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#include "WolfDef.h"#include <Palettes.h>#include <gestalt.h>#include "PickAMonitor.h"#define PAMStrings 2001#define NoColorString 1#define NoDepthString 2#define NoSizeString 3#define NoProblemString 4void CheckMonitor(DialogPtr theWindow, int bitDepth, Boolean colorRequired, short minWidth, short minHeight);void OutlineOK(DialogPtr theDialog, Boolean enabled);/********************************** Take a window pointer and center it onto the current video device **********************************/void CenterWindowOnMonitor(WindowPtr theWindow, GDHandle theMonitor){ short newH, newV; Rect mRect; mRect = (**theMonitor).gdRect; /* Get the rect of the monitor */ /* Find the difference between the two monitors' sizes */ newH = (mRect.right - mRect.left) - (theWindow->portRect.right - theWindow->portRect.left); newV = (mRect.bottom - - (theWindow->portRect.bottom - theWindow->; /* Half the difference so that it's centered top-to-bottom and left-to-right */ /* Add that offset to the upper-left of the monitor */ MoveWindow(theWindow,(newH>>1)+mRect.left,(newV>>1),TRUE); /* Move and bring to front */}/********************************** Returns true if the device supports color **********************************/Boolean SupportsColor(GDHandle theMonitor){ return TestDeviceAttribute(theMonitor,gdDevType); /* Is it color? */}/********************************** Returns true if the device supports a specific color depth **********************************/short SupportsDepth(GDHandle theMonitor, int theDepth, Boolean needsColor){ return HasDepth(theMonitor,theDepth,1<<gdDevType,needsColor);}/********************************** Returns true if the device supports a specific video size **********************************/Boolean SupportsSize(GDHandle theMonitor, short theWidth, short theHeight){ Rect theRect; /* Grab the dimensions of the monitor */ theRect = (**theMonitor).gdRect; /* Offset it to (0, 0) references */ OffsetRect(&theRect, -theRect.left,; /* Check the dimensions to see if they are large enough */ if ((theRect.right < theWidth) || (theRect.bottom < theHeight)) { return FALSE; /* No good! */ } return TRUE;}/********************************** Return the GDevice from a specific quickdraw point **********************************/GDHandle MonitorFromPoint(Point *thePoint){ GDHandle theMonitor; /* Loop through the list of monitors to see one encompasses the point */ theMonitor = GetDeviceList(); /* Get the first monitor */ do { if (PtInRect(*thePoint,&(**theMonitor).gdRect)) { /* Is this it? */ break; /* Exit now */ } theMonitor = GetNextDevice(theMonitor); /* Get the next device in list */ } while (theMonitor); /* All done now? */ /* Just in case some weird evil happened, return a fail value (THEORETICALLY can't happen) */ return theMonitor;}//¥ ---------------------------------------- PickAMonitorGDHandle PickAMonitor(int theDepth, Boolean colorRequired, short minWidth, short minHeight){ GDHandle theMonitor; GDHandle tempMonitor; Point thePoint; EventRecord theEvent; DialogPtr theDialog; short itemHit; char theChar; Word validCount; GrafPtr savedPort; /* Loop through the monitor list once to make sure there is at least one good monitor */ theMonitor = GetDeviceList(); /* Get the first monitor */ tempMonitor = 0; /* No monitor found */ validCount = 0; /* None found */ do { if (colorRequired && !SupportsColor(theMonitor)) { /* Check for color? */ continue; } if (!SupportsDepth(theMonitor, theDepth, colorRequired)) { /* Check for bit depth */ continue; } if (!SupportsSize(theMonitor, minWidth, minHeight)) { /* Check for monitor size */ continue; } tempMonitor = theMonitor; /* Save the valid record */ ++validCount; /* Inc the count */ } while ((theMonitor = GetNextDevice(theMonitor)) != 0); /* If there was only one valid monitor, goodMonitor will be referencing it. Return it immediately. */ if (validCount == 1) { return (tempMonitor); /* Exit now */ } /* If there are no valid monitors then put up a dialog saying so. Then return nil. */ if (!validCount) { StopAlert(2001, nil); return 0; } //¥ Start an event loop going. Rather than using modalDialog with a gnarly filter, we'll just display the dialog //¥ then use a gnarly event loop to accommodate it. This will go on until the user selects either "This Monitor" //¥ (ok) or "Quit" (cancel). theDialog = GetNewDialog(2000, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L); CenterWindowOnMonitor((WindowPtr) theDialog, GetMainDevice()); InitCursor(); GetPort(&savedPort); SetPort(theDialog); ShowWindow(theDialog); CheckMonitor(theDialog, theDepth, colorRequired, minWidth, minHeight); do { itemHit = 0; /* Get next event from the event queue */ if (WaitNextEvent2(everyEvent&(~highLevelEventMask), &theEvent, 30, nil)) { switch (theEvent.what) { case keyDown: theChar = theEvent.message & charCodeMask; if ((theEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) && ((theChar == '.') || (theChar == 'q') || (theChar == 'Q'))) { itemHit = cancel; break; } if (theChar == 0x1B) { itemHit = cancel; break; } if ((theChar == 0x0D) || (theChar == 0x03)) { itemHit = ok; break; } break; //¥ Did we mouse-down in the dialogs drag-bar? case mouseDown: if (FindWindow(theEvent.where, (WindowPtr *) &theDialog) == inDrag) { DragWindow((WindowPtr) theDialog, theEvent.where, &qd.screenBits.bounds); GetMouse(&thePoint); LocalToGlobal(&thePoint); tempMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(&thePoint); CenterWindowOnMonitor((WindowPtr) theDialog, tempMonitor); CheckMonitor(theDialog, theDepth, colorRequired, minWidth, minHeight); break; } default: //¥ If not, perform regular dialog event processing DialogSelect(&theEvent, &theDialog, &itemHit); } } } while ((itemHit != ok) && (itemHit != cancel)); //¥ Ok, the dialog is still the active grafport so all coordinates are in its local system. If I define a point //¥ as (0, 0) now it will be the upper left corner of the dialog's drawing area. I then turn this to a global screen //¥ coordinate and call GetMonitorFromPoint. SetPt(&thePoint, 0, 0); LocalToGlobal(&thePoint); theMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(&thePoint); //¥ Restore our current graphics environment and return the monitor reference. SetPort(savedPort); DisposeDialog(theDialog); if (itemHit == ok) { return (theMonitor); } return (nil);}//¥ ---------------------------------------- CheckMonitorvoid CheckMonitor(DialogPtr theDialog, int bitDepth, Boolean colorRequired, short minWidth, short minHeight){GDHandle theMonitor;Point thePoint;short theType;Handle theHandle;Rect theRect;Str255 message;Boolean badMonitor = FALSE;GrafPtr savedPort; GetPort(&savedPort); SetPort((WindowPtr) theDialog); SetPt(&thePoint, 0, 0); LocalToGlobal(&thePoint); theMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(&thePoint); GetDialogItem(theDialog, 4, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); if (colorRequired && ! SupportsColor(theMonitor)) { GetIndString(message, PAMStrings, NoColorString); SetDialogItemText(theHandle, message); badMonitor = TRUE; } if (!SupportsDepth(theMonitor, bitDepth, colorRequired)) { GetIndString(message, PAMStrings, NoDepthString); SetDialogItemText(theHandle, message); badMonitor = TRUE; } if (! SupportsSize(theMonitor, minWidth, minHeight)) { GetIndString(message, PAMStrings, NoDepthString); SetDialogItemText(theHandle, message); badMonitor = TRUE; } SetPort(savedPort); if (badMonitor) { //¥ Gray-out the "This Monitor" button GetDialogItem(theDialog, ok, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); HiliteControl((ControlHandle) theHandle, 255); OutlineOK(theDialog, FALSE); BeginUpdate((WindowPtr) theDialog); UpdateDialog(theDialog, theDialog->visRgn); EndUpdate((WindowPtr) theDialog); return; } //¥ Activate the "This Monitor" button and put up the no problem text. GetIndString(message, PAMStrings, NoProblemString); SetDialogItemText(theHandle, message); GetDialogItem(theDialog, ok, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); HiliteControl((ControlHandle) theHandle, 0); OutlineOK(theDialog, TRUE); BeginUpdate((WindowPtr) theDialog); UpdateDialog(theDialog, theDialog->visRgn); EndUpdate((WindowPtr) theDialog);}//¥ ---------------------------------------- OutlineOKvoid OutlineOK(DialogPtr theDialog, Boolean enabled){GrafPtr savedPort;ColorSpec saveColor;PenState savedState;short theType;Handle theHandle;Rect theRect; GetPenState(&savedState); PenMode(patCopy); PenSize(2, 2); SaveFore(&saveColor); ForeColor(blackColor); GetPort(&savedPort); SetPort((WindowPtr) theDialog); GetDialogItem(theDialog, ok, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); InsetRect(&theRect, -4, -4); if (enabled) PenPat(&; else PenPat(&qd.gray); FrameRoundRect(&theRect, 16, 16); SetPort(savedPort); RestoreFore(&saveColor); SetPenState(&savedState);}