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Copy pathMac.c
2196 lines (1890 loc) · 60.6 KB
/********************* Main Macintosh code*********************/#include "Wolfdef.h" /* All the game equates */#include <string.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <setjmp.h>#include <palettes.h>#include <qdoffscreen.h>#include <Gestalt.h>#include "SoundMusicSystem.h"#include "PickAMonitor.h"#include "Hidemenubar.h"#include "Prefs.h"#include <AppleEvents.h>static Word DoMyAlert(Word AlertNum);static void CenterSFWindow(Point *MyPoint,Word x,Word y);static void CenterAWindow(WindowPtr MyWindow);static void FixPauseMenu(void);Boolean LoadGame(void);pascal Boolean StandardModalFilterProc(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *itemHit);Word ChooseGameDiff(void);Word DoEvent(EventRecord *event);void DoUpdate(WindowPtr window);void DrawWindow(WindowPtr window);void AdjustMenus(void);void DoMenuCommand(LongWord menuResult);Boolean DoCloseWindow(WindowPtr window);void InitTools(void);void SaveGame(void);void LoadPrefs(void);void SavePrefs(void);Boolean ChooseLoadGame(void);Boolean ChooseSaveGame(void);OSErr MyEventHandler(AppleEvent *MyAppleEvent,AppleEvent *AppleReply,long MyRefCon);Boolean MouseHit; /* True if a mouse was pressed */static MenuHandle PauseMenu;static Boolean WaitNextOK; /* True if WaitNextEvent is present */static Boolean LowOnMem; /* True if sound is disabled for low memory */static Boolean OpenPending; /* True if a load game apple event occured */static Byte *SaveFileName; /* Pointer to the save file name */static short SaveFileVol; /* Directory referance for save file name */ static long SaveFileParID; /* Parent directory id of save-game file */static Boolean ValidRects; /* Are there blank rects in the window? */static RgnHandle BlackRgn; /* Blank region for window blanking */static Rect QDGameRect; /* Rect of the game playing area */static Rect GameRect = {0,0,200,320}; /* Size of the playfield */static Rect BlackRect = {0,0,480,640}; /* Rect for the Black Window (Set to main window size) */static Rect BlackRect2 = {0,0,480,640}; /* True rect for the Black window (Global) */static Word OldPixDepth; /* Previous pixel depth of screen */Word MacWidth; /* Width of play screen (Same as GameRect.right) */Word MacHeight; /* Height of play screen (Same as GameRect.bottom) */Word MacViewHeight; /* Height of 3d screen (Bottom of 3D view */static Word MonitorWidth=640; /* Width of the monitor in pixels */static Word MonitorHeight=480; /* Height of the monitor in pixels */Word QuitFlag; /* I quit if true */Word TrueVideoWidth; /* Width of video monitor in bytes */Byte *TrueVideoPointer; /* Pointer to the video monitor memory */Byte *GameVideoPointer; /* Pointer to start of 3D view on monitor memory (Used by BlastScreen) */Boolean DoQuickDraw = TRUE; /* Use quickdraw for updates? */ static Boolean DimQD; /* Force QuickDraw forever! */Word IgnoreMessage; /* Variable set by prefs to ignore messages */static CursHandle WatchHandle; /* Handle to a watch cursor */#define RectX ((MonitorWidth-MacWidth)/2)#define RectY ((MonitorHeight-MacHeight)/2)Word VidXs[] = {320,512,640,640}; /* Screen sizes to play with */Word VidYs[] = {200,384,400,480};Word VidVs[] = {160,320,320,400};Word VidPics[] = {rFaceShapes,rFace512,rFace640,rFace640}; /* Resource #'s for art */static Word MouseBaseX;static Word MouseBaseY;static Boolean InPause; /* Pause active? */extern jmp_buf ResetJmp;extern Boolean JumpOK;extern CWindowPtr GameWindow; /* Pointer to main game window */extern CGrafPtr GameGWorld; /* Grafport to offscreen buffer */GDHandle gMainGDH; /* Main graphics handle */CTabHandle MainColorHandle; /* Main color table handle */static void WaitCursor(void);static void ResetPalette(void);static void DoBackground(EventRecord *event);static void InitAEStuff(void);static void FixTheCursor(void);/*************************** Dialog filter for 68020/30 version speed warning***************************/#ifndef __powercstatic pascal Boolean InitFilter(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *itemHit){ char theChar; Handle theHandle; short theType; Rect theRect; switch (theEvent->what) { case keyDown: theChar = theEvent->message & charCodeMask; switch (theChar) { case 0x0D: /* Return */ case 0x03: /* Enter */ *itemHit = 1; return (TRUE); } case updateEvt: GetDialogItem(theDialog,1, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); InsetRect(&theRect, -4, -4); PenSize(3,3); FrameRoundRect(&theRect, 16, 16); } return (FALSE); /* Tells dialog manager to handle the event */}#endif/*************************** Init the Macintosh and all the system tools***************************/void InitTools(void){ Handle menuBar; /* Handle to menu bar record */ Word i; /* Temp */ long Feature; /* Gestalt return value */ short int *SoundListPtr; /* Pointer to sound list for Halestorm driver */ MaxApplZone(); /* Expand the heap so code segments load at the top */ InitGraf((Ptr) &qd.thePort); /* Init the graphics system */ InitFonts(); /* Init the font manager */ InitWindows(); /* Init the window manager */ InitMenus(); /* Init the menu manager */ TEInit(); /* Init text edit */ InitDialogs(nil); /* Init the dialog manager */ i = 16; /* Make 64*16 handle records */ do { MoreMasters(); /* Create a BUNCH of new handles */ } while (--i);#ifdef __powerc WaitNextOK = TRUE;#else if (NGetTrapAddress(0xA860,1) != (void *)0xa89F) { WaitNextOK = TRUE; }#endif InitAEStuff(); /* Apple events shit */ InitCursor(); /* Reset the cursor */ WatchHandle = GetCursor(watchCursor); /* Get the watch cursor */ HLock((Handle)WatchHandle); /* Lock it down */ WaitCursor(); /* Set the watch cursor */ LoadPrefs(); /* Load the prefs file */ /* Now that the mac is started up, let's make sure I can run on this particular mac */#ifndef __powerc /* Power macs REQUIRE 7.1 to run so don't even check on power macs */ if (Gestalt(gestaltVersion,&Feature)) { /* Is gestalt working? */ goto Not607; /* Oh oh... */ } /* Check for System 6.0.7 or later */ if (Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &Feature) || (short)Feature < 0x0607) { /* Is it 6.0.7 or later? */ goto Not607; }#endif /* Check for Color QuickDraw. If there's no color, quit. Below, we check for 32-bit color QuickDraw. */ if (Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion, &Feature)) {Not607: DoMyAlert(Not607Win); /* Alert the user */ GoodBye(); /* Exit now */ } /* Check for 32-bit Color QuickDraw */ if( (Feature & 0x0000ffff) < 0x0200) { /* Not 32 bit? */ DoMyAlert(Not32QDWin); /* I need 32 bit quickdraw! */ GoodBye(); /* Exit */ } /* Check the Mac's processor. If it's a 68030 or earlier, warn the user it might be slow, and note the best ways to speed it up. */ #ifndef __powerc /* Power macs don't need this message */ Gestalt(gestaltProcessorType,&Feature); i = 0; switch(Feature) { case gestalt68000: ++i; ParamText("\p68000","\p","\p","\p"); break; case gestalt68020: ++i; ParamText("\p68020","\p","\p","\p"); break; case gestalt68030: ++i; ParamText("\p68030","\p","\p","\p"); break; } if (i && !IgnoreMessage) { short theValue,itemHit,iType; Handle iHndl; Rect iRect; DialogPtr MyDialog; ModalFilterUPP theDialogFilter; theDialogFilter = NewModalFilterProc(InitFilter); /* Create a code pointer */ MyDialog = GetNewDialog(SlowWarnWin,0L,(WindowPtr)-1); /* Load my dialog from disk */ CenterAWindow(MyDialog); ShowWindow(MyDialog); /* Display with OK button framed */ SetPort((WindowPtr) MyDialog); InitCursor(); /* Init the cursor */ do { ModalDialog(theDialogFilter,&itemHit); /* Handle the dialog */ if (itemHit==2) { /* The checkbox */ GetDialogItem(MyDialog,2, &iType, &iHndl, &iRect); theValue = GetControlValue((ControlHandle)iHndl); SetControlValue( (ControlHandle) iHndl, !theValue ); } } while (itemHit!