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Copy pathPlMove.c
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#include "wolfdef.h"/********************************** See if players current position is ok returns True if move ok All coordinates are stored in 8.8 fractions (8 bits integer, 8 bits fraction) **********************************/static Boolean TryMove(Word Checkx,Word Checky){ actor_t *ActorPtr; /* Pointer to actor record */ Word xl,yl,xh,yh; /* Rect to scan */ Word tile; /* Tile being tested */ Word x,y; /* Working x,y */ xl = (Checkx - PLAYERSIZE)>>FRACBITS; /* Make the rect for the player in tiles */ xh = ((Checkx + PLAYERSIZE)>>FRACBITS)+1; yl = (Checky - PLAYERSIZE)>>FRACBITS; yh = ((Checky + PLAYERSIZE)>>FRACBITS)+1; /* check for solid walls*/ y = yl; do { x=xl; do { tile = tilemap[y][x]; /* Test the tile */ if (tile & TI_GETABLE) { /* Can I get this? */ GetBonus(x,y); /* Get the item */ } if (tile & TI_BLOCKMOVE) { /* Motion blocked */ return FALSE; /* Can't go this way! */ } } while (++x<xh); /* Scan the x */ } while (++y<yh); /* Scan the y *//* check for actors */ yl--; /* Increase the rect for actor hits */ yh++; xl--; xh++; y = yl; do { x = xl; do { tile = tilemap[y][x]; /* Get the tile */ if (tile&TI_ACTOR) { /* Actor here? */ ActorPtr = &actors[MapPtr->tilemap[y][x]]; if (w_abs(ActorPtr->x - Checkx) < MINACTORDIST) { if (w_abs(ActorPtr->y - Checky) < MINACTORDIST) return FALSE; /* I hit the actor! */ } } } while (++x<xh); /* Scan the x */ } while (++y<yh); /* Scan the y */ playermoving = TRUE; /* I am moving (Harder to hit) */ return TRUE; /* Way is clear */}/********************************** Clip the player's motion I will also try to use as much motion as I have **********************************/static void ClipMove(int xmove,int ymove){ int Checkx,Checky;/* Try complete move */ Checkx = xmove; /* Save the current motion offset */ Checky = ymove; do { if (TryMove(actors[0].x+Checkx,actors[0].y+Checky)) { /* Can I move here? */ actors[0].x += Checkx; /* Save it */ actors[0].y += Checky; if (Checkx==xmove) { /* Use all the motion? */ return; /* Exit now! */ } xmove-=Checkx; /* Remove the used motion */ ymove-=Checky; break; /* Exit now */ } if (Checkx==-1) { /* Minimum motion */ Checkx = 0; } Checkx>>=1; /* Reduce the amount of motion */ if (Checky==-1) { /* Minimum motion */ Checky=0; } Checky>>=1; } while (Checkx || Checky); /* Is there ANY motion? */ /* Try horizontal motion */ Checkx = actors[0].x + xmove; if (TryMove(Checkx,actors[0].y)) { actors[0].x = Checkx; /* Set new x */ return; }/* try just vertical*/ Checky = actors[0].y + ymove; if (TryMove(actors[0].x,Checky)) { actors[0].y = Checky; /* Set new y */ }}/********************************** Adds movement to xmove & ymove **********************************/static void Thrust(Word angle,Word speed,Word *xmove, Word *ymove){ angle &= ANGLES-1; /* Mask the angle range */ if (speed >= TILEGLOBAL) { speed = TILEGLOBAL-1; /* Force maximum speed */ } *xmove += FixedByFrac(speed,costable[angle]); /* Add x motion */ *ymove -= FixedByFrac(speed,sintable[angle]); /* Add y motion */}/********************************** Changes the player's angle and position **********************************/#define TURNSPEED 4 /* Turning while moving */#define FASTTURN 6 /* Turning in place */#define WALKSPEED 25#define RUNSPEED 45void ControlMovement(void){ Word turn,total; Word tile; Word xmove,ymove; Word move; playermoving = FALSE; /* No motion (Yet) */ xmove = 0; /* Init my deltas */ ymove = 0; if (buttonstate[bt_run]) { turn = FASTTURN*TicCount; /* Really fast turn */ move = RUNSPEED*TicCount; } else { turn = TURNSPEED*TicCount; /* Moderate speed turn */ move = WALKSPEED*TicCount; }/* turning */ gamestate.viewangle += mouseturn; /* Add in the mouse movement verbatim */ if (buttonstate[bt_east]) { gamestate.viewangle -= turn; /* Turn right */ } if (buttonstate[bt_west]) { gamestate.viewangle += turn; /* Turn left */ } gamestate.viewangle &= (ANGLES-1); /* Fix the viewing angle *//* Handle all strafe motion */ if (mousex) { /* Side to side motion (Strafe mode) */ mousex<<=3; if (mousex>0) { Thrust(gamestate.viewangle - ANGLES/4,mousex,&xmove,&ymove); } else { Thrust(gamestate.viewangle + ANGLES/4,-mousex,&xmove,&ymove); } } if (buttonstate[bt_right]) { /* Slide right keyboard */ Thrust(gamestate.viewangle - ANGLES/4, move>>1,&xmove,&ymove); } if (buttonstate[bt_left]) { /* Slide left keyboard */ Thrust(gamestate.viewangle + ANGLES/4, move>>1,&xmove,&ymove); } /* Handle all forward motion */ total = buttonstate[bt_north] ? move : 0; /* Move ahead? */ if (mousey < 0) { /* Moved the mouse ahead? */ total -= mousey<<3; /* Add it in */ } if (total) { Thrust(gamestate.viewangle, total,&xmove,&ymove); /* Move ahead */ } total = buttonstate[bt_south] ? move : 0; /* Reverse direction */ if (mousey > 0) { total += mousey<<3; } if (total) { Thrust(gamestate.viewangle+ANGLES/2, total,&xmove,&ymove); } mousex = 0; mousey = 0; /* Reset the mouse motion */ mouseturn = 0; if (xmove || ymove) { /* Any motion? */ ClipMove(xmove,ymove); /* Move ahead (Clipped) */ tile = tilemap[actors[0].y>>FRACBITS][actors[0].x>>FRACBITS]; if (!(tile&TI_DOOR) ) { /* Normal tile? */ actors[0].areanumber = tile & TI_NUMMASK; /* Set my new area */ } }}