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Beam wallet protocol API v7.1

chapati edited this page Jul 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

What's new in v7.1

New methods

API Error codes

List of the possible error codes (with messages):

  • -32600 InvalidJsonRpc ("Invalid JSON-RPC.")
  • -32601 NotFoundJsonRpc ("Procedure not found.")
  • -32602 InvalidParamsJsonRpc ("Invalid parameters.")
  • -32603 InternalErrorJsonRpc ("Internal JSON-RPC error.")
  • -32001 InvalidTxStatus ("Invalid TX status.")
  • -32002 UnknownApiKey ("Unknown API key.")
  • -32003 InvalidAddress ("Invalid address.")
  • -32004 InvalidTxId ("Invalid transaction ID.")
  • -32005 NotSupported ("Feature is not supported")
  • -32006 InvalidPaymentProof ("Invalid payment proof provided")
  • -32007 PaymentProofExportError ("Cannot export payment proof")
  • -32008 SwapFailToParseToken ("Invalid swap token.")
  • -32009 SwapFailToAcceptOwn ("Can't accept own swap offer.")
  • -32010 SwapNotEnoughtBeams ("Not enought beams.")
  • -32011 SwapFailToConnect ("Doesn't have active connection.")
  • -32012 DatabaseError ("Database error")
  • -32013 DatabaseNotFound ("Database not found")
  • -32014 ThrottleError ("Requests limit exceeded")
  • -32015 NotOpenedError ("Wallet not opened")
  • -32016 NoSwapsError ("Swaps are not enabled")
  • -32017 UnexpectedError ("Unexpected call")
  • -32018 ContractCompileError ("Failed to compile contract")
  • -32019 ContractError ("Contract call failed")
  • -32020 NotAllowedError ("Call is not allowed")
  • -32021 UserRejected ("Call is rejected by user")

API Methods

General methods

IPFS methods

SWAP methods

If you build wallet-api with BEAM_ATOMIC_SWAP_SUPPORT then you can use additional SWAP API methods.

API events

Client should subscribe to events via ev_subunsub method. Events are generated by API when some entity/set of entities is changed. Every changed event includes the following mandatory fields

  • change - numerical change type, possible values are
    • 0, added - newly added entities are in the array
    • 1, removed - removed entities are in the array
    • 2, updated - updated entities are in the array
    • 3, reset - discard all the previously stored entities, new ones are in the array
  • changestr - string representation of the change field, values are listed above
  • array of changed entities (name differs based on the entity type)

Async Notice

Async method are asynchronous in nature. Please setup your API connection correspondingly (use keep alive HTTP or raw sockets).


Creates new receiver address.


    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 1,
    "method": "create_address", 
        "type": "regular",
        "expiration": "auto",
        "comment": "John Smith",
        "new_style_regular" : true
  • type the type of address, possible values are

    • regular - regular old-style address, default
    • offline - address offline transaction using Lelantus MW shielded pool, could be used more than once, there are no guaranties for extended privacy
    • max_privacy - address for guarantied maximum privacy transaction. Could be used only once.
    • public_offline - address for donation, could be used as many times as you wish
    • regular_new - since v6.0, regular new-style address (base58), this address has SBBS internally

    Details of some address types are described in this document. Since v6.0, UI gives the sender an opportunity to choose between regular and offline send operation and the default address type provided via the "receive" UI dialog is an offline address with offline_payments=1

  • expiration

    • before v6.0 can be expired/never/24h.
    • since v6.0 can be expired/never/24h/auto.

    Optional, by default address expires in 24 hours. auto expiration means that address expires in 61 days (roughly 2 months). auto addresses are renewed for another 2 months when any transaction is received with this address.

  • comment - any string, optional.

  • new_style_regular - if this flag is true new style base58 address will be returned otherwise hexadecimal string will be returned, this option is ignored for the types different regular. type=regular + new_style_regular=true = type=regular_new.