=1); GetDialogItem(MyDialog,2, &iType, &iHndl, &iRect); /* Get the check box state */ IgnoreMessage = GetControlValue((ControlHandle)iHndl); if (IgnoreMessage) { /* If I should ignore... */ SavePrefs(); /* Save the prefs file */ } DisposeDialog(MyDialog); /* Release the dialog memory */ }#endif /* Let's set up the environment... */ InitSoundMusicSystem(8,8,5,jxLowQuality); PurgeSongs(TRUE); /* Allow songs to stay in memory */ SoundListPtr = (short int *) LoadAResource(MySoundList); /* Get the list of sounds */ RegisterSounds(SoundListPtr,FALSE); ReleaseAResource(MySoundList); /* Release the sound list */ GetTableMemory(); /* Get memory for far tables math tables */ MapListPtr = (maplist_t *) LoadAResource(rMapList); /* Get the map list */ SongListPtr = (unsigned short *) LoadAResource(rSongList); WallListPtr = (unsigned short *) LoadAResource(MyWallList);/* Alert the user that you MUST pay! */ if (MapListPtr->MaxMap==3) { /* Shareware version? */ DoMyAlert(ShareWareWin); /* Show the shareware message */ } if (FreeMem() < 3000000L) { /* Are you low on memory? */ DoMyAlert(LowMemWin); SystemState = 0; /* Turn off music and sound (Just in case) */ LowOnMem = TRUE; } ShowCursor(); /* Make sure the cursor is ok */ WaitCursor(); /* Restore the watch cursor *//* Try to set up 8-bit color mode */ gMainGDH = PickAMonitor(8,TRUE,512,384); /* Pick a monitor to play on */ if (!gMainGDH) { /* No macs that can display or canceled */ GoodBye(); /* Exit */ } OldPixDepth = (**(**gMainGDH).gdPMap).pixelSize; /* Get the previous mode */ if (OldPixDepth != 8) { /* Was it 8 bit already? */ if (SetDepth(gMainGDH,8, 1 << gdDevType,1)) { /* Set to 8 bit */ BailOut(); /* Oh oh... */ } } MainColorHandle = (*(*gMainGDH)->gdPMap)->pmTable; /* Get my main device's color handle */ BlackRect2 = (**gMainGDH).gdRect; /* Init the black rect */ LockPixels((**gMainGDH).gdPMap); /* Lock down the memory FOREVER! */ TrueVideoPointer = (Byte *) GetPixBaseAddr((**gMainGDH).gdPMap); /* Get pointer to screen mem */ TrueVideoWidth = (Word) ((**(**gMainGDH).gdPMap).rowBytes & 0x3FFF); /* Get width of screen mem */ if (!TrueVideoPointer || !TrueVideoWidth) { DimQD = TRUE; /* Don't allow offscreen drawing */ DoQuickDraw = TRUE; /* Force QD */ } MonitorHeight = BlackRect2.bottom -; /* Get the size of the video screen */ MonitorWidth = BlackRect2.right - BlackRect2.left; MouseBaseX = BlackRect2.left+256; MouseBaseY =; menuBar = GetNewMBar(MyMenuBar); /* read menus into menu bar */ if (!menuBar) { BailOut(); /* Menu bar error */ } SetMenuBar(menuBar); /* install menus */ DisposeHandle(menuBar); /* Release the menu bar */ AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(mApple),'DRVR'); /* add DA names to Apple menu */ DrawMenuBar(); /* Show the menu bar */ HideMenuBar(); /* Hide the menu bar */ GameWindow = (CWindowPtr)NewCWindow(nil,&BlackRect2, "\p",TRUE, plainDBox, (WindowPtr) -1L, FALSE, 0); if (!GameWindow) { /* No background window? */ BailOut(); } BlackRgn = NewRgn(); /* Make a region for the black area */ SetPort((WindowPtr)GameWindow); /* Use this grafport */ ActivatePalette((WindowPtr)GameWindow); = 0; /* Init the main rect */ BlackRect.left = 0; BlackRect.bottom = MonitorHeight; BlackRect.right = MonitorWidth; FillRect(&BlackRect,&; /* Erase the screen to black */ NewGameWindow(1); /* Create a game window at 512x384 */ ClearTheScreen(BLACK); /* Force the offscreen memory blank */ BlastScreen(); FixTheCursor(); /* Fix the cursor */}/************************************ Set the hardware palette to match my window palette for high speed copybits operation ************************************/extern Byte CurrentPal[768]; /* Last palette the game was set to */static void ResetPalette(void){ SetPort((WindowPtr) GameWindow); /* Reset the game window */ if ((**(**gMainGDH).gdPMap).pixelSize != 8) { /* Get the previous mode */ SetDepth(gMainGDH,8, 1 << gdDevType,1); /* Set to 8 bit color */ } SetAPalettePtr(CurrentPal); /* Restore the palette */}/************************************ Process the suspend/resume events ************************************/static void DoBackground(EventRecord *event){ EventRecord PauseEvent; if ((event->message & 0xff000000) ==0x01000000) { /* Suspend/Resume events */ if (!(event->message & resumeFlag)) { /* Suspend event? */ if (!InPause) { PauseSoundMusicSystem(); /* Stop the music */ ShowMenuBar(); /* Display the menu bar */ } InitCursor(); /* Restore the arrow cursor */ /* Call a new event loop while in background to let us know when we've returned. */ do { WaitNextEvent2(everyEvent, &PauseEvent, 0xFF, nil); if (PauseEvent.what==updateEvt) { /* Time for update? */ DoUpdate((WindowPtr) PauseEvent.message); /* Redraw the window */ } } while (PauseEvent.what!=mouseDown && PauseEvent.what!=activateEvt && PauseEvent.what!=app4Evt); /* Turn the main game window back on and update its contents. */ ResetPalette(); /* Reset the game palette */ FixTheCursor(); /* Make it disappear for game if needed */ if (!InPause) { HideMenuBar(); /* Make the menu bar disappear */ ResumeSoundMusicSystem(); /* Restart the music */ } } }}/************************************ Call Wait next event if present************************************/Boolean WaitNextEvent2(short EventMask,EventRecord *theEvent,long sleep,RgnHandle mouseRgn){ if (WaitNextOK) { return WaitNextEvent(EventMask,theEvent,sleep,mouseRgn); } SystemTask(); return GetNextEvent(EventMask,theEvent); }/************************************ Execute the apple event ************************************/static void HandleHighLevelEvent(EventRecord *event){ AEProcessAppleEvent(event); if (QuitFlag) { GoodBye(); }}/************************************ Do the right thing for an event. Determine what kind of event it is, and call the appropriate routines. This is like TaskMaster for the IIgs************************************/Word DoEvent(EventRecord *event){ Word part; WindowPtr window; Word key; Point aPoint; switch (event->what) { /* Process the event */ case kHighLevelEvent: /* Apple events? */ HandleHighLevelEvent(event); /* Pass it on... */ break; case mouseDown: /* Pressed the mouse? */ FixMHeight(); /* Allow menu bar clicks */ part = FindWindow(event->where, &window); /* Choose the hit */ ZapMHeight(); /* Don't click anymore */ switch (part) { case inMenuBar: /* process a mouse menu command (if any) */ AdjustMenus(); /* Enable/disable menu items */ ShowMenuBar(); /* Display the menu bar */ DoMenuCommand(MenuSelect(event->where)); /* Handle the command */ if (!InPause) { HideMenuBar(); /* Hide the menu bar */ } break; case inSysWindow: /* let the system handle the mouseDown */ SystemClick(event, window); /* Pass on the event */ break; case inContent: if (window != FrontWindow() ) { SelectWindow(window); /* Make it the front window */ } if (window == (WindowPtr)GameWindow) { MouseHit = TRUE; } break; case inDrag: /* pass screenBits.bounds to get all gDevices */ DragWindow(window, event->where, &qd.screenBits.bounds); break; case inGoAway: if (TrackGoAway(window,event->where)) { /* Handle the close box */ DoCloseWindow(window); /* Close my window */ } break; case inZoomIn: case inZoomOut: if (TrackBox(window, event->where, part)) { /* Track the zoom box */ SetPort(window); /* the window must be the current port... */ EraseRect(&window->portRect); /* because of a bug in ZoomWindow */ ZoomWindow(window,part,TRUE); /* note that we invalidate and erase... */ InvalRect(&window->portRect); /* to make things look better on-screen */ } break; } break; case keyDown: case autoKey: /* check for menukey equivalents */ key = event->message & charCodeMask; if (event->modifiers & cmdKey) { /* Command key down */ if (event->what == keyDown) { AdjustMenus(); /* enable/disable/check menu items properly */ DoMenuCommand(MenuKey(key)); /* Process the key */ } return 0; /* Ignore the event */ } return key; /* Return the key pressed */ case updateEvt: DoUpdate((WindowPtr) event->message); /* Force redraw of my window */ break; case diskEvt: if ((event->message>>16) != noErr ) { /* Was there an error? */ SetPt(&aPoint, kDILeft, kDITop); DIBadMount(aPoint, event->message); /* Format the disk? */ } break; case activateEvt: if (event->modifiers & 1) { FixTheCursor(); /* Reset the cursor to the hidden state */ SetPort((WindowPtr)GameWindow); ResetPalette(); /* Set my system palette */ } break; case osEvt: DoBackground(event); /* Process suspend / resume */ break; } if (OpenPending && JumpOK) { OpenPending=FALSE; /* Ack the event */ if (LoadGame()) { /* Load the game into memory */ longjmp(ResetJmp,EX_LOADGAME); /* Restart a loaded game */ } } if (!InPause) { HideMenuBar(); /* Make SURE the menu bar is gone! */ } return 0; /* No event processed */}/********************************** Call this when I receive an update event **********************************/void DoUpdate(WindowPtr window){ if (((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind >=0) { /* Is this my window? */ BeginUpdate(window); /* this sets up the visRgn */ DrawWindow(window); /* Draw the game window */ EndUpdate(window); /* Fix the visRgn */ }}/************************ Update the contents of the window************************/void DrawWindow(WindowPtr window){ Word OldQuick; /* Previous state of the quickdraw flag */ if (window == (WindowPtr) GameWindow) { /* Is it my window? */ SetPort((WindowPtr)GameWindow); OldQuick = DoQuickDraw; /* Save the quickdraw flag */ DoQuickDraw = TRUE; /* Force quickdraw */ BlastScreen(); /* Update the screen */ DoQuickDraw = OldQuick; /* Restore quickdraw flag */ if (ValidRects) { /* Black region valid? */ FillRgn(BlackRgn,&; /* Fill the black region */ } }}/**************************** Set an item's mark with a check mark****************************/static void SetAMark(MenuHandle MyHand,Word Which,Word Var){ Var = (Var) ? 0x12 : 0; SetItemMark(MyHand,Which,Var);}/**************************** Enable and disable menu items****************************/void AdjustMenus(void){ WindowPtr window; MenuHandle FileMenu,EditMenu,OptionMenu; window = FrontWindow(); /* Which window is in front */ FileMenu = GetMenuHandle(mFile); /* Get the file menu handle */ EditMenu = GetMenuHandle(mEdit); /* Get the edit menu handle */ OptionMenu = GetMenuHandle(mOptions); if (window!=(WindowPtr)GameWindow) { /* Enable if there is a window */ EnableItem(FileMenu,iClose); EnableItem(EditMenu,0); } else { DisableItem(FileMenu,iClose); DisableItem(EditMenu,0); } if (playstate == EX_STILLPLAYING) { /* Game is in progress */ EnableItem(FileMenu,iSaveAs); /* Save the game */ EnableItem(FileMenu,iSave); /* Quicksave the game */ } else { DisableItem(FileMenu,iSaveAs); /* Can't save game when isn't in the mode */ DisableItem(FileMenu,iSave); } if (LowOnMem) { DisableItem(OptionMenu,iSound); DisableItem(OptionMenu,iMusic); } if (DimQD) { DisableItem(OptionMenu,iUseQuickDraw); } if (playstate==EX_AUTOMAP || playstate==EX_DIED) { DisableItem(OptionMenu,iScreenSize); } else { EnableItem(OptionMenu,iScreenSize); } SetAMark(OptionMenu,iSound,SystemState&SfxActive); /* Check the sound menu */ SetAMark(OptionMenu,iMusic,SystemState&MusicActive); /* Check the music menu */ SetAMark(OptionMenu,iGovenor,SlowDown); /* Check the Speed goveror */ SetAMark(OptionMenu,iMouseControl,MouseEnabled); /* Check the mouse flag */ SetAMark(OptionMenu,iUseQuickDraw,DoQuickDraw); /* Check the mouse flag */}/********************************** Process a menu bar event**********************************/void DoMenuCommand(LongWord menuResult){ Word menuID; /* the resource ID of the selected menu */ Word menuItem; /* the item number of the selected menu */ Str255 daName; /* Name of desk acc */ Word i; /* Temp */ menuID = menuResult>>16; menuItem = menuResult&0xffff; /* get menu item number and menu number */ switch (menuID) { case mApple: /* Apple menu */ switch (menuItem) { case iAbout: /* Bring up alert for About */ PlaySound(SND_MENU); DoMyAlert(rAboutAlert); /* Show the credits */ PlaySound(SND_OK); break; case iSpeedHint: PlaySound(SND_MENU); DoMyAlert(SpeedTipsWin); /* Show the hints for speed */ PlaySound(SND_OK); break; case iShareWare: PlaySound(SND_MENU); DoMyAlert(ShareWareWin); /* Ask about $$$ */ PlaySound(SND_OK); break; default: /* all non-About items in this menu are DAs */ GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName); OpenDeskAcc(daName); break; } break; case mFile: /* File menu */ switch (menuItem) { case iNew: if (ChooseGameDiff()) { /* Choose level of difficulty */ HiliteMenu(0); FixPauseMenu(); SaveFileName = 0; /* Zap the save game name */ longjmp(ResetJmp,EX_NEWGAME); } break; case iClose: DoCloseWindow(FrontWindow()); break; case iOpen: if (ChooseLoadGame()) { /* Choose a game to load */ if (LoadGame()) { /* Load the game into memory */ HiliteMenu(0); FixPauseMenu(); longjmp(ResetJmp,EX_LOADGAME); /* Restart a loaded game */ } } break; case iSave: if (SaveFileName) { /* Save the file automatically? */ SaveGame(); /* Save it */ break; } case iSaveAs: if (ChooseSaveGame()) { /* Select a save game name */ SaveGame(); /* Save it */ } break; case iQuit: GoodBye(); /* Try to quit */ break; } break; case mEdit: /* call SystemEdit for DA editing & MultiFinder */ SystemEdit(menuItem-1); /* since we don't do any Editing */ break; case mOptions: switch (menuItem) { case iSound: SystemState^=SfxActive; /* Sound on/off flags */ if (!(SystemState&SfxActive)) { if (InPause) { ResumeSoundMusicSystem(); } PlaySound(0); /* Turn off all existing sounds */ if (InPause) { PauseSoundMusicSystem(); } } break; case iMusic: SystemState^=MusicActive; /* Music on/off flags */ if (InPause) { ResumeSoundMusicSystem(); } if (SystemState&MusicActive) { PlaySong(KilledSong); /* Restart the music */ } else { PlaySong(0); /* Shut down the music */ } if (InPause) { PauseSoundMusicSystem(); } break; case iScreenSize: i = DoMyAlert(AskSizeWin); /* Should I change the size? */ if (i && i<5) { --i; if (GameViewSize!