, then limit game to 30hz */extern Word MouseEnabled; /* Allow mouse control */extern Word GameViewSize; /* Size of the game screen */extern Boolean IntermissionHack; /* Hack for preventing double score drawing during intermission */extern Word NoWeaponDraw; /* Flag to not draw the weapon on the screen */extern maplist_t *MapListPtr; /* Pointer to map info record */extern unsigned short *SongListPtr; /* Pointer to song list record */extern unsigned short *WallListPtr; /* Pointer to wall list record */extern Word MaxScaler; /* Maximum number of VALID scalers */extern Word NaziSound[]; /* Sounds for nazis starting */extern Boolean ShowPush; /* Cheat for showing pushwalls on automap */#endif /* __WOLFDEF__ */