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#include "wolfdef.h"#define SHOTRATE 6/********************************** Change my weapon to the biggest one I got **********************************/static void OutOfAmmo(void){ if (gamestate.missile && gamestate.missiles) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_MISSILE; return; /* Launcher & missiles */ } if (gamestate.flamethrower && gamestate.gas) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_FLAMETHROWER; return; /* Flames and gas */ } if (gamestate.ammo) { if (gamestate.chaingun) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_CHAINGUN; return; } if (gamestate.machinegun) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_MACHINEGUN; return; } gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_PISTOL; return; } gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_KNIFE;} /********************************** Draw the ammo for the new weapon **********************************/void ChangeWeapon (void){ switch(gamestate.weapon) { /* Which weapon */ case WP_PISTOL: case WP_MACHINEGUN: case WP_CHAINGUN: IO_DrawAmmo(gamestate.ammo); /* Draw bullets */ break; case WP_FLAMETHROWER: IO_DrawAmmo(gamestate.gas); /* Draw gasoline */ break; case WP_MISSILE: IO_DrawAmmo(gamestate.missiles); /* Draw missiles */ } }/********************************** Fire my weapon, change to knife if no more ammo **********************************/void Cmd_Fire(void){ switch(gamestate.weapon) { case WP_CHAINGUN: case WP_MACHINEGUN: case WP_PISTOL: if (!gamestate.ammo) { /* Do I have ammo? */ OutOfAmmo(); /* Change the weapon */ } break; case WP_FLAMETHROWER: if (!gamestate.gas) { OutOfAmmo(); /* Change the weapon */ } break; case WP_MISSILE: if (!gamestate.missiles) { OutOfAmmo(); /* Change the weapon */ } } gamestate.attackframe = 1; /* Begin the attack */ gamestate.attackcount = SHOTRATE; /* Time before next action */}/********************************** Try to use a switch, door or pushwall... **********************************/void Cmd_Use(void){ Word dir; /* Direction facing */ Word tile; /* Tile tested */ Word x,y; /* x,y of the tile to test *//* Find which cardinal direction the player is facing */ x = actors[0].x >> FRACBITS; /* Get the x,y in tiles */ y = actors[0].y >> FRACBITS; dir = ((gamestate.viewangle+ANGLES/8)&(ANGLES-1)) >> 7; /* Force into a cardinal direction */ switch (dir) { case 0: x++; dir = CD_EAST; /* East */ break; case 1: y--; dir = CD_NORTH; /* North */ break; case 2: x--; dir = CD_WEST; /* West */ break; case 3: y++; dir = CD_SOUTH; /* South */ } tile = tilemap[y][x]; /* Get the tile data */ if (tile & TI_DOOR) { /* Is this a door? */ OperateDoor(tile&TI_NUMMASK); /* Door # to operate */ return; } if (!PushWallRec.pwallcount && (tile&TI_PUSHWALL)) { /* Push wall? */ PushWall(x,y,dir); /* Note: Only 1 pushwall at a time! */ return; } if (tile & TI_SWITCH) { /* Elevator switch? */ PlaySound(SND_THROWSWITCH|0x8000); playstate = EX_COMPLETED; return; } if (tile & TI_SECRET) { /* Secret level? */ PlaySound(SND_THROWSWITCH|0x8000); playstate = EX_SECRET; return; } if (tile & TI_BLOCKSIGHT) { PlaySound(SND_HITWALL|0x8000); /* Oof! */ }}/********************************** Change my weapon **********************************/void Cmd_ChangeWeapon(void){ for (;;) { ++gamestate.pendingweapon; /* Next weapon */ switch(gamestate.pendingweapon) { case WP_PISTOL: if (gamestate.ammo) { /* Do I have ammo ? */ return; /* Use it! */ } break; case WP_MACHINEGUN: if (gamestate.machinegun && gamestate.ammo) { return; /* Machine gun & ammo! */ } break; case WP_CHAINGUN: if (gamestate.chaingun && gamestate.ammo) { return; /* Chain gun & ammo! */ } break; case WP_FLAMETHROWER: if (gamestate.flamethrower && gamestate.gas) { return; /* Flames and gas */ } break; case WP_MISSILE: if (gamestate.missile && gamestate.missiles) { return; /* Launcher & missiles */ } break; default: gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_KNIFE; /* Force as the knife */ return; } }}/********************************** Sets actor to the closest enemy in the line of fire, or 0 if there is no valid target **********************************/actor_t *TargetEnemy (void){ Word *xe; Word i; vissprite_t *dseg; actor_t *ActorPtr;/* look at the drawn sprites from closest to farthest*/ i = numvisspr; if (i) { /* Any drawn? */ xe = &firstevent[i-1]; /* Index to the CLOSEST sprite */ do { dseg = &vissprites[xe[0]&(MAXVISSPRITES-1)]; if (dseg->actornum) { /* static sprite or missile */ if (xscale[CENTERX] <= dseg->clipscale) { /* Not obscured by a wall*/ if (dseg->x1 <= CENTERX+8 && dseg->x2 >= CENTERX-8) { ActorPtr = &actors[dseg->actornum]; /* Get pointer to the actor */ if (!(ActorPtr->flags & FL_DEAD)) { /* Dead already? */ return ActorPtr; /* Shoot me! */ } } } } --xe; } while (--i); } return 0; /* No actor in range */}/********************************** Attack with a knife **********************************/void KnifeAttack(void){ actor_t *ActorPtr; ActorPtr = TargetEnemy(); /* Who to hit? */ if (ActorPtr) { /* Got someone? */ if (CalcDistance(ActorPtr) <= KNIFEDIST) { /* In range? */ DamageActor(w_rnd()&15,ActorPtr); /* Hit him! */ PlaySound(SND_KNIFE|0x8000); return; } } PlaySound(SND_KNIFEMISS|0x8000); /* Swish the knife */}/********************************** Attack with a pistol, machine gun, chain gun **********************************/void GunAttack(void){ Word Damage; actor_t *ActorPtr; if (gamestate.weapon == WP_CHAINGUN ) { Damage = SND_CHAIN|0x8000; /* Bang! */ } else if (gamestate.weapon == WP_MACHINEGUN) { Damage = SND_MGUN|0x8000; } else { Damage = SND_GUNSHT|0x8000; } PlaySound(Damage); /* Play the gun shot sound */ madenoise = TRUE; /* I made some noise */ if (!gamestate.godmode) { --gamestate.ammo; /* Remove a bullet */ } IO_DrawAmmo(gamestate.ammo); /* Redraw the ammo */ ActorPtr = TargetEnemy(); /* Anyone to hit? */ if (ActorPtr) { /* Found one? */ if (CalcDistance(ActorPtr) < 2*TILEGLOBAL) { /* Close range? */ Damage = w_rnd()&15; /* More damage */ } else { Damage = w_rnd()&7; } DamageActor(Damage,ActorPtr); /* Shoot! */ }}/********************************** Attack with a flame thrower **********************************/void FlameAttack(void){ int x; /* Sine,cos value */ missile_t *MissilePtr; /* Pointer to new missile record */ madenoise = TRUE; PlaySound(SND_FTHROW|0x8000); /* Burn! */ if (!gamestate.godmode) { --gamestate.gas; /* Use a gallon of gas */ } IO_DrawAmmo(gamestate.gas); /* Draw the gas value */ /* flame sprite*/ MissilePtr = GetNewMissile(); /* Get a missile record */ MissilePtr->areanumber = actors[0].areanumber; /* Start where I am */ x = costable[gamestate.viewangle]; /* Set the x velocity */ MissilePtr->xspeed = x/5; /* Set the speed */ MissilePtr->x = (x/4) + actors[0].x; x = -sintable[gamestate.viewangle]; /* Set the y velocity */ MissilePtr->yspeed = x/5; /* Set the speed */ MissilePtr->y = (x/4) + actors[0].y; MissilePtr->pic = S_FIREBALL; /* Use the fireball pic */ MissilePtr->flags = MF_HITENEMIES | MF_HITSTATICS; MissilePtr->type = MI_PFLAME;}/********************************** Attack with a missile **********************************/void MissileAttack(void){ int x; /* Sine,Cos value */ missile_t *MissilePtr; /* Pointer to new missile record */ PlaySound(SND_ROCKET|0x8000); /* Fire! */ madenoise = TRUE; /* Made a racket */ if (!gamestate.godmode) { --gamestate.missiles; } IO_DrawAmmo(gamestate.missiles); /* Draw the missile count */ MissilePtr = GetNewMissile(); /* missile sprite */ MissilePtr->areanumber = actors[0].areanumber; x = costable[gamestate.viewangle]; MissilePtr->x = (x/4) + actors[0].x; /* Must be visible for screen! */ MissilePtr->xspeed = (x/5); x = -sintable[gamestate.viewangle]; MissilePtr->y = (x/4) + actors[0].y; MissilePtr->yspeed = (x/5); MissilePtr->pic = S_MISSILE; MissilePtr->flags = MF_HITENEMIES | MF_HITSTATICS; MissilePtr->type = MI_PMISSILE;}/********************************** Move the player (Called every tic) **********************************/void MovePlayer(void){ ControlMovement(); /* Read the controller *//* check for use*/ if (buttonstate[bt_use]) { /* Pressed use? */ if (!useheld) { useheld = TRUE; /* Only once... */ Cmd_Use(); } } else { useheld = FALSE; /* It's released */ }/* check for weapon select */ if (buttonstate[bt_select]) { if (!selectheld) { selectheld = TRUE; /* Only once */ Cmd_ChangeWeapon(); /* Change the weapon */ } } else { selectheld = FALSE; /* It's released */ }/* check for starting an attack */ if (buttonstate[bt_attack]) { if (!attackheld && !gamestate.attackframe) { attackheld = TRUE; /* Held down */ Cmd_Fire(); /* Initiate firing my weapon */ } } else { attackheld = FALSE; /* It's released */ } /* advance attacking action */ if (!gamestate.attackframe) { /* Not in the middle of firing the weapon? */ if (gamestate.pendingweapon != gamestate.weapon) { /* New weapon? */ gamestate.weapon = gamestate.pendingweapon; /* Set the weapon */ ChangeWeapon(); /* Redraw the ammo */ } return; /* Exit now */ } /* I am in an attack, time yet? */ if (gamestate.attackcount>TicCount) { /* Wait to attack! */ gamestate.attackcount-=TicCount; /* Wait a bit */ return; }/* change frame */ if (TicCount<SHOTRATE) { gamestate.attackcount += (SHOTRATE-TicCount); /* Carry over the time */ } ++gamestate.attackframe; /* Next animation frame *//* frame 2: attack frame */ if (gamestate.attackframe == 2) { switch (gamestate.weapon) { case WP_KNIFE: KnifeAttack(); /* Knife 'em */ break; case WP_PISTOL: if (!gamestate.ammo) { gamestate.attackframe = 4; return; } GunAttack(); /* One shot */ break; case WP_MACHINEGUN: if (!gamestate.ammo) { gamestate.attackframe = 4; return; } GunAttack(); /* First shot */ break; case WP_CHAINGUN: if (!gamestate.ammo) { gamestate.attackframe = 4; return; } GunAttack(); /* First of many shots */ break; case WP_FLAMETHROWER: if (!gamestate.gas) { gamestate.attackframe = 4; return; } FlameAttack(); /* Shoot a flame */ break; case WP_MISSILE: if (!gamestate.missiles) { gamestate.attackframe = 4; return; } MissileAttack(); /* Shoot the missile */ } }/* frame 3: second shot for chaingun and flamethrower */ if (gamestate.attackframe == 3) { if (gamestate.weapon == WP_CHAINGUN ) { if (!gamestate.ammo) { ++gamestate.attackframe; } else { GunAttack(); /* Shoot! */ } } else if (gamestate.weapon == WP_FLAMETHROWER ) { if (!gamestate.gas) { ++gamestate.attackframe; } else { FlameAttack(); /* Flame on! */ } } return; }/* frame 4: possible auto fire */ if (gamestate.attackframe == 4) { if (buttonstate[bt_attack]) { /* Held down? */ if ( (gamestate.weapon == WP_MACHINEGUN || gamestate.weapon == WP_CHAINGUN) && gamestate.ammo) { gamestate.attackframe = 2; /* Fire again */ GunAttack(); /* Shoot */ } if (gamestate.weapon == WP_FLAMETHROWER && gamestate.gas) { gamestate.attackframe=2; FlameAttack(); /* Flame again */ } } return; } if (gamestate.attackframe == 5) { /* End the attack */ switch (gamestate.weapon) { case WP_CHAINGUN: case WP_MACHINEGUN: case WP_PISTOL: if (!gamestate.ammo) { OutOfAmmo(); /* Switch weapons */ } else if (gamestate.weapon == WP_PISTOL && buttonstate[bt_attack] && !attackheld) { attackheld = TRUE; gamestate.attackframe = 1; /* Fire again the pistol */ return; } break; case WP_FLAMETHROWER: if (!gamestate.gas) { /* Out of gas? */ OutOfAmmo(); /* Change weapons */ } break; case WP_MISSILE: if (!gamestate.missiles) { /* Out of missiles? */ OutOfAmmo(); /* Switch weapons */ } } gamestate.attackcount = 0; /* Shut down the attack */ gamestate.attackframe = 0; }}