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#include "wolfdef.h"/********************************** Global data used by Wolfenstein 3-D **********************************/Word tilemap[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; /* Main tile map */Word ConnectCount; /* Number of valid interconnects */connect_t areaconnect[MAXDOORS]; /* Is this area mated with another? */Boolean areabyplayer[MAXAREAS]; /* Which areas can I see into? */Word numstatics; /* Number of active static objects */static_t statics[MAXSTATICS]; /* Data for the static items */Word numdoors; /* Number of active door objects */door_t doors[MAXDOORS]; /* Data for the door items */Word nummissiles; /* Number of active missiles */missile_t missiles[MAXMISSILES]; /* Data for the missile items */Word numactors; /* Number of active actors */actor_t actors[MAXACTORS]; /* Data for the actors */unsigned char **GameShapes; /* Pointer to the game shape array */Word difficulty; /* 0 = easy, 1= normal, 2=hard*/gametype_t gamestate; /* Status of the game (Save game) */exit_t playstate; /* Current status of the game */Word killx,killy; /* X,Y of the thing that killed you! */Boolean madenoise; /* True when shooting or screaming*/Boolean playermoving; /* Is the player in motion? */Boolean useheld; /* Holding down the use key? */Boolean selectheld; /* Weapon select held down? */Boolean attackheld; /* Attack button held down? */Boolean buttonstate[NUMBUTTONS]; /* Current input */Word joystick1; /* Joystick value */int mousex; /* Mouse x movement */int mousey; /* Mouse y movement */int mouseturn; /* Mouse turn movement */Word nextmap; /* Next map to warp to */Word facecount; /* Time to show a specific head */Word faceframe; /* Head pic to show */Word elevatorx,elevatory; /* x,y of the elevator */Word firstframe; /* if non 0, the screen is still faded out */Word OldMapNum; /* Currently loaded map # */loadmap_t *MapPtr; /* Pointer to current loaded map */int clipshortangle; /* Angle for the left edge of the screen */int clipshortangle2; /* clipshortangle * 2 */Word viewx; /* X coord of camera */Word viewy; /* Y coord of camera */fixed_t viewsin; /* Base sine for viewing angle */fixed_t viewcos; /* Base cosine for viewing angle */Word normalangle; /* Normalized angle for view (NSEW) */Word centerangle; /* viewangle in fineangles*/Word centershort; /* viewangle in 64k angles*/Word topspritescale; /* Scale of topmost sprite */Word topspritenum; /* Shape of topmost sprite */Word xscale[1024]; /* Scale factor for width of the screen */Word numvisspr; /* Number of valid visible sprites */vissprite_t vissprites[MAXVISSPRITES]; /* Buffer for sprite records */Word xevents[MAXVISSPRITES]; /* Scale events for sprite sort */Word sortbuffer[MAXVISSPRITES]; /* mergesort requires an extra buffer*/Word *firstevent; /* First event in sorted list */Boolean areavis[MAXAREAS]; /* Area visible */Word bspcoord[4]; /* Rect for the BSP search */Word TicCount; /* Ticks since last screen draw */Word LastTicCount; /* Tick value at start of render */Boolean IntermissionHack; /* Hack for preventing double score drawing during intermission */Word rw_maxtex;Word rw_mintex;LongWord rw_scalestep;Word rw_midpoint;Boolean rw_downside;int rw_centerangle;Byte *rw_texture;LongWord rw_scale;Byte *ArtData[64];void *SpriteArray[S_LASTONE];Word MacVidSize = -1;Word SlowDown = 1; /* Force the game to 15 hz */Word MouseEnabled = 0; /* Allow mouse control */Word GameViewSize = 0; /* Size of the game screen */Word NoWeaponDraw=1; /* Flag to not draw the weapon on the screen */maplist_t *MapListPtr; /* Pointer to map info record */unsigned short *SongListPtr; /* Pointer to song list record */unsigned short *WallListPtr; /* Pointer to wall list record */Word MaxScaler = 1; /* Maximum number of VALID scalers */Boolean ShowPush; /* Cheat for pushwalls */Byte textures[MAPSIZE*2+5][MAPSIZE]; /* Texture indexes */Word NaziSound[] = {SND_ESEE,SND_ESEE2,SND_ESEE3,SND_ESEE4};classinfo_t classinfo[] = { /* Info for all the bad guys */ {SND_ESEE,SND_EDIE, /* Nazi */ ST_GRD_WLK1, ST_GRD_STND, ST_GRD_ATK1,ST_GRD_PAIN,ST_GRD_DIE, 100, 5, 0x0F, 6}, {SND_ESEE,SND_EDIE, /* Blue guard */ ST_OFC_WLK1, ST_OFC_STND, ST_OFC_ATK1,ST_OFC_PAIN,ST_OFC_DIE, 400, 10, 0x01, 12}, {SND_ESEE,SND_EDIE, /* White officer */ ST_SS_WLK1, ST_SS_STND, ST_SS_ATK1,ST_SS_PAIN,ST_SS_DIE, 500, 6, 0x07, 25}, {SND_DOGBARK,SND_DOGDIE, /* Dog */ ST_DOG_WLK1,ST_DOG_STND,ST_DOG_ATK1,ST_DOG_WLK1,ST_DOG_DIE, 200, 9, 0x07, 1}, {SND_NOSOUND,SND_EDIE, /* Mutant */ ST_MUTANT_WLK1, ST_MUTANT_STND, ST_MUTANT_ATK1,ST_MUTANT_PAIN,ST_MUTANT_DIE, 400, 7, 0x01, 18}, {SND_GUTEN,SND_EDIE, /* Hans */ ST_HANS_WLK1, ST_HANS_STND, ST_HANS_ATK1,ST_GRD_STND,ST_HANS_DIE, 5000,7, 0x01, 250}, {SND_SHITHEAD,SND_EDIE, /* Dr. Schabbs */ ST_SCHABBS_WLK1, ST_SCHABBS_STND, ST_SCHABBS_ATK1,ST_GRD_STND,ST_SCHABBS_DIE, 5000, 5,0x01, 350}, {SND_GUTEN,SND_EDIE, /* Trans */ ST_TRANS_WLK1, ST_TRANS_STND, ST_TRANS_ATK1,ST_GRD_STND,ST_TRANS_DIE, 5000, 7,0x01, 300}, {SND_DOGBARK,SND_EDIE, /* Uber knight */ ST_UBER_WLK1, ST_UBER_STND, ST_UBER_ATK1,ST_GRD_STND,ST_UBER_DIE, 5000, 8,0x01, 400}, {SND_COMEHERE,SND_EDIE, /* Dark knight */ ST_DKNIGHT_WLK1, ST_DKNIGHT_STND, ST_DKNIGHT_ATK1,ST_GRD_STND,ST_DKNIGHT_DIE, 5000, 7,0x01, 450}, {SND_SHIT,SND_EDIE, /* Mechahitler */ ST_MHITLER_WLK1, ST_MHITLER_STND, ST_MHITLER_ATK1,ST_GRD_STND, ST_HITLER_DIE, 5000, 7,0x01, 500}, {SND_HITLERSEE,SND_EDIE, /* Hitler */ ST_HITLER_WLK1, ST_MHITLER_STND, ST_HITLER_ATK1,ST_GRD_STND,ST_HITLER_DIE, 5000, 8,0x01, 500},};