Pre-built binaries exist for 64-bit GNU/Linux.
Stable versions are bundled with Bitcoin Unlimited releases. These are deterministically built and signed by multiple individuals.
Testing versions are available here. These are unsigned. Testing versions are automatically built every time there is a code update. The naming convention is electrscash-<date of build>-<git commit hash>.tar.gz
Install latest Rust (1.34+)
Also, install the following packages (on Debian):
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install clang cmake # for building 'rust-rocksdb'
First build should take ~20 minutes:
$ git clone
$ cd ElectrsCash
$ cargo build --release
Note for Raspberry Pi 4 owners: the old versions of OS/toolchains produce broken binaries. Make sure to use latest OS! (see issue)
ElectrsCash is automatically configured and started with Bitcoin Unlimited. If the binary is not in the same directory as bitcoind
, you can specify the alternative location using -electrum.exec=/full/path/ElectrsCash
For more options, see bitcoind -help
If you are using -rpcuser=USER
and -rpcpassword=PASSWORD
for authentication, please use cookie="USER:PASSWORD"
option in one of the config files.
Otherwise, ~/.bitcoin/.cookie
will be read, allowing this server to use bitcoind JSONRPC interface.
First index sync should take ~1.5 hours (on a dual core Intel CPU @ 3.3 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 1TB WD Blue HDD):
$ cargo run --release -- -vvv --timestamp --db-dir ./db --electrum-rpc-addr=""
2018-08-17T18:27:42 - INFO - NetworkInfo { version: 179900, subversion: "/Satoshi:0.17.99/" }
2018-08-17T18:27:42 - INFO - BlockchainInfo { chain: "main", blocks: 537204, headers: 537204, bestblockhash: "0000000000000000002956768ca9421a8ddf4e53b1d81e429bd0125a383e3636", pruned: false, initialblockdownload: false }
2018-08-17T18:27:42 - DEBUG - opening DB at "./db/mainnet"
2018-08-17T18:27:42 - DEBUG - full compaction marker: None
2018-08-17T18:27:42 - INFO - listing block files at "/home/user/.bitcoin/blocks/blk*.dat"
2018-08-17T18:27:42 - INFO - indexing 1348 blk*.dat files
2018-08-17T18:27:42 - DEBUG - found 0 indexed blocks
2018-08-17T18:27:55 - DEBUG - applying 537205 new headers from height 0
2018-08-17T19:31:01 - DEBUG - no more blocks to index
2018-08-17T19:31:03 - DEBUG - no more blocks to index
2018-08-17T19:31:03 - DEBUG - last indexed block: best=0000000000000000002956768ca9421a8ddf4e53b1d81e429bd0125a383e3636 height=537204 @ 2018-08-17T15:24:02Z
2018-08-17T19:31:05 - DEBUG - opening DB at "./db/mainnet"
2018-08-17T19:31:06 - INFO - starting full compaction
2018-08-17T19:58:19 - INFO - finished full compaction
2018-08-17T19:58:19 - INFO - enabling auto-compactions
2018-08-17T19:58:19 - DEBUG - opening DB at "./db/mainnet"
2018-08-17T19:58:26 - DEBUG - applying 537205 new headers from height 0
2018-08-17T19:58:27 - DEBUG - downloading new block headers (537205 already indexed) from 000000000000000000150d26fcc38b8c3b71ae074028d1d50949ef5aa429da00
2018-08-17T19:58:27 - INFO - best=000000000000000000150d26fcc38b8c3b71ae074028d1d50949ef5aa429da00 height=537218 @ 2018-08-17T16:57:50Z (14 left to index)
2018-08-17T19:58:28 - DEBUG - applying 14 new headers from height 537205
2018-08-17T19:58:29 - INFO - RPC server running on
You can specify options via command-line parameters, environment variables or using config files. See the documentation below.
Note that the final DB size should be ~20% of the blk*.dat
files, but it may increase to ~35% at the end of the inital sync (just before the full compaction is invoked).
If initial sync fails due to memory allocation of xxxxxxxx bytes failedAborted
errors, as may happen on devices with limited RAM, try the following arguments when starting electrscash
. It should take roughly 18 hours to sync and compact the index on an ODROID-HC1 with 8 CPU cores @ 2GHz, 2GB RAM, and an SSD using the following command:
$ cargo run --release -- -vvvv --index-batch-size=10 --jsonrpc-import --db-dir ./db --electrum-rpc-addr=""
The index database is stored here:
$ du db/
38G db/mainnet/
The config files must be in the Toml format. These config files are (from lowest priority to highest): /etc/electrscash/config.toml
, ~/.electrscash/config.toml
, ./electrscash.toml
The options in highest-priority config files override options set in lowest-priority config files. Environment variables override options in config files and finally arguments override everythig else.
For each argument an environment variable of the same name with ELECTRSCASH_
prefix, upper case letters and underscores instead of hypens exists (e.g. you can use ELECTRSCASH_ELECTRUM_RPC_ADDR
instead of --electrum-rpc-addr
). Similarly, for each argument an option in config file exists with underscores instead o hypens (e.g. electrum_rpc_addr
). In addition, config files support cookie
option to specify cookie - this is not available using command line or environment variables for security reasonns (other applications could read it otherwise).
Finally, you need to use a number in config file if you want to increase verbosity (e.g. verbose = 3
is equivalent to -vvv
) and true
value in case of flags (e.g. timestamp = true
# Connecting to your local server
$ electron-cash --oneserver --server=
In order to use a secure connection, you can also use NGINX as an SSL endpoint by placing the following block in nginx.conf
stream {
upstream electrscash {
server {
listen 50002 ssl;
proxy_pass electrscash;
ssl_certificate /path/to/example.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/example.key;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
ssl_session_timeout 4h;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
$ sudo systemctl restart nginx
$ electrum --oneserver --server=example:50002:s
Note: If you are connecting to electrscash from Eclair Mobile or another similar client which does not allow self-signed SSL certificates, you can obtain a free SSL certificate as follows:
- Follow the instructions at to install the certbot on your system.
- When certbot obtains the SSL certificates for you, change the SSL paths in the nginx template above as follows:
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your-domain>/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your-domain>/privkey.pem;
Tor hidden service
Install Tor on your server and client machines (assuming Ubuntu/Debian):
$ sudo apt install tor
Add the following config to /etc/tor/torrc
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePort 50001
Restart the service:
$ sudo systemctl restart tor
Note: your server's onion address is stored under:
$ sudo cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname
On your client machine, run the following command (assuming Tor proxy service runs on port 9050):
$ electrum --oneserver --server <your-onion-address>.onion:50001:t --proxy socks5:
For more details, see
You may wish to have systemd manage electrscash so that it's "always on." Here is a sample unit file (which assumes that the bitcoind unit file is bitcoind.service
ExecStart=/home/bitcoin/electrscash/target/release/electrscash --db-dir ./db --electrum-rpc-addr=""
$ docker build -t electrscash-app .
$ docker run --network host \
--volume $HOME/.bitcoin:/home/user/.bitcoin:ro \
--volume $PWD:/home/user \
--rm -i -t electrscash-app \
electrscash -vvvv --timestamp --db-dir /home/user/db
Indexing and serving metrics are exported via Prometheus:
$ sudo apt install prometheus
$ echo "
- job_name: electrscash
- targets: ['localhost:4224']
" | sudo tee -a /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
$ sudo systemctl restart prometheus
$ firefox 'http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=1h&g0.expr=index_height&'