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Releases: BlasterM5/ponyorigins

Pony Origins LTS 1.3.3-beta1 for Origins 1.7.x

13 Feb 08:47
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The Back and Forth Port Update

Users have asked for a backport, and here it is!

Pony Origins LTS is the 1.19.2 version of the mod. It will not update as frequently as the current version, due to the amount of work required to make it compatible with 1.19.2.

Unfortunately, Pony Origins does not perform as well in 1.19.2, due to missing functionality used heavily in 1.20.1. However, all these issues have been mitigated as best as possible. In addition, this backport has revealed more bugs that were fixed in the latest release.

  • Backported the latest update to 1.19.2
  • Refer to the 1.3.3-beta1 Release Notes to see what's new.

Pony Origins LTS requires Apugli to function!

NOTE: Due to the many, many underlying changes, you will have to join, leave, and join again for Origins to work properly with your character the first time you use this new update on an existing world or server.

Pony Origins 1.3.3-beta1 for Origins 1.10.x

13 Feb 10:06
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The Back and Forth Port Update

This version of Pony Origins contains many bugfixes discovered during the great backport:

  • Updated a lot of tooltips and descriptions
  • Added Vanish, Claws, and Wallclimb to Chaos Creature's Randomizers
  • Fixed Energy's cooldown logic - it was giving energy when it can't, leading to unusual glitches elsewhere
  • Updated Flight and Wallclimb collision checks to be even more consistent
  • Fixed Flight not disabling when out of Energy or Stamina
  • Fixed Vanish producing an error about a missing badge texture
  • Fixed Tamer only working as a secondary talent
  • Improved Vanish's response to activation
  • Fixed Zebra dust not taking the right amount of air

Due to the underlying code changes, remember to join, leave, join again the first time you load your existing world with this update.

Pony Origins 1.3.2-beta2 for Origins 1.10.x

12 Feb 21:42
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The Vertical Update

This small update to Pony Origins adds the Vanish talent, which enables invisibility, and Wallclimbing, which allows Goats, Change(d)lings, and Abyssinians to climb walls! It also tweaks the Wingstrike behavior to be more consistent.

Vanish: Press your [power key] to turn invisible! This requires a lot of energy, and bends light around your body, making you completely invisible to other creatures! Beware, because it bends light around your body, you will be blinded, only able to sense what is in your immediate vicinity, and it costs a considerable amount of energy to maintain. Normally blind creatures will be unaffected.

Wallclimb: Climb most surfaces like climbing ladders! Only works if you don't have boots on, and either telekinesis (Change(d)ling) or both main and off-hand/hoof are empty (Abyssinian, Goat). This ability takes stamina.

  • Fixed the Wingstrike behavior, which was only checking for blocks along two cardinal axes instead of all sides, due to limitations with Origins.

Pony Origins 1.3.2-beta1 for Origins 1.10.x

02 Feb 05:27
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The Friends Update

Part 2 of the Food & Friends Update is here!

What's New:

  • Added support for almost every current mod that has tamable creatures
  • Added particle effects for Emotivore feeding and Tamer taming

What's Changed:

  • Unified flight hazard clearing - insectoid wings clear hazards by going brrrrr while other wings go flap flap
  • Increased Pescavore and Carnivore nutrition buffer to allow more leeway when eating vegetarian
  • Tamer and Amicus Omnium now use Secondary Power instead of empty hand right-click to Tame

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed armor hit sounds for Dragon and Kirin

Pony Origins 1.3.1 Beta 2 for Origins 1.10.x

15 Jan 18:40
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The Food Update

The latest beta of Pony Origins is now ready!

  • Every notable food mod in 1.20.1 is now supported!

  • Changed Carnivore, Pescavore, Fructivore to have a "nutrition" system, whereby eating off-diet accumulates a risk to get hit with weakness effects. This is on top of the food poisoning risk of eating meat that Pescavore (land meat) and Fructivore (all meat) already have. This also means eating off-diet a couple times or so doesn't immediately trigger a risk of effects, but repeatedly eating off-diet will.

  • Reworked the logic for food poisoning and weakening effects to better trigger the Tell Your Tale advancements and to make the code easier to interpret

  • Dragons now have Night Vision to help them when searching for their favorite food: Gemstones

  • Waterproof wing types can now get wet, but won't get waterlogged under normal conditions (diving underwater, standing in the rain). This makes jumping out of freezing water more dangerous in a snowstorm.

  • Fixed wing types not correctly detected

As always, go fill out trouble tickets if there's something that's not right. Your feedback is immensely helpful in testing things I miss.