  • offline_payments - number of offline payments embedded into an offline address, default value is 1. Valid only for the type=offline.

All these address types could be passed as address parameter of the send method and/or used with the cli/UI. --enable_lelantus should be used in the command line of the wallet-api to enable sending/receiving using offline, max_privacy and public_offline transactions. To generate offline/max_privacy/public_offline addresses API must be connected to the own node (node with the wallet's viewer key).


    "jsonrpc" : "2.0", 
    "id" : 1,
    "result" : "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67"


Just a simple validations, checks if the address isn't garbage and belongs to our elliptic curve. Also returns is_mine == true if address is found in the local wallet DB.


    "id": 1,
    "method": "validate_address", 
        "address" : "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67"


    "id": 1,
    "result" : 
        "is_valid" : true,
        "is_mine" : false,
        "type": "offline", 
        "payments": 3
  • type type of address. Check create_address for details
  • payments number of offline payments left for the offline address


Get addresses stored in the wallet database.


    "id": 8,
        "own" : true
  • own, optional bool. If true returns only own addresses, if false returns only peer addresses. By default is false.


    "id": 8,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "address": "29510b33fac0cb20695fd3b836d835451e600c4224d8fb335dc1a68271deb9b6b5b",
        "category": "",
        "create_time": 1553174321,
        "duration": 1520,
        "expired": true,
        "comment": "",
        "own": true,
        "own_id": 16730903,
        "own_id_str": "16730903",
        "identity": "2d8738b0424ad50631e902fab655e7e1795fbb8d92d47c4c8df7336870fcadf5",
        "type": "regular",
        "wallet_id": "29510b33fac0cb20695fd3b836d835451e600c4224d8fb335dc1a68271deb9b6b5b"
  • address address that should be distributed among users and used to send funds to
  • own_id unsigned 64 bit index used to generate given address
  • own_id_str string representation of index used to generate given address (for JavaScript)
  • identity identity linked to the given address. In UI and CLI called as "wallet's signature".
  • type address type. Consult create_address method for detailed description
  • wallet_id - Wallet ID (SBBS address) associated with the given address. This is the same as an SBBS address in CLI/UI. Note that not all address types have an associated SBBS address. For example non-own max_privacy addresses do not have wallet_id. While own max_privacy ones do it is recommended not to publish it. SBBS address can be safely published for regular, regular_new and offline addresses.


Starting from version 4.2 we introduce an additional entity in order to make transfer more reliable. It is called identity. From version 6.1 in UI and CLI it called as "wallet's signature". The main goal of identity is to proof and ensure that transaction performs between claimed participants also it could be done using untrusted 3rd parties. The main scenario is hardware wallet when host machine could be compromised, since it has ability to generate SBBS addresses, it can sign payment proof or accept transaction without need to ask hardware wallet about any secret, but if we give our identity to the other side (in addition to SBBS address), and this identity can be generated using hardware wallet only, then only hardware wallet can sign or approve transaction.


Delete specific address from the wallet.


    "id": 8,
        "address" : "29510b33fac0cb20695fd3b836d835451e600c4224d8fb335dc1a68271deb9b6b5b"


    "id": 8,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "done"


Edit specific address. You can change the comment and/or expiration. Consult create_address for more details on acceptable values.


    "id": 8,
        "address" : "29510b33fac0cb20695fd3b836d835451e600c4224d8fb335dc1a68271deb9b6b5b",
        "comment" : "John Smith",
        "expiration" : "expired"


    "id": 8,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "done"


Send BEAM or asset to a given address.


