This worked for Devin, but it may not work for all windows users. If you're not sure about this process, get with Devin or Kevin to troubleshoot.
- You NEED Windows 10 Pro (Don't have it? Check with Kevin)
- In the Windows Start Bar, search "Hyper-V"
- Click on "Turn Windows Features On or Off"
- Find Hyper-V, and check the box to initialize it.
- Click OK. You may need to restart your computer at this point (recommended)
- Google search Docker
- Go to their website, create an account, and download docker desktop
- Restart if needed. (There may be some debugging here)
- Once running, open the Docker Settings
- In the Side Panel, click on RESOURCES/FILE SHARING
- Add the Drive that holds this codebase
- (For most Windows computers, this is the C Drive. If you're not sure, selec them all.)
- Navigate to the root directory (With the README and this text file) and run
npm i
- navigate inside the apollo directory and run
npm i
as well npm i -g prisma
to install prisma globally- Navigate back to the root directory of this codebase
You can either run the main command, or run the npm command (taken from the package.json
prisma generate
(npm run generate
)docker-compose up --build
(npm start
)- While the apollo server is running,
prisma deploy
(npm run deploy
prisma delete
(Deletes entire service -> All empty)prisma deploy
-> Re seed