Pony Origins 1.3.1 Beta 1 for Origins 1.10.x

01 Jan 04:45
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A new update for Pony Origins has arrived!

The Flight Update

This update contains a lot of new features, improvements centered around flight, and lots of QoL improvements and bug fixes.

What's New

  • Every race now has species-appropriate hurt and death sounds!
  • Dragons can now huddle around a warm enough (bright enough) light source to warm up.
  • New Flight Hazard: Freezing
    • Snowstorms will build up ice on your wings! Stepping into freezing environments with wet wings will freeze the water! This is bad!
    • Fully frozen wings can't be used at all, and other hazards will collect on them without being cleared.
    • Feathered wings are more resilient against freezing, and won't freeze in a snowstorm. Membraneous and insectoid wings will freeze in a snowstorm if you don't fly to throw the ice off.
    • Stepping into a warm environment will cause your frozen wings to thaw out, the hotter the faster. Beware, frostbite can be a slow, agonizing death if you're unprepared! Membraneous and insectoid wings are especially vulnerable to the injuries it causes.
  • Wearing an Ad Astra Spacesuit can prevent your wings from getting soaked or injured. However, this halves your flight speed.

What's Changed

  • Flight hazards are no longer immediate - when exposed to a hazard, it will build up first, and only when it reaches its max does the hazard stop you from flying. Depending on the hazard and conditions, this can take time, or be very quick
  • Standing in the rain will build up waterlogging, but feathered wings will not become completely waterlogged in this manner
  • Flying throws off water and ice, and if you have membraneous or insectoid wings, oil as well.
  • Changelings still get waterlogged in the rain, though they can delay it by flying fast
  • Cobwebs dramatically slow you down when flying into them. This is followed by getting tangled in the cobweb and being unable to fly until you pick the webs out of your wings.

What's Fixed

  • Changelings and Levitation Power now properly scales your horizontal flight speed
  • Changelings and Levitation Power now has the correct vertical flight speed scaling
  • Fructivores now get the correct amount of hunger from fresh fruits and meals with fruit in them.
  • Flight is now split into two powers - Main and Hazards. This is to fix a problem with the backend and reduce inconsistencies. Additionally, Flight is now optimized to minimize the performance impact of the game mechanics upgrade.
  • Fixed bugs in Chaos and Web Shot
  • Taming now tames creatures correctly - tameable creatures can be tamed, rideable creatures will become tame, and creatures that can trust you will now trust you. Additionally, energy won't be wasted by trying to tame untamable entities.
  • The above introduces three entity tags, which only support vanilla creatures at the moment, but will be expanded upon to support mob mods later.
  • Flora no longer grows infinite flower heads from certain flowers. As entertaining as it is to crash the sunflower market, server owners everywhere will appreciate this fix.
  • Particles for shedding off flight hazards have been tweaked for better visibility.
  • Thunder should properly detect the weather and sky visibility now.
  • Small fixes here and there

What's Coming

  • More mod support (use your tags, Timmy!)
  • Finalizing all the stats (is flight too fast? etc.)
  • Backport to 1.19.2? (Conversion of damage tags to damage sources, conversion to apugli for powers unsupported in 1.19.2)

Pony Origins 1.3.0 Beta 2 for Origins 1.10.x

04 Dec 01:23
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Pony Origins Update

This update fixes a couple bugs, and adds some more food mod compatibilities.

  • Added support for Ocean's Delight
  • Added support for Fright's Delight
  • Added support for Bodacious Berries
  • Fixed some tag entries
  • Tweaked some power descriptions
  • Reworked Teleport - Max range is now 200 blocks, Spatium Pontis 400 blocks
  • Teleports now only consume the needed energy (within the nearest 10 rounded up)
  • Emotivores can not get the Nourishment buff
  • Juices count as "fruit meals" for Fructivores, providing the normal amount of saturation
  • Web Shot no longer destroys doors by placing cobwebs in them
  • Shadow Walk's particle effect is darker and more shadowey
  • Compressed the jar file, reducing its size from 1.2 MB to just 220 KB

Pony Origins 1.3.0 Beta 1 for Origins 1.10.x

23 Nov 07:50
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This latest release contains lots of bug fixes, performance improvements, mod compatibilities, and two new Talents!

New Talents:

  • Amicus Omnium - Unlocked with Alicorn, but available for all races, make a pact with Harmony to be able to freely tame any tamable creature, gain a 50% damage reduction and be completely ignored by hostile mobs - but in return, you will be unable to harm another creature! Should the game detect you have made a kill, or should you choose a different Talent later, Harmony will reject you, and hostile mobs will once again attack, and damage reduction will disappear. This is a commitment!

