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#include "WolfDef.h"#include <string.h>/********************************** Draw a space padded list of numbers for the score **********************************/LongWord pow10[] = {1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000};Word NumberIndex = 36; /* First number in the shape list... */void SetNumber(LongWord number,Word x,Word y,Word digits){ LongWord val; Word count; Word empty; empty = 1; /* No char's drawn yet */ while (digits) { /* Any digits left? */ count = 0; /* No value yet */ val = pow10[digits-1]; /* Get the power of 10 */ while (number >= val) { /* Any value here? */ count++; /* +1 to the count */ number -= val; /* Remove the value */ } if (empty && !count && digits!=1) { /* pad on left with blanks rather than 0 */ DrawShape(x,y,GameShapes[NumberIndex]); } else { empty = 0; /* I have drawn... */ DrawShape(x,y,GameShapes[count+NumberIndex]); /* Draw the digit */ } x+=ScaleX(8); digits--; /* Count down */ }}/********************************** Read from the Mac's keyboard/mouse system **********************************/void IO_CheckInput(void){ ReadSystemJoystick(); /* Set the variable "joystick1" */ /* check for auto map */ if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_START) { RunAutoMap(); /* Do the auto map */ }/*** get game control flags from joypad*/ memset(buttonstate,0,sizeof(buttonstate)); /* Zap the buttonstates */ if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_UP) buttonstate[bt_north] = 1; if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_DN) buttonstate[bt_south] = 1; if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_LFT) buttonstate[bt_west] = 1; if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_RGT) buttonstate[bt_east] = 1; if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_TL) buttonstate[bt_left] = 1; if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_TR) buttonstate[bt_right] = 1; if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_B) buttonstate[bt_attack] = 1; if (joystick1 & (JOYPAD_Y|JOYPAD_X) ) buttonstate[bt_run] = 1; if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_A) buttonstate[bt_use] = 1; if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_SELECT) { buttonstate[bt_select] = 1; }}/********************************** Draw the floor and castle # **********************************/void IO_DrawFloor(Word floor){ SetNumber(MapListPtr->InfoArray[floor].ScenarioNum,ScaleX(8),ScaleY(176),1); SetNumber(MapListPtr->InfoArray[floor].FloorNum,ScaleX(32),ScaleY(176),1);}/********************************** Draw the score **********************************/void IO_DrawScore(LongWord score){ if (!IntermissionHack) { /* Don't draw during intermission! */ SetNumber(score,ScaleX(56),ScaleY(176),7); }}/********************************** Draw the number of live remaining **********************************/void IO_DrawLives(Word lives){ if (!IntermissionHack) { /* Don't draw during intermission! */ --lives; /* Adjust for zero start value */ if (lives > 9) { lives = 9; /* Failsafe */ } SetNumber(lives,ScaleX(188),ScaleY(176),1); /* Draw the lives count */ }}/********************************** Draw the health **********************************/void IO_DrawHealth(Word health){ SetNumber(health,ScaleX(210),ScaleY(176),3);}/********************************** Draw the ammo remaining **********************************/void IO_DrawAmmo(Word ammo){ SetNumber(ammo,ScaleX(268),ScaleY(176),3);}/********************************** Draw the treasure score **********************************/void IO_DrawTreasure(Word treasure){ SetNumber(treasure,ScaleX(128),ScaleY(176),2);}/********************************** Draw the keys held **********************************/void IO_DrawKeys(Word keys){ if (keys&1) { DrawShape(ScaleX(310),ScaleY(164),GameShapes[10]); } if (keys&2) { DrawShape(ScaleX(310),ScaleY(184),GameShapes[11]); }}/********************************** Draw the gun in the foreground **********************************/void IO_AttackShape(Word shape){ DrawXMShape(ScaleX(128),ScaleY(96),GameShapes[shape+12]);}/********************************** Draw the BJ's face **********************************/void IO_DrawFace(Word face){ DrawShape(ScaleX(160),ScaleY(164),GameShapes[face]); /* Draw the face */}/********************************** Redraw the main status bar **********************************/void IO_DrawStatusBar(void){ DrawShape(ScaleX(0),ScaleY(160),GameShapes[46]);}/********************************** Erase the floor and ceiling **********************************/#ifndef __APPLEIIGS__ /* Done in assembly on the IIgs version */#ifndef __3DO__void IO_ClearViewBuffer(void){ unsigned char *Screenad; Word Count,WCount; LongWord *LScreenad; LongWord Fill; Screenad = VideoPointer; Count = VIEWHEIGHT/2; Fill = 0x2f2f2f2f; do { WCount = SCREENWIDTH/4; LScreenad = (LongWord *) Screenad; do { *LScreenad++ = Fill; /* 004 */ } while (--WCount); Screenad+=VideoWidth; } while (--Count); Count = VIEWHEIGHT/2; Fill = 0x2A2A2A2A; do { WCount = SCREENWIDTH/4; LScreenad = (LongWord *) Screenad; do { *LScreenad++ = Fill; } while (--WCount); Screenad+=VideoWidth; } while (--Count);}#endif#endif/********************************** Copy the 3-D screen to display memory **********************************/void IO_DisplayViewBuffer (void){ BlastScreen();/* if this is the first frame rendered, upload everything and fade in */ if (firstframe) { FadeTo(rGamePal); firstframe = 0; }}