- Abstract out components
- Add mark form
- Marks table
- Bearing chart
- Button
- Responsiveness
- Add mark form
- Marks table
- Bearing chart
- Buttons
- Form validation
- No marks picture
- N/S and E/W
- handleMarkDelete not working
- Download buttons need updating now that table is abstracted
- Rework add mark form flex -> Fixed with min-widths
- Homepage button
- Chart pdf download weird when on small screens. -> disable?
- Favicon
- Text content
- 404
- Check new bearings are correct
- Magnetic variation -> State in text that its true?
- Bearing chart page text/icon?
- Compatibility check (Firefox in particular)
- Deploy to Netlify
- Readme
- Tidy code
Stretch Goals / Future
- Collapsible single mark tables
- Magnetic variation
- Bearings being calculated 2 times on resize
- Select field outlines -> More complicated than worth
- CSV download on small screens -> Note: Decided to put this on hold, knowing bearings will be stored later to prevent duplicate calculations. Will be able to use the one function then.