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#include "WolfDef.h"#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>extern Word NumberIndex; /* Hack for drawing numbers */static LongWord BJTime; /* Time to draw BJ? */static Word WhichBJ; /* Which BJ to show */static LongWord Indexs[3]; /* Offsets to BJ's true shapes */static Byte *BJPtr; /* Pointer to BJ's shapes */static Word ParTime; /* Par time for level */static LongWord BonusScore; /* Additional points */#define BONUSX 353#define BONUSY 103#define TIMEX 353#define TIMEWIDTH 36#define TIMEY 140#define TIMEY2 180#define SCOREX 353#define SCOREY 332#define RATIOX 353#define RATIOY 217#define RATIOY2 253#define RATIOY3 291/********************************** Draw BJ if needed **********************************/static Rect BJRect = {48,73,48+142,73+131}; /* Rect for BJ's picture */static void ShowBJ(void) { if ((ReadTick()-BJTime) >= 20) { /* Time to draw a BJ? */ BJTime = ReadTick(); /* Set the new time */ if (WhichBJ!=2) { /* Thumbs up? */ WhichBJ ^= 1; /* Nope, toggle breathing */ } DrawShape(73,48,&BJPtr[Indexs[WhichBJ]]); /* Draw BJ */ BlastScreen2(&BJRect); /* Update video */ }}/********************************** Have BJ Breath for a while **********************************/static void BJBreath(Word Delay){ do { ShowBJ(); if (WaitTicksEvent(1)) { break; } } while (--Delay);}/********************************** Draw the score **********************************/static Rect ScoreRect = {SCOREY,SCOREX,SCOREY+22,SCOREX+(12*7)};static void DrawIScore(void) { SetNumber(gamestate.score,SCOREX,SCOREY,7); /* Draw the game score */ BlastScreen2(&ScoreRect);}/********************************** Draw the earned bonus **********************************/static Rect BonusRect = {BONUSY,BONUSX,BONUSY+22,BONUSX+(12*7)};static void DrawIBonus(void){ SetNumber(BonusScore,BONUSX,BONUSY,7); BlastScreen2(&BonusRect);}/********************************** Draw a time value at the given coords **********************************/static void DrawTime(Word x,Word y,Word time){ Word minutes,seconds; Rect TimeRect; TimeRect.left = x; TimeRect.right = x+((12*4)+TIMEWIDTH); = y; TimeRect.bottom = y+22; minutes = time/60; seconds = time%60; SetNumber(minutes,x,y,2); x+=TIMEWIDTH; SetNumber(seconds,x,y,2); BlastScreen2(&TimeRect);}/********************************** Draws a ratio value at the given coords. **********************************/static void DrawRatio(Word x,Word y,Word theRatio){ Rect RatioRect; = y; RatioRect.left = x; RatioRect.bottom = y+22; RatioRect.right = x+(3*12); SetNumber(theRatio,x,y,3); BlastScreen2(&RatioRect);}/********************************** RollScore Do a Bill-Budgey roll of the old score to the new score, not bothering with the lower digit, as you never get less than ten for anything.**********************************/static void RollScore(void){ Word i; do { if (BonusScore>1000) { i = 1000; } else { i = BonusScore; } BonusScore-=i; GivePoints(i); ShowBJ(); DrawIScore(); DrawIBonus(); PlaySound(SND_MGUN|0x8000); if (WaitTicksEvent(6)) { GivePoints(BonusScore); /* Add the final bonus */ BonusScore=0; DrawIScore(); DrawIBonus(); break; } } while (BonusScore);}/********************************** RollRatio Do a Bill-Budgey roll of the ratio.**********************************/static void RollRatio(Word x,Word y,Word ratio){ Word i; Word NoDelay; i = 0; NoDelay = 0; while (i<ratio) { DrawRatio(x,y,i); PlaySound(SND_MGUN|0x8000); ShowBJ(); if (WaitTicksEvent(6)) { NoDelay = 1; break; } i+=10; } DrawRatio(x,y,ratio); /* make ding sound */ if (ratio==100) { if (!NoDelay) { PlaySound(SND_EXTRA); WaitTicks(30); } BonusScore += 10000; DrawIBonus(); if (!NoDelay) { BJBreath(60); /* Breath a little */ } }}/********************************** Let's show 'em how they did! **********************************/void LevelCompleted (void){ Word k; LongWord *PackPtr; Byte *ShapePtr; LongWord PackLength;/* setup */ ParTime = MapListPtr->InfoArray[gamestate.mapon].ParTime; BonusScore = 0; /* Init the bonus */ IntermissionHack = TRUE; /* Hack to keep score from drawing twice */ NumberIndex = 47; /* Hack to draw score using an alternate number set */ NewGameWindow(1); /* Force 512 mode screen */ PackPtr = LoadAResource(rIntermission); PackLength = PackPtr[0]; ShapePtr = (Byte *) AllocSomeMem(PackLength); DLZSS(ShapePtr,(Byte *) &PackPtr[1],PackLength); DrawShape(0,0,ShapePtr); FreeSomeMem(ShapePtr); ReleaseAResource(rIntermission); PackPtr = LoadAResource(rInterPics); PackLength = PackPtr[0]; BJPtr = (Byte *)AllocSomeMem(PackLength); DLZSS(BJPtr,(Byte *) &PackPtr[1],PackLength); ReleaseAResource(rInterPics); memcpy(Indexs,BJPtr,12); /* Copy the index table */ WhichBJ = 0; /* Init BJ */ BJTime = ReadTick()-50; /* Force a redraw */ BlastScreen(); /* Draw the screen */ ShowBJ(); /* Draw BJ */ StartSong(SongListPtr[1]); /* Play the intermission song */ SetAPalette(rInterPal); /* Set the palette */ DrawIScore(); /* Draw the current score */ FlushKeys(); /* Flush the keyboard buffer */ /* First an initial pause */ BJBreath(60); /* Display Par Time, Player's Time, and show bonus if any. */ if (gamestate.playtime>=(100*60*60UL)) { k =(99*60)+59; } else { k = gamestate.playtime/60; } DrawTime(TIMEX,TIMEY,k); /* How much time has elapsed? */ DrawTime(TIMEX,TIMEY2,ParTime); if (k < ParTime) { k = (ParTime-k) * 50; /* 50 points per second */ BonusScore += k; /* Add to the bonus */ DrawIBonus(); /* Draw the bonus */ PlaySound(SND_EXTRA); BJBreath(60); /* Breath a little */ }/* Show ratios for "terminations", treasure, and secret stuff. *//* If 100% on all counts, Perfect Bonus! */ k=0; /* Not perfect (Yet) */ RollRatio(RATIOX,RATIOY,(gamestate.treasurecount*100)/gamestate.treasuretotal); if (gamestate.treasurecount == gamestate.treasuretotal) { k++; /* Perfect treasure */ } RollRatio(RATIOX,RATIOY2,(gamestate.killcount*100)/gamestate.killtotal); if (gamestate.killcount == gamestate.killtotal) { k++; /* Perfect kills */ } RollRatio(RATIOX,RATIOY3,(gamestate.secretcount*100)/gamestate.secrettotal); if (gamestate.secretcount == gamestate.secrettotal) { k++; /* Perfect secret */ } if (BonusScore) { /* Did you get a bonus? */ RollScore(); BJBreath(60); } if (k==3) { WhichBJ = 2; /* Draw thumbs up for BJ */ PlaySound(SND_THUMBSUP); } do { ShowBJ(); /* Animate BJ */ } while (!WaitTicksEvent(1)); /* Wait for a keypress */ FreeSomeMem(BJPtr); /* Release BJ's shapes */ FadeToBlack(); /* Fade away */ IntermissionHack = FALSE; /* Release the hack */ NumberIndex = 36; /* Restore the index */}/********************************** Handle the intermission screen **********************************/void Intermission (void){ FadeToBlack(); LevelCompleted(); /* Show the data (Init ParTime) */ gamestate.globaltime += gamestate.playtime; /* Add in the playtime */ gamestate.globaltimetotal += ParTime; /* Get the par */ gamestate.globalsecret += gamestate.secretcount; /* Secrets found */ gamestate.globaltreasure += gamestate.treasurecount; /* Treasures found */ gamestate.globalkill += gamestate.killcount; /* Number killed */ gamestate.globalsecrettotal += gamestate.secrettotal; /* Total secrets */ gamestate.globaltreasuretotal += gamestate.treasuretotal; /* Total treasures */ gamestate.globalkilltotal += gamestate.killtotal; /* Total kills */ SetupPlayScreen(); /* Reset the game screen */}/********************************** Okay, let's face it: they won the game. **********************************/void VictoryIntermission (void){ FadeToBlack(); LevelCompleted();}/********************************** Show player the game characters **********************************/#define NUMCAST 12Word caststate[NUMCAST] = {ST_GRD_WLK1, ST_OFC_WLK1, ST_SS_WLK1,ST_MUTANT_WLK1,ST_DOG_WLK1, ST_HANS_WLK1, ST_SCHABBS_WLK1, ST_TRANS_WLK1,ST_UBER_WLK1, ST_DKNIGHT_WLK1,ST_MHITLER_WLK1, ST_HITLER_WLK1};#if 0char *casttext[NUMCAST] = { /* 28 chars max */"GUARD","OFFICER","ELITE GUARD","MUTANT","MUTANT RAT","HANS GROSSE","DR. SCHABBS","TRANS GROSSE","UBERMUTANT","DEATH KNIGHT","MECHAMEISTER","STAATMEISTER"};#endifvoid CharacterCast(void){ Word Enemy,count, cycle; Word up; state_t *StatePtr;/* reload level and set things up */ gamestate.mapon = 0; /* First level again */ PrepPlayLoop(); /* Prepare the system */ viewx = actors[0].x; /* Mark the starting x,y */ viewy = actors[0].y; topspritescale = 32*2;/* go through the cast */ Enemy = 0; cycle = 0; do { StatePtr = &states[caststate[Enemy]]; /* Init the state pointer */ count = 1; /* Force a fall through on first pass */ up = FALSE; for (;;) { if (++cycle>=60*4) { /* Time up? */ cycle = 0; /* Reset the clock */ if (++Enemy>=NUMCAST) { /* Next bad guy */ Enemy = 0; /* Reset the bad guy */ } break; } if (!--count) { count = StatePtr->tictime; StatePtr = &states[StatePtr->next]; } topspritenum = StatePtr->shapenum; /* Set the formost shape # */ RenderView(); /* Show the 3d view */ WaitTicks(1); /* Limit to 15 frames a second */ ReadSystemJoystick(); /* Read the joystick */ if (!joystick1 && !up) { up = TRUE; continue; } if (!up) { continue; } if (!joystick1) { continue; } if (joystick1 & (JOYPAD_START|JOYPAD_A|JOYPAD_B|JOYPAD_X|JOYPAD_Y)) { Enemy = NUMCAST; break; } if ( (joystick1 & (JOYPAD_TL|JOYPAD_LFT)) && Enemy >0) { Enemy--; break; } if ( (joystick1 & (JOYPAD_TR|JOYPAD_RGT)) && Enemy <NUMCAST-1) { Enemy++; break; } } } while (Enemy < NUMCAST); /* Still able to show */ StopSong(); /* Stop the music */ FadeToBlack(); /* Fade out */}