=i) { /* Did you change the size? */ if (!InPause) { HideMenuBar(); } MouseHit = TRUE; /* Get out of pause mode */ GameViewSize = i; /* Set the new size */ if (playstate==EX_STILLPLAYING || playstate==EX_AUTOMAP) {TryIt: GameViewSize = NewGameWindow(GameViewSize); /* Make a new window */ if (!StartupRendering(GameViewSize)) { /* Set the size of the game screen */ ReleaseScalers(); if (!GameViewSize) { BailOut(); } --GameViewSize; goto TryIt; } if (playstate==EX_STILLPLAYING) { RedrawStatusBar(); /* Redraw the lower area */ } playstate=EX_STILLPLAYING; SetAPalette(rGamePal); /* Reset the game palette */ } } } break; case iGovenor: SlowDown^=1; /* Toggle the slow down flag */ break; case iMouseControl: MouseEnabled = (!MouseEnabled); /* Toggle the cursor */ FixTheCursor(); if (MouseEnabled) { ReadSystemJoystick(); mousex = 0; mousey = 0; mouseturn=0; ReadSystemJoystick(); mousex =0; /* Discard the results */ mousey =0; mouseturn=0; } break; case iUseQuickDraw: DoQuickDraw^=TRUE; /* Toggle the quickdraw flag */ break; } SavePrefs(); break; } HiliteMenu(0); /* unhighlight what MenuSelect (or MenuKey) hilited */}/********************************* Close a window, return TRUE if successful*********************************/Boolean DoCloseWindow(WindowPtr window){ int Kind; if (window) { /* Valid pointer? */ Kind = ((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind; /* Get the kind */ if (Kind<0) { CloseDeskAcc(Kind); } } return TRUE; /* I closed it! */}/*************************** I can't load! Bail out now!****************************/void BailOut(void){ DoMyAlert(rUserAlert); /* Show the alert window */ GoodBye(); /* Bail out! */}/********************************** Update the wolf screen as fast as possible Make sure that ForeColor = BLACK and Color = WHITE, ROWBYTES should be long aligned (4,8,12,16...) Source and dest should be EXACTLY the same bit depth ctSeed should match the WINDOW's color seed Both rects should be multiples of 4 to make long word transfers only**********************************/void BlastScreen2(Rect *BlastRect) { Rect QDRect; CTabHandle ColorHandle,ColorHandle2; QDRect = *BlastRect; OffsetRect(&QDRect,QDGameRect.left,; SetPort((WindowPtr) GameWindow); /* Make sure the port is set */ ColorHandle = (**(*GameGWorld).portPixMap).pmTable; /* Get the color table */ ColorHandle2 = (**(*GameWindow).portPixMap).pmTable; /* Get the color table */ PtrToXHand(*MainColorHandle,(Handle)ColorHandle,8+8*256); PtrToXHand(*MainColorHandle,(Handle)ColorHandle2,8+8*256); CopyBits((BitMap *) *((*GameGWorld).portPixMap),(BitMap *) *((*GameWindow).portPixMap), BlastRect,&QDRect,srcCopy,NULL);}void BlastScreen(void){ Word i,j,k,m; Byte *Screenad; LongWord *Dest; union { LongWord * L; Byte *B; } Src; Point MyPoint; MyPoint.h = BlackRect2.left; MyPoint.v =; ShieldCursor(&GameRect,MyPoint); if (!DoQuickDraw) { i = MacHeight; k = MacWidth/64; m = VideoWidth - MacWidth; Src.B = VideoPointer; /* Pointer to video */ Screenad = GameVideoPointer; /* Get dest video address */ do { j = k; /* Init width (In Longs) */ Dest = (LongWord *) Screenad; /* Reset the dest pointer */ do { Dest[0] = Src.L[0]; Dest[1] = Src.L[1]; Dest[2] = Src.L[2]; Dest[3] = Src.L[3]; Dest[4] = Src.L[4]; Dest[5] = Src.L[5]; Dest[6] = Src.L[6]; Dest[7] = Src.L[7]; Dest[8] = Src.L[8]; Dest[9] = Src.L[9]; Dest[10] = Src.L[10]; Dest[11] = Src.L[11]; Dest[12] = Src.L[12]; Dest[13] = Src.L[13]; Dest[14] = Src.L[14]; Dest[15] = Src.L[15]; Dest+=16; Src.L+=16; } while (--j); Src.B += m; Screenad+=TrueVideoWidth; } while (--i); } else { BlastScreen2(&GameRect); } ShowCursor(); if (!InPause) { ObscureCursor(); }}/********************************** Create a new game window**********************************/Word NewGameWindow(Word NewVidSize){ Byte *DestPtr; LongWord *LongPtr; Word i,j; Boolean Pass2; RgnHandle TempRgn; Pass2 = FALSE; /* Assume memory is OK */ /* First, kill ALL previous permenant records */ if (NewVidSize>=2) { /* Is this 640 mode? */ if (MonitorWidth<640) { /* Can I show 640 mode? */ NewVidSize=1; /* Reduce to 512 mode */ } else { if (MonitorHeight<480) { /* Can I display 480 lines? */ NewVidSize=2; /* Show 400 instead */ } } } if (NewVidSize==MacVidSize) { /* Same size being displayed? */ return MacVidSize; /* Exit then... */ } SetPort((WindowPtr)GameWindow); /* Blank out the screen! */ ForeColor(blackColor); /* Make sure the colors are set */ BackColor(whiteColor); FillRect(&BlackRect,&; /* Blank it out! */TryAgain: if (GameGWorld) { DisposeGWorld(GameGWorld); /* Release the old GWorld */ GameGWorld=0; } if (GameShapes) { FreeSomeMem(GameShapes); /* All the permanent game shapes */ GameShapes=0; } MacVidSize = NewVidSize; /* Set the new data size */ MacWidth = VidXs[NewVidSize]; MacHeight = VidYs[NewVidSize]; MacViewHeight = VidVs[NewVidSize]; GameRect.bottom = MacHeight; /* Set new video height */ GameRect.right = MacWidth; /* Set new video width */ = RectY; QDGameRect.left = RectX; QDGameRect.bottom = RectY+MacHeight; QDGameRect.right = RectX+MacWidth; if (MacHeight==MonitorHeight && MacWidth==MonitorWidth) { ValidRects = FALSE; } else { ValidRects = TRUE; /* The 4 bar rects are valid */ RectRgn(BlackRgn,&BlackRect); TempRgn = NewRgn(); RectRgn(TempRgn,&QDGameRect); DiffRgn(BlackRgn,TempRgn,BlackRgn); DisposeRgn(TempRgn); } GameVideoPointer = &TrueVideoPointer[(LongWord)*TrueVideoWidth+QDGameRect.left]; if (NewGWorld(&GameGWorld,8,&GameRect,nil,nil,0)) { goto OhShit; } LockPixels(GameGWorld->portPixMap); /* Lock down the memory FOREVER! */ VideoPointer = (Byte *)GetPixBaseAddr(GameGWorld->portPixMap); /* Get the video pointer */ VideoWidth = (Word) (**(*GameGWorld).portPixMap).rowBytes & 0x3FFF; InitYTable(); /* Init the game's YTable */ SetAPalette(rBlackPal); /* Set the video palette */ ClearTheScreen(BLACK); /* Set the screen to black */ BlastScreen(); LongPtr = (LongWord *) LoadAResource(VidPics[MacVidSize]); if (!LongPtr) { goto OhShit; } GameShapes = (Byte **) AllocSomeMem(LongPtr[0]); /* All the permanent game shapes */ if (!GameShapes) { /* Can't load in the shapes */ ReleaseAResource(VidPics[MacVidSize]); /* Release it NOW! */ goto OhShit; } DLZSS((Byte *)GameShapes,(Byte *) &LongPtr[1],LongPtr[0]); ReleaseAResource(VidPics[MacVidSize]); i = 0; j = (MacVidSize==1) ? 47+10 : 47; /* 512 mode has 10 shapes more */ DestPtr = (Byte *) GameShapes; LongPtr = (LongWord *) GameShapes; do { GameShapes[i] = DestPtr+LongPtr[i]; } while (++i<j); if (Pass2) { /* Low memory? */ if (!StartupRendering(NewVidSize)) { /* Reset the scalers... */ ReleaseScalers(); goto OhShit; } } return MacVidSize; OhShit: /* Oh oh.... */ if (Pass2) { if (!NewVidSize) { /* At the smallest screen size? */ BailOut(); } --NewVidSize; /* Smaller size */ } else { PlaySong(0); /* Release song memory */ ReleaseScalers(); /* Release the compiled scalers */ PurgeAllSounds(1000000); /* Force sounds to be purged */ Pass2 = TRUE; } goto TryAgain; /* Let's try again */}/********************************** Scale the system X coord **********************************/Word ScaleX(Word x){ switch(MacVidSize) { case 1: return x*8/5; case 2: case 3: return x*2; } return x;}/********************************** Scale the system Y coord **********************************/Word ScaleY(Word y){ switch(MacVidSize) { case 1: /* 512 resolution */ y = (y*8/5)+64; if (y==217) { /* This hack will line up the gun on 512 mode */ ++y; } return y; case 2: /* 640 x 400 */ return y*2; case 3: /* 640 x 480 */ return y*2+80; } return