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#include "wolfdef.h"/********************************** Drops a bonus item at the x,y of the actor If there are no free item spots, nothing is done.**********************************/void PlaceItemType(Word shape,actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word tile; Word x,y; static_t *StaticPtr; if (numstatics>=MAXSTATICS) { /* Already full? */ return; /* Get out! */ } StaticPtr = &statics[numstatics]; /* Get pointer to the record *//* drop bonus items on closest tile, rather than goal tile (unless it is a closing door) */ x = ActorPtr->x >> FRACBITS; y = ActorPtr->y >> FRACBITS; tile = tilemap[y][x]; if ( (tile&TI_BLOCKMOVE) && !(tile &TI_ACTOR) ) { x = ActorPtr->goalx; y = ActorPtr->goaly; } StaticPtr->pic = shape; StaticPtr->x = (x<<FRACBITS)|0x80; StaticPtr->y = (y<<FRACBITS)|0x80; StaticPtr->areanumber = ActorPtr->areanumber; tilemap[y][x] |= TI_GETABLE; /* Mark as getable */ ++numstatics; /* A new static */}/********************************** Kill an actor Also drop off any items you can get from a dead guy. **********************************/void KillActor(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word x,y; GivePoints(classinfo[ActorPtr->class].points); /* Award the score */ switch(ActorPtr->class) { /* Drop anything special? */ case CL_SS: PlaceItemType(S_MACHINEGUN,ActorPtr); /* Give a gun */ break; case CL_OFFICER: case CL_MUTANT: case CL_GUARD: PlaceItemType(S_AMMO,ActorPtr); /* Drop some ammo */ break; case CL_HANS: case CL_SCHABBS: case CL_TRANS: case CL_UBER: case CL_DKNIGHT: PlaceItemType(S_G_KEY,ActorPtr); /* Drop a key */ break; } ++gamestate.killcount; /* I killed someone! */ ActorPtr->flags = FL_DEAD; /* remove old actor marker*/ tilemap[ActorPtr->goaly][ActorPtr->goalx] &= ~TI_ACTOR; x = ActorPtr->x >> FRACBITS; y = ActorPtr->y >> FRACBITS; tilemap[y][x] |= TI_BODY; /* body flag on most apparant, no matter what */ NewState(ActorPtr,classinfo[ActorPtr->class].deathstate); /* start the death animation */ }/********************************** Does damage points to enemy actor, either putting it into a stun frame or killing it. Called when an enemy is hit. **********************************/static Word PainTick;void DamageActor(Word damage,actor_t *ActorPtr){ stateindex_t pain; madenoise = TRUE; /* You made some noise! *//* do double damage if shooting a non attack mode actor*/ if ( !(ActorPtr->flags & FL_ACTIVE) ) { if (difficulty<3) { /* Death incarnate? */ damage <<= 1; } FirstSighting(ActorPtr); /* Put into combat mode*/ } if (damage >= ActorPtr->hitpoints) { /* Did I kill it? */ KillActor(ActorPtr); /* Die!! */ return; } ActorPtr->hitpoints -= damage; /* Remove the damage */ if (ActorPtr->class == CL_MECHAHITLER && ActorPtr->hitpoints <= 250 && ActorPtr->hitpoints+damage > 250) { /* hitler losing armor */ PlaySound(SND_SHIT); /* Remove armor */ pain = ST_MHITLER_DIE1; } else { if ((ReadTick() - PainTick) >= 30) { PainTick = ReadTick(); PlaySound(SND_PAIN); /* Ow!! */ } pain = classinfo[ActorPtr->class].painstate; /* Do pain */ } if (pain) { /* some classes don't have pain frames */ if (ActorPtr->state != pain) { /* Already in pain? */ NewState(ActorPtr,pain); } }}/********************************** Throw a Missile at the player **********************************/void A_Throw(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word angle; int speed; missile_t *MissilePtr; PlaySound(SND_ROCKET|0x8000); MissilePtr = GetNewMissile(); /* Create a missile */ MissilePtr->x = ActorPtr->x; MissilePtr->y = ActorPtr->y; MissilePtr->areanumber = ActorPtr->areanumber; /* get direction from enemy to player */ angle = PointToAngle(ActorPtr->x,ActorPtr->y); angle >>= SHORTTOANGLESHIFT; speed = costable[angle]; speed = speed/5; MissilePtr->xspeed = -speed; speed = sintable[angle]; speed = speed/5; MissilePtr->yspeed = speed; MissilePtr->pic = S_NEEDLE; /* Hurl a needle */ MissilePtr->flags = MF_HITPLAYER | MF_HITSTATICS; /* Can hit the player */ MissilePtr->type = MI_NEEDLE; /* Needle missile */}/********************************** Launch a rocket at the player **********************************/void A_Launch(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word angle; int speed; missile_t *MissilePtr; PlaySound(SND_ROCKET|0x8000); MissilePtr = GetNewMissile(); MissilePtr->x = ActorPtr->x; MissilePtr->y = ActorPtr->y; MissilePtr->areanumber = ActorPtr->areanumber; /* get direction from player to boss*/ angle = PointToAngle (ActorPtr->x,ActorPtr->y); angle >>= SHORTTOANGLESHIFT; speed = costable[angle]; speed = speed/5; MissilePtr->xspeed = -speed; speed = sintable[angle]; speed = speed/5; MissilePtr->yspeed = speed; MissilePtr->pic = S_ENMISSILE; /* Rocket */ MissilePtr->flags = MF_HITPLAYER | MF_HITSTATICS; MissilePtr->type = MI_EMISSILE; A_Shoot(ActorPtr); /* also shoot a bullet */}/********************************** Scream a death sound **********************************/void A_Scream(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word Sound,i; Sound = classinfo[ActorPtr->class].deathsound; /* Get the sound # */ if (Sound==SND_EDIE) { /* Normal death sound? */ if (w_rnd()&1) { /* Play one randomly */ ++Sound; } i = 0; do { StopSound(NaziSound[i]); /* Kill all Nazi voices */ } while (++i<4); } PlaySound(Sound); /* Play the sound */}/********************************** Body hitting the ground **********************************/void A_Thud(actor_t *ActorPtr){ PlaySound(SND_BODYFALL);}/********************************** You win the game! **********************************/void A_Victory(actor_t *ActorPtr){ playstate = EX_COMPLETED;}/********************************** Drop Hitler's armor and let hitler run around **********************************/void A_HitlerMorph(actor_t *ActorPtr){ missile_t *MissilePtr; /* Use an inert missile for the armor remnants */ MissilePtr = GetNewMissile(); MissilePtr->x = ActorPtr->x; /* Pass the armor x,y */ MissilePtr->y = ActorPtr->y; MissilePtr->areanumber = ActorPtr->areanumber; MissilePtr->xspeed = 0; /* No motion */ MissilePtr->yspeed = 0; MissilePtr->flags = 0; MissilePtr->type = -1; /* Maximum time */ MissilePtr->pic = S_MHITLER_DIE4; /* Set the picture */ ActorPtr->class = CL_HITLER; /* Convert to true hitler */ ActorPtr->speed = 40/4; /* faster without armor*/}/********************************** Try to damage the player, based on skill level and player's speed **********************************/void A_Shoot(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word damage; /* Damage to inflict */ Word distance; if (!areabyplayer[MapPtr->areasoundnum[ActorPtr->areanumber]]) { /* In the same area? */ return; } madenoise = TRUE; /* I made a sound! */ if (ActorPtr->class >= CL_HANS) { /* Boss? */ PlaySound(SND_BIGGUN|0x8000); /* Boom! */ } else { PlaySound(SND_GUNSHT|0x8000); /* Bang! */ } if (!CheckLine(ActorPtr)) { /* Player is behind a wall*/ return; /* Can't shoot! */ } distance = CalcDistance(ActorPtr); /* How far? (0-4095 range) */ if (distance >= TILEGLOBAL*16) { /* Too far away? */ return; } if (ActorPtr->class == CL_OFFICER || ActorPtr->class >= CL_HANS) { /* better shots */ if (distance < (16*16)) { distance = 0; /* Zap the distance */ } else { distance -= (16*16); } } if (playermoving) { /* harder to hit when moving*/ if (distance >= (224*16)) { return; } distance += (32*16); }/* see if the shot was a hit*/ if ((w_rnd()*16)>distance) { switch(difficulty) { case 0: damage = (w_rnd()&3)+1; break; case 1: damage = (w_rnd()&7)+1; break; default: damage = (w_rnd()&7)+3; } if (distance<(32*16)) { damage <<= 2; } else if (distance<(64*16)) { damage <<= 1; } TakeDamage(damage,ActorPtr->x,ActorPtr->y); /* Hit the player (Pass the killer's x,y) */ }}/********************************** Bite the player **********************************/void A_Bite(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word dmg; PlaySound(SND_DOGBARK); /* Take a bite! */ if (CalcDistance(ActorPtr)<=BITERANGE) { /* In range? */ switch (difficulty) { case 0: dmg = (w_rnd()&3)+3; /* Small bite */ break; case 1: dmg = (w_rnd()&7)+3; /* Medium bite */ break; default: dmg = (w_rnd()&15)+4; /* BIG bite */ } TakeDamage(dmg,ActorPtr->x,ActorPtr->y); /* Pass along the damage */ }}/********************************** Return the distance between the player and this actor **********************************/Word CalcDistance(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word absdx; Word absdy; absdx = w_abs(ActorPtr->x - actors[0].x); absdy = w_abs(ActorPtr->y - actors[0].y); return (absdx > absdy) ? absdx : absdy; /* Return the larger */}/********************************** Called every few frames to check for sighting and attacking the player **********************************/Word shootchance[8] = {256,64,32,24,20,16,12,8};void A_Target(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word chance; /* % chance of hit */ Word distance; /* Distance of critters */ if (!areabyplayer[MapPtr->areasoundnum[ActorPtr->areanumber]] || !CheckLine(ActorPtr)) { ActorPtr->flags &= ~FL_SEEPLAYER; /* Can't see you */ return; } ActorPtr->flags |= FL_SEEPLAYER; /* I see you */ distance = CalcDistance(ActorPtr); /* Get the distance */ if (distance < BITERANGE) { /* always attack when this close */ goto attack; } if (ActorPtr->class == CL_DOG) { /* Dogs can only bite */ return; } if (ActorPtr->class == CL_SCHABBS && distance <= TILEGLOBAL*4) { goto attack; /* Dr. schabbs always attacks */ } if (distance >= TILEGLOBAL*8) { /* Too far? */ return; } chance = shootchance[distance>>FRACBITS]; /* Get the base chance */ if (difficulty >= 2) { chance <<= 1; /* Increase chance */ } if (w_rnd() < chance) {attack: /* go into attack frame*/ NewState(ActorPtr,classinfo[ActorPtr->class].attackstate); }}/********************************** MechaHitler takes a step **********************************/void A_MechStep(actor_t *ActorPtr){ PlaySound(SND_MECHSTEP|0x8000); /* Step sound */ A_Target(ActorPtr); /* Shoot player */}/********************************** Chase the player **********************************/void T_Chase(actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word move; /* if still centered in a tile, try to find a move */ if (ActorPtr->flags & FL_NOTMOVING) { if (ActorPtr->flags & FL_WAITDOOR) { TryWalk(ActorPtr); /* Waiting for a door to open*/ } else if (ActorPtr->flags & FL_SEEPLAYER) { SelectDodgeDir(ActorPtr); /* Dodge the player's bullets */ } else { SelectChaseDir(ActorPtr); /* Directly chase the player */ } if (ActorPtr->flags & FL_NOTMOVING) { return; /* Still blocked in */ } }/* OPTIMIZE: integral steps / tile movement *//* cover some distance*/ move = ActorPtr->speed*TicCount; /* this could be put in the class info array*/ while (move) { if (move < ActorPtr->distance) { MoveActor(ActorPtr,move); /* Move one step */ return; } /* reached goal tile, so select another one*/ move -= ActorPtr->distance; MoveActor(ActorPtr,ActorPtr->distance); /* move the last 1 to center*/ if (ActorPtr->flags & FL_SEEPLAYER) { SelectDodgeDir(ActorPtr); /* Dodge the player */ } else { SelectChaseDir(ActorPtr); /* Directly chase the player */ } if (ActorPtr->flags & FL_NOTMOVING) { return; /* object is blocked in*/ } }}/********************************** Move all actors for a single frame Actions are performed as the state is entered **********************************/typedef void (*call_t)(actor_t *ActorPtr);static void A_Nothing(actor_t *ActorPtr) {}call_t thinkcalls[] = { A_Nothing, /* No action */ T_Stand, /* Stand at attention */ T_Chase /* Chase the player */};call_t actioncalls[] = { A_Nothing, A_Target, A_Shoot, A_Bite, A_Throw, A_Launch, A_HitlerMorph, A_MechStep, A_Victory, A_Scream, A_Thud};void MoveActors(void){ Word i; /* Index */ state_t *StatePtr; /* Pointer to state logic */ actor_t *ActorPtr; /* Pointer to Actor code */ if (numactors<2) { /* No actors to check? */ return; } i = 1; /* Init index */ ActorPtr = &actors[1]; /* Init the pointer to the actors */ do { if (!(ActorPtr->flags&FL_ACTIVE) /* Is this actor in view? */ && !areabyplayer[MapPtr->areasoundnum[ActorPtr->areanumber]]) { goto Skip; } StatePtr = &states[ActorPtr->state]; /* Get the current state */ if (ActorPtr->ticcount>TicCount) { /* Count down the time */ ActorPtr->ticcount-=TicCount; } else { /* change state if time's up */ ActorPtr->state = StatePtr->next; /* Set the next state */ StatePtr = &states[ActorPtr->state]; /* Get the new state ptr */ ActorPtr->ticcount = StatePtr->tictime; /* Reset the time */ ActorPtr->pic = StatePtr->shapenum; /* Set the new picture # */ /* action think */ actioncalls[StatePtr->action](ActorPtr); /* Call the code */ } thinkcalls[StatePtr->think](ActorPtr); /* Perform the action */Skip: /* Next entry */ ++ActorPtr; } while (++i<numactors);}