Releases: BitbucketPHP/Client
Releases · BitbucketPHP/Client
V3.0 (11/07/2020)
- Use PSR-7, PSR-17 and PSR-18 only
- Update against latest API spec
- Refactored exceptions and internals
- Encode URIs according to RFC 3986
- Replaced legacy APIs with workspaces
V2.1.5 (29/06/2020)
- Fixed User-Agent version
V2.1.4 (28/06/2020)
- Fixed repository diffstat
V2.1.3 (21/05/2020)
- Fixed pagination of PRs
V2.1.2 (12/04/2020)
- Updated funding information
V1.1.2 (12/04/2020)
- Updated funding information
V2.1.1 (24/01/2020)
- Fixes patches API
V2.1 (03/11/2019)
- Support HTTPlug v2
V2.0.2 (23/08/2019)
- Official PHP 7.4 support
V2.0.1 (30/06/2019)
- Fixed naming collisions
- Removed unused dependency