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Copy pathEnMove.c
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/* enmove.c*/#include "wolfdef.h"dirtype opposite[9] = {west,southwest,south,southeast,east,northeast,north,northwest,nodir};dirtype diagonal[9][9] = {/* east */ {nodir,nodir,northeast,nodir,nodir,nodir,southeast,nodir,nodir}, {nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir},/* north */ {northeast,nodir,nodir,nodir,northwest,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir}, {nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir},/* west */ {nodir,nodir,northwest,nodir,nodir,nodir,southwest,nodir,nodir}, {nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir},/* south */ {southeast,nodir,nodir,nodir,southwest,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir}, {nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir}, {nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir,nodir}};/********************************** Changes actor to a new state, setting ticcount to the max for that state**********************************/void NewState(actor_t *ActorPtr,stateindex_t state){ state_t *StatePtr; StatePtr = &states[state]; /* Get the state record pointer */ ActorPtr->state = state; /* Set the actor's state */ ActorPtr->ticcount = StatePtr->tictime; /* Set the initial tick value */ ActorPtr->pic = StatePtr->shapenum; /* Set the current shape number */}/********************************** Attempts to move actor in its current (ActorPtr->dir) direction. If blocked by either a wall or an actor returns FALSE If move is either clear or blocked only by a door, returns TRUE and sets ActorPtr->tilex = new destination ActorPtr->tiley ActorPtr->areanumber = the floor tile number (0-(MAXAREAS-1)) of destination ActorPtr->distance = TILEGLOBAL, or doornumber if a door is blocking the way If a door is in the way, an OpenDoor call is made to start it opening. The actor code should wait until doorobjlist[ActorPtr->distance].action = dr_open, meaning the door has been fully opened**********************************//********************************** Check if I can move in a diagonal direction **********************************/Boolean CheckDiag(Word x,Word y){ /* anything blocking stops diagonal move*/ if (tilemap[y][x]&(TI_BLOCKMOVE|TI_ACTOR)) { return FALSE; /* It's blocked */ } return TRUE; /* It's open! */}/********************************** Check if I can move in a sideways direction also do the code for an actor to open a door return 0 if blocked, 1 if open, 2 if I need to open a door **********************************/Word CheckSide(Word x,Word y,actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word temp; temp=tilemap[y][x]; /* Get the tile */ if (temp & TI_DOOR) { /* Door? */ if (!(temp&TI_BLOCKMOVE)) { /* Not blocked? */ return 1; /* door is open*/ } if (ActorPtr->class == CL_DOG) { return 0; /* dogs can't open doors */ } return 2; /* I have to open the door */ } if (temp&(TI_BLOCKMOVE|TI_ACTOR)) { /* Normally blocked? */ return 0; /* Can't go this way */ } return 1; /* I can go! */}/********************************** Try to move the actor around **********************************/Boolean TryWalk (actor_t *ActorPtr){ Word x,y; Word Temp; Word *TileMapPtr; Word tile; x = ActorPtr->goalx; /* Where is my goal x,y? */ y = ActorPtr->goaly; switch (ActorPtr->dir) { /* Go in my direction */ case north: /* Go n,s,e,w */ --y; goto DoSide; case east: ++x; goto DoSide; case south: ++y; goto DoSide; case west: --x;DoSide: Temp = CheckSide(x,y,ActorPtr); /* See if I can move this way */ if (!Temp) { /* Not this way? */ return FALSE; /* Exit */ } if (Temp==2) { /* Door? */ OpenDoor(&doors[tilemap[y][x]&TI_NUMMASK]); /* Open the door */ ActorPtr->flags |= (FL_WAITDOOR|FL_NOTMOVING); /* Force the actor to pause */ return TRUE; /* I'm ok! */ } break; /* Continue */ case northeast: if (!CheckDiag(x+1,y)) { return FALSE; } y--; goto FixEast; case southeast: if (!CheckDiag(x+1,y)) { return FALSE; } y++;FixEast: if (!CheckDiag(x,y)) { return FALSE; } x++; if (!CheckDiag(x,y)) { return FALSE; } break; case southwest: if (!CheckDiag(x-1,y)) { return FALSE; } y++; goto FixWest; case northwest: if (!CheckDiag(x-1,y)) { return FALSE; } y--;FixWest: if (!CheckDiag(x,y)) { return FALSE; } x--; if (!CheckDiag(x,y)) { return FALSE; } }/* invalidate the move if moving onto the player */ if (areabyplayer[MapPtr->areasoundnum[ActorPtr->areanumber]]) { if (w_abs(((x<<FRACBITS)|0x80) - actors[0].x) < MINACTORDIST && w_abs(((y<<FRACBITS)|0x80) - actors[0].y) < MINACTORDIST) { return FALSE; } }/* remove old actor marker*/ tilemap[ActorPtr->goaly][ActorPtr->goalx] &= ~TI_ACTOR; /* place new actor marker*/ TileMapPtr = &tilemap[y][x]; /* Get pointer to cell */ tile = TileMapPtr[0]; /* Get the cell */ TileMapPtr[0] = tile | TI_ACTOR; /* Mark with an actor */ Temp = ActorPtr - &actors[0]; MapPtr->tilemap[y][x] = Temp; /* Save the current actor # */ ActorPtr->goalx = x; ActorPtr->goaly = y; if (!