y; /* 320 resolution */}/********************************** Shut down and exit **********************************/void GoodBye(void){ ShowMenuBar(); /* Restore the menu bar */ ReleaseScalers(); /* Release all my memory */ FinisSoundMusicSystem(); /* Shut down the Halestorm driver */ if (gMainGDH && OldPixDepth) { /* Old pixel depth */ SetDepth(gMainGDH,OldPixDepth, 1 << gdDevType,1); /* Restore the depth */ } InitCursor(); ExitToShell(); /* Exit to System 7 */}/********************************** Read from the Mac's keyboard/mouse system **********************************/Word MyKey;typedef struct MacKeys2Joy { Word Index; Word BitField; Word JoyValue;} MacKeys2Joy;MacKeys2Joy KeyMatrix[] = { {11,1<<1,JOYPAD_LFT|JOYPAD_UP}, /* Keypad 7 */ {10,1<<6,JOYPAD_LFT}, /* Keypad 4 */ {10,1<<3,JOYPAD_LFT|JOYPAD_DN}, /* Keypad 1 */ {11,1<<3,JOYPAD_UP}, /* Keypad 8 */ {10,1<<7,JOYPAD_DN}, /* Keypad 5 */ {10,1<<4,JOYPAD_DN}, /* Keypad 2 */ {11,1<<4,JOYPAD_RGT|JOYPAD_UP}, /* Keypad 9 */ {11,1<<0,JOYPAD_RGT}, /* Keypad 6 */ {10,1<<5,JOYPAD_RGT|JOYPAD_DN}, /* Keypad 3 */ {15,1<<6,JOYPAD_UP}, /* Arrow up */ {15,1<<5,JOYPAD_DN}, /* Arrow down */ {15,1<<3,JOYPAD_LFT}, /* Arrow Left */ {15,1<<4,JOYPAD_RGT}, /* Arrow Right */ { 1,1<<5,JOYPAD_UP}, /* W */ { 0,1<<0,JOYPAD_LFT}, /* A */ { 0,1<<1,JOYPAD_DN}, /* S */ { 0,1<<2,JOYPAD_RGT}, /* D */ { 4,1<<2,JOYPAD_UP}, /* I */ { 4,1<<6,JOYPAD_LFT}, /* J */ { 5,1<<0,JOYPAD_DN}, /* K */ { 4,1<<5,JOYPAD_RGT}, /* L */ { 6,1<<1,JOYPAD_A}, /* Space */ { 4,1<<4,JOYPAD_A}, /* Return */ {10,1<<2,JOYPAD_A}, /* Keypad 0 */ { 9,1<<4,JOYPAD_A}, /* keypad enter */ { 7,1<<7,JOYPAD_TR}, /* Option */ { 7,1<<2,JOYPAD_TR}, /* Option */ { 7,1<<0,JOYPAD_X}, /* Shift L */ { 7,1<<1,JOYPAD_X}, /* Caps Lock */ { 7,1<<4,JOYPAD_X}, /* Shift R */ { 6,1<<0,JOYPAD_SELECT}, /* Tab */ { 7,1<<3,JOYPAD_B}, /* Ctrl */ { 7,1<<6,JOYPAD_B} /* Ctrl */};static char *CheatPtr[] = { /* Cheat strings */ "XUSCNIELPPA", "IDDQD", "BURGER", "WOWZERS", "LEDOUX", "SEGER", "MCCALL", "APPLEIIGS"};static Word Cheat; /* Which cheat is active */static Word CheatIndex; /* Index to the cheat string */static void FixPauseMenu(void){ if (PauseMenu) { /* Is there a pause menu? */ InPause = FALSE; DeleteMenu(55); /* Remove it from the menu bar */ DrawMenuBar(); /* Redraw the menu bar */ HideMenuBar(); /* Hide the menu bar */ DisposeMenu(PauseMenu); /* Free the memory */ PauseMenu = 0; /* Ack the flag */ ResumeSoundMusicSystem(); /* Restart the music */ }}void ReadSystemJoystick(void){ Word i; Word Index; MacKeys2Joy *MacPtr; Point MyPoint; union { unsigned char Keys[16]; KeyMap Macy; } Keys; joystick1 = 0; /* Assume that joystick not moved */ i = GetAKey(); /* Allow menu events */ if (i==0x1b) { /* Pause key? */ ShowMenuBar(); InitCursor(); PauseMenu = NewMenu(55,"\p<< Game is Paused! >>"); InsertMenu(PauseMenu,0); DrawMenuBar(); PauseSoundMusicSystem(); /* Pause the music */ InPause = TRUE; /* Hack to prevent the menu bar from disappearing */ WaitTicksEvent(0); LastTicCount = ReadTick(); /* Reset the timer for the pause key */ FixPauseMenu(); /* Exit pause */ FixTheCursor(); } /* Switch weapons like in DOOM! */ if (i) { /* Was a key hit? */ i = toupper(i); /* Force UPPER case */ if (CheatIndex) { /* Cheat in progress */ if (CheatPtr[Cheat][CheatIndex]==i) { /* Match the current string? */ ++CheatIndex; /* Next char */ if (!CheatPtr[Cheat][CheatIndex]) { /* End of the string? */ PlaySound(SND_BONUS); /* I got a bonus! */ switch (Cheat) { /* Execute the cheat */ case 1: gamestate.godmode^=TRUE; /* I am invincible! */ break; case 5: GiveKey(0); GiveKey(1); /* Award the keys */ break; case 6: playstate=EX_WARPED; /* Force a jump to the next level */ nextmap = gamestate.mapon+1; /* Next level */ if (MapListPtr->MaxMap<=nextmap) { /* Too high? */ nextmap = 0; /* Reset to zero */ } break; case 7: ShowPush ^= TRUE; break; case 0: case 4: GiveKey(0); /* Award the keys */ GiveKey(1); gamestate.godmode = TRUE; /* I am a god */ case 2: gamestate.machinegun = TRUE; gamestate.chaingun = TRUE; gamestate.flamethrower = TRUE; gamestate.missile = TRUE; GiveAmmo(gamestate.maxammo); GiveGas(99); GiveMissile(99); break; case 3: gamestate.maxammo = 999; GiveAmmo(999); } } } else { CheatIndex = 0; goto TryFirst; } } else {TryFirst: Index = 0; /* Init the scan routine */ do { if (CheatPtr[Index][0] == i) { Cheat = Index; /* This is my current cheat I am scanning */ CheatIndex = 1; /* Index to the second char */ break; /* Exit */ } } while (++Index<8); /* All words scanned? */ } switch (ScanCode) { /* Use the SCAN code to make sure I hit the right key! */ case 0x12 : /* 1 */ gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_KNIFE; break; case 0x13 : /* 2 */ if (gamestate.ammo) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_PISTOL; } break; case 0x14 : /* 3 */ if (gamestate.ammo && gamestate.machinegun) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_MACHINEGUN; } break; case 0x15 : /* 4 */ if (gamestate.ammo && gamestate.chaingun) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_CHAINGUN; } break; case 0x17 : /* 5 */ if (gamestate.gas && gamestate.flamethrower) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_FLAMETHROWER; } break; case 0x16 : /* 6 */ if (gamestate.missiles && gamestate.missile) { gamestate.pendingweapon = WP_MISSILE; } break; case 0x41: /* Keypad Period */ case 0x2C: /* Slash */ joystick1 = JOYPAD_START; } } GetKeys(Keys.Macy); /* Get the keyboard from the mac */ i = 0; /* Init the count */ MacPtr = KeyMatrix; do { Index = MacPtr->Index; /* Get the byte index */ if (Keys.Keys[Index] & MacPtr->BitField) { joystick1 |= MacPtr->JoyValue; /* Set the joystick value */ } MacPtr++; /* Next index */ } while (++i<33); /* All done? */ if (MouseEnabled) { /* Mouse control turned on? */ if (Button()) { /* Get the mouse button */ joystick1 |= JOYPAD_B; /* Mouse button */ } GetMouse(&MyPoint); /* Get the mouse location */ LocalToGlobal(&MyPoint); /* Convert mouse to global coordinate system */ if (joystick1&JOYPAD_TR) { /* Strafing? */ mousex += (MyPoint.h-MouseBaseX); /* Move horizontally for strafe */ } else { mouseturn += (MouseBaseX-MyPoint.h); /* Turn left or right */ } mousey += (MyPoint.v-MouseBaseY); /* Forward motion */ (*(unsigned short *) 0x082C) = MouseBaseY; /* Set RawMouse */ (*(unsigned short *) 0x082E) = MouseBaseX; (*(unsigned short *) 0x0828) = MouseBaseY; /* MTemp */ (*(unsigned short *) 0x082A) = MouseBaseX; (*(Byte *) 0x08CE) = 255; /* CrsrNew */ (*(Byte *) 0x08CF) = 255; /* CrsrCouple */ } if (joystick1 & JOYPAD_TR) { /* Handle the side scroll (Special case) */ if (joystick1&JOYPAD_LFT) { joystick1 = (joystick1 & ~(JOYPAD_TR|JOYPAD_LFT)) | JOYPAD_TL; } else if (joystick1&JOYPAD_RGT) { joystick1 = joystick1 & ~JOYPAD_RGT; } else { joystick1 &= ~JOYPAD_TR; } }}/********************************** Handle GET PSYCHED! **********************************/static Rect PsychedRect;static Word LeftMargin;#define PSYCHEDWIDE 184#define PSYCHEDHIGH 5#define PSYCHEDX 20#define PSYCHEDY 46#define MAXINDEX (66+S_LASTONE) /********************************** Draw the initial shape **********************************/void ShowGetPsyched(void){ LongWord *PackPtr; Byte *ShapePtr; LongWord PackLength; Word X,Y; SetPort((WindowPtr)GameWindow); ClearTheScreen(BLACK); BlastScreen(); PackPtr = LoadAResource(rGetPsychPic); PackLength = PackPtr[0]; ShapePtr = AllocSomeMem(PackLength); DLZSS(ShapePtr,(Byte *) &PackPtr[1],PackLength); X = (MacWidth-224)/2; Y = (MacViewHeight-56)/2; DrawShape(X,Y,ShapePtr); FreeSomeMem(ShapePtr); ReleaseAResource(rGetPsychPic); BlastScreen(); SetAPalette(rGamePal); SetPort((WindowPtr)GameWindow); ForeColor(redColor); = Y + PSYCHEDY +; PsychedRect.bottom = + PSYCHEDHIGH; PsychedRect.left = X + PSYCHEDX + QDGameRect.left; PsychedRect.right = PsychedRect.left; LeftMargin = PsychedRect.left;}/********************************** Update the thermomitor **********************************/void DrawPsyched(Word Index){ Word Factor; Factor = Index * PSYCHEDWIDE; /* Calc the relative X pixel factor */ Factor = Factor / MAXINDEX; PsychedRect.left = PsychedRect.right; /* Adjust the left pixel */ PsychedRect.right = Factor+LeftMargin; PaintRect(&PsychedRect); /* Draw the pixel in the bar */}/********************************** Erase the Get Psyched screen **********************************/void EndGetPsyched(void){ ForeColor(blackColor); /* Reset the color to black for high speed */ SetAPalette(rBlackPal); /* Zap the palette */}/********************************** Choose the game difficulty **********************************/static void DrawNewRect(DialogPtr theDialog,Word Item,Word Color){ short iType; Handle iHndl; Rect iRect; ForeColor(Color); GetDialogItem(theDialog,Item, &iType, &iHndl, &iRect); InsetRect(&iRect,-4,-4); PenSize(3,3); /* Nice thick line */ FrameRect(&iRect); PenNormal();}/********************************** Choose the game difficulty **********************************/static Word OldVal; /* Make semi-global so the filter can use it as input */Word ChooseGameDiff(void){ ModalFilterUPP theDialogFilter; DialogPtr MyDialog; short itemHit; Word donewithdialog; Word RetVal; Word OldTick; unsigned short DblClick; Byte OldPal[768]; memcpy(OldPal,CurrentPal,768); SetPort((WindowPtr)GameWindow); FillRect(&BlackRect,&; SetAPalette(rGamePal); MyDialog = GetNewDialog(NewGameWin,0L,(WindowPtr)-1); /* Open the dialog window */ OldVal = difficulty+1; /* Save the current difficulty */ PlaySound(SND_MENU); CenterAWindow(MyDialog); ShowWindow(MyDialog); /* Display with OK button framed */ InitCursor(); SetPort((WindowPtr) MyDialog); DrawNewRect(MyDialog,OldVal,blackColor); DblClick = 0; donewithdialog = FALSE; RetVal = TRUE; /* Assume ok */ theDialogFilter = NewModalFilterProc(StandardModalFilterProc); do { ModalDialog(theDialogFilter, &itemHit); switch (itemHit) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: /* The checkbox */ if (OldVal!=itemHit) { DrawNewRect(MyDialog,OldVal,whiteColor); /* Erase the old rect */ DrawNewRect(MyDialog,itemHit,blackColor); OldVal = itemHit; } PlaySound(SND_GUNSHT); /* Gun shot */ if (DblClick==itemHit) { /* Hit the same item? */ if (((Word)ReadTick()-OldTick)<(Word)15) { /* Double click time? */ donewithdialog = TRUE; difficulty = OldVal-1; break; /* Ok! */ } } OldTick=ReadTick(); /* Save the tick mark */ DblClick=itemHit; /* Save the last item hit */ break; case 5: RetVal = FALSE; donewithdialog = TRUE; PlaySound(SND_OK); break; case 6: /* OK Button */ donewithdialog = TRUE; difficulty = OldVal-1; PlaySound(SND_OK); break; } } while (!donewithdialog); DisposeRoutineDescriptor(theDialogFilter); DisposeDialog(MyDialog); SetAPalettePtr(OldPal); /* Restore the palette */ SetPort((WindowPtr) GameWindow); DrawWindow((WindowPtr)GameWindow); /* Draw it NOW! */ FixTheCursor(); return RetVal;}static Byte BoxUp[] = {3,4,1,2}; /* Up/Down */static Byte BoxLeft[] = {2,1,4,3}; /* Left/Right */static Byte TabLeft[] = {2,3,4,1}; /* Tab */pascal Boolean StandardModalFilterProc(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *itemHit){ char theChar; Handle theHandle; short theType; Rect theRect; switch (theEvent->what) { case keyDown: theChar = toupper(theEvent->message & charCodeMask); switch (theChar) { case '8': /* Up */ case 0x1E: /* Up */ case '5': /* Down */ case '2': /* Down */ case 0x1F: /* Down */ case 'W': case 'S': case 'I': case 'K': *itemHit = BoxUp[OldVal-1]; return TRUE; case '4': /* Left */ case '6': /* Right */ case 0x1C: /* Left */ case 0x1D: /* Right */ case 'A': case 'D': case 'J': case 'L': *itemHit = BoxLeft[OldVal-1]; return TRUE; case 9: *itemHit = TabLeft[OldVal-1]; return TRUE; case 0x0D: /* Return */ case 0x03: /* Enter */ *itemHit = 6; return (TRUE); case 'Q': /* Cmd-Q */ case '.': /* Cmd-Period */ if (theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) { case 0x1b: /* Esc */ *itemHit = 5; return (TRUE); } break; } break; case updateEvt: GetDialogItem(theDialog, 6, &theType, &theHandle, &theRect); InsetRect(&theRect, -4, -4); PenSize(3, 3); FrameRoundRect(&theRect, 16, 16); } return (FALSE); //¥ Tells dialog manager to handle the event}/********************************** Load the prefs file into memory and use defaults for ANY errors that could occur **********************************/typedef struct { /* Save game data field */ unsigned short State; /* Game state flags */ unsigned short Mouse; /* Mouse control */ unsigned short QuickDraw; /* Quickdraw for updates */ unsigned short Goveror; /* Speed governor */ unsigned short ViewSize; /* Game screen size */ unsigned short Difficulty; /* Game difficulty */ unsigned short Ignore; /* Ignore message flag */} Prefs_t;void LoadPrefs(void){ Prefs_t Prefs; Prefs.State = 3; /* Assume sound & music enabled */ Prefs.Mouse = FALSE; /* Mouse control shut off */ Prefs.QuickDraw = TRUE; /* Use quickdraw for screen updates */ Prefs.Goveror = TRUE; /* Enable speed governor */ Prefs.ViewSize = 0; /* 320 mode screen */ Prefs.Difficulty = 2; /* Medium difficulty */ Prefs.Ignore = FALSE; /* Enable message */ InitPrefsFile('WOLF',(Byte *)"Wolfenstein 3D Prefs"); /* Create the prefs file (If it doesn't exist) */ LoadPrefsFile((Byte *)&Prefs,sizeof(Prefs)); /* Load in the prefs (Assume it may NOT!) */ SystemState = Prefs.State; /* Store the defaults from either the presets or the file */ MouseEnabled = Prefs.Mouse; DoQuickDraw = Prefs.QuickDraw; SlowDown = Prefs.Goveror; GameViewSize = Prefs.ViewSize; difficulty = Prefs.Difficulty; IgnoreMessage = Prefs.Ignore;}/********************************** Save the prefs file to disk but ignore any errors **********************************/void SavePrefs(void){ Prefs_t Prefs; /* Structure to save to disk */ Prefs.State = SystemState; /* Init the prefs structure */ Prefs.Mouse = MouseEnabled; Prefs.QuickDraw = DoQuickDraw; Prefs.Goveror = SlowDown; Prefs.ViewSize = GameViewSize; Prefs.Difficulty = difficulty; Prefs.Ignore = IgnoreMessage; SavePrefsFile((Byte *)&Prefs,sizeof(Prefs)); /* Save the prefs file */}/********************************** Save the game **********************************/#ifdef __powercByte MachType[4] = "PPC3";#elseByte MachType[4] = "68K3";#endifvoid SaveGame(void){ short FileRef; long Count; Word PWallWord; HCreate(SaveFileVol,SaveFileParID,SaveFileName,'WOLF','SAVE'); /* Create the save game file */ if (HOpen(SaveFileVol,SaveFileParID,SaveFileName,fsWrPerm,&FileRef)) { /* Can I open it? */ return; /* Abort! */ } Count = 4; /* Default length */ FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&MachType); /* Save a machine type ID */ Count = sizeof(unsigned short); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&MapListPtr->MaxMap); /* Number of maps (ID) */ Count = sizeof(gamestate); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&gamestate); /* Save the game stats */ Count = sizeof(PushWallRec); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&PushWallRec); /* Save the pushwall stats */ Count = sizeof(nummissiles); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&nummissiles); /* Save missiles in motion */ if (nummissiles) { Count = nummissiles*sizeof(missile_t); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&missiles[0]); } Count = sizeof(numactors); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&numactors); /* Save actors */ if (numactors) { Count = numactors*sizeof(actor_t); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&actors[0]); } Count = sizeof(numdoors); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&numdoors); /* Save doors */ if (numdoors) { Count = numdoors*sizeof(door_t); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&doors[0]); } Count = sizeof(numstatics); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&numstatics); if (numstatics) { Count = numstatics*sizeof(static_t); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&statics[0]); } Count = 64*64; FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,MapPtr); Count = sizeof(tilemap); /* Tile map */ FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&tilemap); Count = sizeof(ConnectCount); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&ConnectCount); if (ConnectCount) { Count = ConnectCount * sizeof(connect_t); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&areaconnect[0]); } Count = sizeof(areabyplayer); FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&areabyplayer[0]); Count = (128+5)*64; FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&textures[0]); Count = sizeof(Word); PWallWord = 0; /* Assume no pushwall pointer in progress */ if (pwallseg) { PWallWord = (pwallseg-(saveseg_t*)nodes)+1; /* Convert to number offset */ } FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,&PWallWord); Count = MapPtr->numnodes*sizeof(savenode_t); /* How large is the BSP tree? */ FSWrite(FileRef,&Count,nodes); /* Save it to disk */ FSClose(FileRef); /* Close the file */ PlaySound(SND_BONUS);}/********************************** Load the game **********************************/void *SaveRecord;void *SaveRecordMem;Boolean LoadGame(void){ LongWord FileSize; union { Byte *B; unsigned short *S; Word *W; LongWord *L; } FilePtr; void *TheMem; short FileRef; if (HOpen(SaveFileVol, SaveFileParID, SaveFileName, fsRdPerm, &FileRef)) { return FALSE; } GetEOF(FileRef,(long*)&FileSize); /* Get the size of the file */ FilePtr.B = TheMem = AllocSomeMem(FileSize); /* Get memory for the file */ if (!FilePtr.B) { /* No memory! */ return FALSE; } FSRead(FileRef,(long*)&FileSize,(Ptr)FilePtr.B); /* Open the file */ FSClose(FileRef); /* Close the file */ if (memcmp(MachType,FilePtr.B,4)) { /* Is this the proper machine type? */ goto Bogus; } FilePtr.B+=4; /* Index past signature */ if (MapListPtr->MaxMap!=*FilePtr.S) { /* Map count the same? */ goto Bogus; /* Must be differant game */ } ++FilePtr.S; /* Index past count */ memcpy(&gamestate,FilePtr.B,sizeof(gamestate)); /* Reset the game state */ SaveRecord = FilePtr.B; SaveRecordMem = TheMem; return TRUE; Bogus: FreeSomeMem(TheMem); return FALSE;}void FinishLoadGame(void) { union { Byte *B; unsigned short *S; Word *W; LongWord *L; } FilePtr; FilePtr.B = SaveRecord; memcpy(&gamestate,FilePtr.B,sizeof(gamestate)); /* Reset the game state */ FilePtr.B+=sizeof(gamestate); memcpy(&PushWallRec,FilePtr.B,sizeof(PushWallRec)); /* Record for the single pushwall in progress */ FilePtr.B+=sizeof(PushWallRec); nummissiles = *FilePtr.W; ++FilePtr.W; if (nummissiles) { memcpy(&missiles[0],FilePtr.B,sizeof(missile_t)*nummissiles); FilePtr.B += sizeof(missile_t)*nummissiles; } numactors = *FilePtr.W; ++FilePtr.W; if (numactors) { memcpy(&actors[0],FilePtr.B,sizeof(actor_t)*numactors); FilePtr.B += sizeof(actor_t)*numactors; } numdoors = *FilePtr.W; ++FilePtr.W; if (numdoors) { memcpy(&doors[0],FilePtr.B,sizeof(door_t)*numdoors); FilePtr.B += sizeof(door_t)*numdoors; } numstatics = *FilePtr.W; ++FilePtr.W; if (numstatics) { memcpy(&statics[0],FilePtr.B,sizeof(static_t)*numstatics); FilePtr.B += sizeof(static_t)*numstatics; } memcpy(MapPtr,FilePtr.B,64*64); FilePtr.B += 64*64; memcpy(&tilemap,FilePtr.B,sizeof(tilemap)); /* Tile map */ FilePtr.B += sizeof(tilemap); /* Index past data */ ConnectCount = *FilePtr.W; /* Number of valid interconnects */ FilePtr.W++; if (ConnectCount) { memcpy(areaconnect,FilePtr.B,sizeof(connect_t)*ConnectCount); /* Is this area mated with another? */ FilePtr.B+= sizeof(connect_t)*ConnectCount; } memcpy(areabyplayer,FilePtr.B,sizeof(areabyplayer)); FilePtr.B+=sizeof(areabyplayer); /* Which areas can I see into? */ memcpy(&textures[0],FilePtr.B,(128+5)*64); FilePtr.B+=((128+5)*64); /* Texture array for pushwalls */ pwallseg = 0; /* Assume bogus */ if (*FilePtr.W) { pwallseg = (saveseg_t *)nodes; pwallseg = &pwallseg[*FilePtr.W-1]; } ++FilePtr.W; memcpy(nodes,FilePtr.B,MapPtr->numnodes*sizeof(savenode_t)); /* FilePtr.B+=(MapPtr->numnodes*sizeof(savenode_t)); /* Next entry */ FreeSomeMem(SaveRecordMem);}/********************************** Process an alert and center it on my game monitor Note : I am cheating like a son of a bitch by modifing the resources directly! **********************************/static Word DoMyAlert(Word AlertNum){ Word Val; Rect **AlertRect; /* Handle to the alert rect */ Rect MyRect; InitCursor(); /* Fix the cursor */ AlertRect = (Rect **)GetResource('ALRT',AlertNum); /* Load in the template */ MyRect = **AlertRect; /* Copy the rect */ MyRect.right -= MyRect.left; /* Get the width */ MyRect.bottom -=; /* Get the height */ CenterSFWindow((Point *)&MyRect,MyRect.right,MyRect.bottom); /* Center the window */ MyRect.right += MyRect.left; /* Fix the rect */ MyRect.bottom +=; **AlertRect = MyRect; ChangedResource((Handle)AlertRect); Val = Alert(AlertNum,nil); if (!InPause) { /* If paused then don't fix the cursor */ FixTheCursor(); } return Val;}/********************************** Beg for $$$ at the end of the shareware version **********************************/void ShareWareEnd(void){ SetAPalette(rGamePal); DoMyAlert(EndGameWin); SetAPalette(rBlackPal);}/********************************** Show the standard file dialog for opening a new game **********************************/SFTypeList MyList = {'SAVE'};SFReply Reply;static void CenterSFWindow(Point *MyPoint,Word Width,Word Height){ GDHandle MainDevice; Rect TheRect; Word H,W; /* Device width of main device */ if (gMainGDH) { /* Has the video device been selected? */ MyPoint->v = ((MonitorHeight-Height)/3); /* Center the window then */ MyPoint->h = ((MonitorWidth-Width)/2)+BlackRect2.left; return; } MainDevice = GetMainDevice(); /* Get the default device */ TheRect = (**MainDevice).gdRect; /* Get the rect of the device */ H = TheRect.bottom -; /* Get the size of the video screen */ W = TheRect.right - TheRect.left; MyPoint->v = ((H-Height)/3); /* Center the window */ MyPoint->h = ((W-Width)/2)+TheRect.left; }static void CenterAWindow(WindowPtr MyWindow){ Rect MyRect; Point MyPoint; MyRect = ((WindowPeek)MyWindow)->port.portRect; CenterSFWindow(&MyPoint,MyRect.right-MyRect.left,; MoveWindow(MyWindow,MyPoint.h,MyPoint.v,FALSE);}Boolean ChooseLoadGame(void){ long ProcID; Point MyPoint; InitCursor(); CenterSFWindow(&MyPoint,348,136); SFGetFile(MyPoint,0,0,1,MyList,0,&Reply); FixTheCursor(); if (!Reply.good) { /* Pressed cancel? */ return FALSE; } SaveFileName = (Byte *)&Reply.fName; SaveFileVol = Reply.vRefNum; GetWDInfo(SaveFileVol,&SaveFileVol,&SaveFileParID,&ProcID); return TRUE;}/********************************** Show the standard file dialog for saving a new game **********************************/Boolean ChooseSaveGame(void){ Byte *SaveTemp; Point MyPoint; long ProcID; InitCursor(); SaveTemp = SaveFileName; if (!SaveTemp) { SaveTemp = "\pUntitled"; } CenterSFWindow(&MyPoint,304,104); SFPutFile(MyPoint,"\pSave your game as:",SaveTemp,0,&Reply); FixTheCursor(); if (!Reply.good) { return FALSE; } SaveFileName = (Byte *)&Reply.fName; SaveFileVol = Reply.vRefNum; GetWDInfo(SaveFileVol,&SaveFileVol,&SaveFileParID,&ProcID); return TRUE;}/********************************** Process Apple Events **********************************/#if 1struct AEinstalls { AEEventClass theClass; AEEventID theEvent; void *Code; AEEventHandlerUPP theProc;};typedef struct AEinstalls AEinstalls;static OSErr GotRequiredParams(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent){ DescType returnedType; Size actualSize; OSErr theErr; theErr = AEGetAttributePtr(theAppleEvent, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard, &returnedType, nil, 0, &actualSize); if (theErr == errAEDescNotFound) return noErr; if (!theErr) return errAEParamMissed; return theErr;}/* This is the standard Open Application event. */static pascal OSErr AEOpenHandler(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long refIn){ OSErr theErr; // This event occurs when the application is opened. In most cases // nothing needs to be done, but we must make sure that we received // no parameters, since none are supposed to be received. theErr = GotRequiredParams(theAppleEvent); if (theErr) return theErr; // do whatever is needed (e.g., open new untitled document) return noErr;}/* Open Doc, opens our documents. Remember, this can happen at application start AND *//* anytime else. If your app is up and running and the user goes to the desktop, hilites one *//* of your files, and double-clicks or selects Open from the finder File menu this event *//* handler will get called. Which means you don't do any initialization of globals here, or *//* anything else except open then doc. *//* SO-- Do NOT assume that you are at app start time in this *//* routine, or bad things will surely happen to you. */static pascal OSErr AEOpenDocHandler(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent reply, long refCon){ AEDescList docList; OSErr theErr; long index, itemsInList; Size actualSize; AEKeyword keywd; DescType returnedType; FSSpec theFSS; // In response to this event, we must open all documents specified in // the Apple Event. AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList); // check for missing required parameters theErr = GotRequiredParams(theAppleEvent); if (theErr != noErr) return AEDisposeDesc(&docList); // count the number of descriptor records in the list theErr = AECountItems(&docList, &itemsInList); // get each descriptor record from the list, coerce the returned // data to an FSSpec record, and open the associated file index = 1; if (index <= itemsInList) { AEGetNthPtr(&docList, index, typeFSS, &keywd, &returnedType, (Ptr)&theFSS, sizeof(theFSS), &actualSize); // open FSSpec OpenPending = TRUE; SaveFileVol = theFSS.vRefNum; SaveFileParID = theFSS.parID; SaveFileName = (Byte *)&Reply.fName; memcpy(&Reply.fName,&,*; } AEDisposeDesc(&docList); return noErr;}static pascal OSErr AEPrintHandler(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent reply, long refCon){ AEDescList docList; OSErr theErr; long index, itemsInList; Size actualSize; AEKeyword keywd; DescType returnedType; FSSpec theFSS; // In response to this event, we must print all documents specified in // the Apple Event. theErr = AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList); // check for missing required parameters theErr = GotRequiredParams(theAppleEvent); if (theErr != noErr) return AEDisposeDesc(&docList); // count the number of descriptor records in the list theErr = AECountItems(&docList, &itemsInList); // get each descriptor record from the list, coerce the returned // data to an FSSpec record, and open the associated file for (index = 1; index <= itemsInList; index++) { theErr = AEGetNthPtr(&docList, index, typeFSS, &keywd, &returnedType, (Ptr)&theFSS, sizeof(theFSS), &actualSize); // print FSSpec <no printing in this application> } AEDisposeDesc(&docList); return noErr;}/* Standard Quit event handler, to handle a Quit event from the Finder, for example. Note that we may not exit from the AppleEvent handler! We have to set a flag, and exit from within the normal application code. */static pascal OSErr AEQuitHandler(AppleEvent *messagein, AppleEvent *reply, long refIn){ QuitFlag = 1; /* I quit! */ return noErr;}/* InitAEStuff installs my appleevent handlers */void InitAEStuff(void);static AEinstalls HandlersToInstall[] = { {kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication,AEOpenHandler,0}, {kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, AEOpenDocHandler,0}, {kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, AEQuitHandler,0}, {kCoreEventClass, kAEPrintDocuments, AEPrintHandler,0}};void InitAEStuff(void){ Word i; /* Check this machine for AppleEvents. If they are not here (ie not 7.0) * then we return. */ #ifndef __powerc long aLong; short Code,Count; short Index; AppFile Stuff; /* This is for the WONDERFUL system 6.0.7 filenames */ /* Only execute on 680x0 macs */ CountAppFiles(&Code,&Count); for (Index=1;Index<=Count;++Count) { GetAppFiles(Index,&Stuff); if (Index==1) { OpenPending = TRUE; SaveFileVol = Stuff.vRefNum; SaveFileName = (Byte *)&Reply.fName; memcpy(&Reply.fName,&Stuff.fName,*Stuff.fName+1); GetWDInfo(SaveFileVol,&SaveFileVol,&SaveFileParID,&aLong); } ClrAppFiles(Index); } if (Gestalt(gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &aLong)) { /* Are Apple events present? */ return; } if (!(aLong & (1<<gestaltAppleEventsPresent))) { return; } #endif /* The following series of calls installs all our AppleEvent Handlers. * These handlers are added to the application event handler list that * the AppleEvent manager maintains. So, whenever an AppleEvent happens * and we call AEProcessEvent, the AppleEvent manager will check our * list of handlers and dispatch to it if there is one. */ i = 0; do { HandlersToInstall[i].theProc = NewAEEventHandlerProc(HandlersToInstall[i].Code); AEInstallEventHandler(HandlersToInstall[i].theClass, HandlersToInstall[i].theEvent, HandlersToInstall[i].theProc,0,FALSE); } while (++i<4); }#endif/********************************** Make the cursor disappear if needed **********************************/static void FixTheCursor(void){ InitCursor(); if (MouseEnabled && !InPause) { HideCursor(); }}/********************************** Show a watch cursor **********************************/static void WaitCursor(void){ SetCursor(*WatchHandle);}