  • Web Shot - Changeling / Changedling exclusive, Web Shot allows you to fire a cobweb at creatures, slowing them down enough for you to get in and feed, or escape a fight. Web Shot requires Silk, which is gained by eating food.

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed Human's icon to the default grass_block
  • Re-ordered dietary illnesses to not activate the severe illness first
  • Updated food items for several mods
  • Fixed Graze causing players to move slowly when out of energy
  • Fixed Changedlings not getting a Talent Resonator on ascension
  • Updated Fructivore, now food items with fruits in it will be normal hunger
  • Updated Flight to the new, lower-lag power standard, fixed inconsistency with running into cobwebs
  • Updated Nirik to the new, lower-lag power standard
  • Fixed Shadow Walk to trigger on and off properly, added particle effects to simulate becoming shadow
  • Cleaned up food and meat blocks, now only blocks that instantly give you hunger are included in these tags
  • Added grasses to the plants blocks
  • Fixed seafood blocks as well
  • Added fruit meals tag for fructivores
  • Added apple cider to fruits items
  • Added grass tags to plants items
  • Added Support for Casualness Delight
  • Added Support for End's Delight
  • Added Support for Ube's Delight
  • Added Support for Fish of Thieves
  • Added Recipe for Expanded Delight's Cheese Wheel, as it is currently unobtainable
  • Tweaked tag logic slightly, to ensure tagged fish counts as meat properly
  • Removed key.json from source (no longer used)
  • Nightvision improvements
  • Fixed EUP Mastery triggering on Unicorn Mastery
  • Diamond Dogs dig properly now
  • Fixed pescavore / carnivore diets
  • Fixed lag (somewhat)
  • Fixed nagging issues with several powers
  • Upgraded Changeling diet to more consistently use the right resources
  • Unified some powers

Pony Origins 1.2.0 Beta 1H2 for Origins 1.10.x

08 Nov 06:03
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Pony Origins 1.2.0 Beta 1 Hotfix 2

  • Changelings will no longer desync when feeding
  • Sneaking prevents riding or being ridden
  • Fixed several advancements that were incorrectly displayed

Pony Origins 1.2.0 Beta 1H1 for Origins 1.10+

05 Nov 03:37
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Hotfix 1 fixes an error with the Harmony Pact advancement

Chaos and Harmony Update

1.2.0 Beta 1 is here!

This mod now requires Apugli.

  • Chaos Creature is now available via a Chaos Resonator if you achieve Minecraft's Hardest Achievement before you master all three pony tribes.

  • Abilities that are currently burst-fire (hold to charge, release to fire) will be automatic-fire when rolled via Chaos

  • New Talent: Amicus Omnium. Tame any tamable creature with a simple right-click for free. Harmony protects you from harm, halving all damage received and causing mobs to ignore you. In exchange, you can not harm another living creature. This talent is a Commitment, only available after Alicorn is unlocked. If you choose this Talent, and then change it for another Talent later, you will not be able to choose it again. If the game registers you made a kill, you will lose Harmony's protection (mobs will once again attack, and no more damage resistance) and will not be able to choose the Talent again.

  • Amicus Omnium prevents you from dealing any damage, or placing or using certain dangerous items or blocks when any entity is near. Safety first.

  • Overhauled the diets - expanded diet foods are now edible using the vanilla eating mechanic.

  • Direct Eat repurposed - Herbivores and Goats can now eat some in-world blocks that they would normally be able to eat as items.

  • Barrier now shows a shield effect around the player when active.

  • Changed the order of species in the Origins menu and Mastery mechanics, to reflect the more canon EUP order (instead of EPU).

  • Added advancement and gameplay mechanics for Dragons drinking the Forbidden Sauce

  • Tweaked Dragon Flamethrower and Zebra Dust to have a small cooldown after running out of breath

  • Herbivores, Fructivores, and Goats can now eat Glistering Melons - though this is more or less a waste of gold.

  • Fixed the "hit my wings on the walls" sound not playing when you fly too close to a wall and suddenly start falling.

  • Minotaur's Punch and Alicorn's Magna Ungula now have a less powerful version of the YAK SMASH ability. Hold the appropriate power button to charge up the power punch. This ability can also mine a block. Further balance changes will come in the future.

  • Fixed Dragon's Flamethrower not working when playing without Ad Astra

  • Dragons can now eat coal and charcoal to replenish their Heat

  • Emotivores no longer punch the air when feeding

  • Dragons and Kirin will make a different hit sound when their dragonscale armor absorbs damage.

  • Language and lore cleanup