(tile&TI_DOOR) ) { /* doorways are not areas*/ ActorPtr->areanumber = tile&TI_NUMMASK; } ActorPtr->distance = TILEGLOBAL; /* Move across 1 whole tile */ ActorPtr->flags &= ~(FL_WAITDOOR|FL_NOTMOVING); /* I'm not waiting and I'm moving */ return TRUE; /* It's ok! */}/********************************** Attempts to choose and initiate a movement for actor that sends it towards the player while dodging **********************************/void SelectDodgeDir(actor_t *ActorPtr){ int deltax,deltay; Word i; Word absdx,absdy; dirtype dirtry[5]; dirtype turnaround,tdir; turnaround=opposite[ActorPtr->dir]; deltax = actors[0].x - ActorPtr->x; deltay = actors[0].y - ActorPtr->y;/* arange 5 direction choices in order of preference*//* the four cardinal directions plus the diagonal straight towards*//* the player*/ if (deltax>0) { dirtry[1]= east; dirtry[3]= west; } else { dirtry[1]= west; dirtry[3]= east; } if (deltay>0) { dirtry[2]= south; dirtry[4]= north; } else { dirtry[2]= north; dirtry[4]= south; }/* randomize a bit for dodging*/ absdx = w_abs(deltax); absdy = w_abs(deltay); if (absdx > absdy) { tdir = dirtry[1]; dirtry[1] = dirtry[2]; dirtry[2] = tdir; tdir = dirtry[3]; dirtry[3] = dirtry[4]; dirtry[4] = tdir; } if (w_rnd() & 1) { tdir = dirtry[1]; dirtry[1] = dirtry[2]; dirtry[2] = tdir; tdir = dirtry[3]; dirtry[3] = dirtry[4]; dirtry[4] = tdir; } dirtry[0] = diagonal[dirtry[1]][dirtry[2]];/* try the directions until one works*/ i = 0; do { tdir = dirtry[i]; if (tdir != nodir && tdir != turnaround) { ActorPtr->dir = tdir; if (TryWalk(ActorPtr)) { /* Can I go this way? */ return; /* Yep! */ } } } while(++i<5); /* All tries done? *//* turn around only as a last resort*/ if (turnaround != nodir) { ActorPtr->dir = turnaround; if (TryWalk(ActorPtr)) { return; } } ActorPtr->dir = nodir; /* Stop the motion */ ActorPtr->flags |= FL_NOTMOVING; /* Kill the logic! */}/********************************** Attempts to choose and initiate a movement for actor that sends it towards the player but doesn't try to dodge **********************************/void SelectChaseDir(actor_t *ActorPtr){ int deltax,deltay; dirtype d[3]; dirtype tdir, olddir, turnaround; olddir = (dirtype) ActorPtr->dir; /* Save the current direction */ turnaround=opposite[olddir]; /* What's the opposite direction */ deltax = actors[0].x - ActorPtr->x; /* Which way to travel? */ deltay = actors[0].y - ActorPtr->y; if (deltax>0) { d[1]= east; } else if (!deltax) { d[1]= nodir; } else { d[1]= west; } if (deltay>0) { d[2]=south; } else if (!deltay) { d[2]=nodir; } else { d[2]=north; } if (w_abs(deltay)>w_abs(deltax)) { /* Swap if Y is greater */ tdir=d[1]; d[1]=d[2]; d[2]=tdir; } if (d[1]==turnaround) { /* Try not to turn around */ d[1]=nodir; } if (d[2]==turnaround) { /* Try not to turn around */ d[2]=nodir; } if (d[1]!=nodir) { /* East/West movement? */ ActorPtr->dir = d[1]; /* Try to move */ if (TryWalk(ActorPtr)) { return; /*either moved forward or attacked*/ } } if (d[2]!=nodir) { /* North/South movement? */ ActorPtr->dir =d[2]; if (TryWalk(ActorPtr)) { return; } }/* there is no direct path to the player, so pick another direction */ if (olddir!=nodir) { ActorPtr->dir =olddir; /* Continue in the old direction */ if (TryWalk(ActorPtr)) { return; } } if (w_rnd()&1) { /*randomly determine direction of search*/ tdir = north; do { if (tdir!=turnaround) { ActorPtr->dir =tdir; if (TryWalk(ActorPtr)) { return; } } } while(++tdir<(west+1)); } else { tdir = west; do { if (tdir!=turnaround) { ActorPtr->dir =tdir; if ( TryWalk(ActorPtr)) { return; } } } while(--tdir>=north); } if (turnaround != nodir) { /* Alright, try backwards now */ ActorPtr->dir =turnaround; if ( TryWalk(ActorPtr) ) { return; } } ActorPtr->dir = nodir; /* Can't move, I give up */ ActorPtr->flags |= FL_NOTMOVING;}/********************************** Moves actor <move> global units in actor->dir direction Actors are not allowed to move inside the player Does NOT check to see if the move is tile map valid **********************************/void MoveActor(actor_t *ActorPtr,Word move){ Word tryx,tryy; tryx = ActorPtr->x; /* Get the x and y */ tryy = ActorPtr->y; switch (ActorPtr->dir) {; case northeast: /* Move to the new x,y */ tryx += move; case north: tryy -= move; break; case southeast: tryy += move; case east: tryx += move; break; case southwest: tryx -= move; case south: tryy += move; break; case northwest: tryy -= move; case west: tryx -= move; }/* check to make sure it's not moving on top of player*/ if (areabyplayer[MapPtr->areasoundnum[ActorPtr->areanumber]]) { if (w_abs(tryx - actors[0].x)<MINACTORDIST) { if (w_abs(tryy - actors[0].y)<MINACTORDIST) { return; } } } ActorPtr->distance-= move; /* Remove the distance */ ActorPtr->x = tryx; /* Save the new x,y */ ActorPtr->y = tryy;}