    "id": 2,
        "value": 12342342,
        "fee": 2,
        "from": "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67",
        "address": "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67",
        "comment": "thank you!",
        "asset_id": 1,
        "offline": false
  • value how much BEAM or asset to send in groth or asset groth.
  • fee always in BEAM groth, optional. Omit for default fee.
  • from own address, optional. If omitted new own address is generated and registered.
  • address receiver's SBBS address or token. Token is an extension of SBBS address. It is a base58 encoded byte buffer which contains serialized parameters of a transaction. At least it contains SBBS address and identity.
  • comment transaction comment, optional.
  • txId optional, you can provide your own transaction ID.
  • asset_id asset id to send, optional. Present starting from v5.0 and can be used only after Fork 2. Omit or set to 0 for BEAM transaction. If asset_id is non-zero assets must be enabled (--enable_assets) or method would fail.
  • offline - since v6.0 offline addresses by default start the regular online transaction. Specify "offline":true" to start an offline transaction. Applied only for offline addresses and ignored for all other address types.

You can preselect specific UTXOs for a transaction and fee via optional coins array parameter like "coins" : ["00057e8eca5673476e6f726d000000000000015d3ef79800", "00057e8eca1233476e6f726d000000000000015d3ef79800"]. In case of asset transaction you can specify both asset coins (to send) and non-asset coins (to pay fee).


    "id": 2,
        "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db"

Returns transaction id or error code.


Creates a specific set of outputs with given values.

NOTE: The session parameter is not IMPLEMENTED and was removed!


    "id": 5,
        "coins" : [11, 12, 13, 50000000],
        "fee" : 100,
        "asset_id": 1


    "id": 5,
        "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db"
  • fee is always in BEAM groth. Omit for default fee.
  • coins amounts of coins your want to have after split.
  • txId optional, provide your own transaction ID.
  • asset_id asset id to split, optional. Omit or set to 0 to split BEAM coins. Present starting from v5.0 and can be used only after Fork 2. If asset_id is non-zero assets must be enabled (--enable_assets) or method would fail.


Available from v5.0, can be used after Fork2. Assets must be enabled (--enable_assets) or method would fail.

Mints new asset coins. You must own the asset and info about the asset should be in a local database. Use tx_asset_info to retrieve the latest asset info if necessary. Asset minting is free. You need to pay only regular transaction fee.


    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 2,
    "method": "tx_asset_issue", 
        "value": 6,
        "asset_id": 1
  • value how much asset to mint, in asset groth.
  • fee transaction fee in BEAM groth. Omit to use default fee.
  • asset_id asset id of the asset to mint.
  • txId optional, provide your own transaction ID.
  • asset_meta obsolete and removed in v6.0.

You can preselect specific BEAM UTXOs for a transaction fee by adding coins array parameter, like "coins" : ["00057e8eca5673476e6f726d000000000000015d3ef79800", "00057e8eca1233476e6f726d000000000000015d3ef79800"]


    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 2,
        "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db"

Returns transaction id or error code.


Available from v5.0, can be used after Fork2. Assets must be enabled (--enable_assets) or method would fail.

Burns existing asset coins. You must own the asset itself as well as asset coins to burn them. You cannot burn asset coins that belong to another wallet. Info about the asset should be in a local database. Use tx_asset_info to retrieve the latest asset info if necessary. Asset coins burning is absolutely free. You need to pay only regular transaction fee.


    "id": 2,
        "value": 6,
        "asset_id": 1
  • value how much asset to burn, in asset groth.
  • fee transaction fee in BEAM groth, omit for a default fee.
  • asset_id id of the asset to consume.
  • txId optional, provide your own transaction ID
  • asset_meta obsolete and removed since v6.0

You can preselect specific UTXOs to burn and to pay fee by adding coins array parameter, like "coins" : ["00057e8eca5673476e6f726d000000000000015d3ef79800", "00057e8eca1233476e6f726d000000000000015d3ef79800"]. Both asset coins (to burn) and BEAM coins (to pay fee) can be in this array.


    "id": 2,
        "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db"

Returns transaction id or error code.


Available from v5.0, can be used after Fork2. Assets must be enabled (--enable_assets) or method would fail.

Retrieve full info about any registered asset and save in a local database. If asset has been unregistered or has been never registered transaction would fail. After transaction is completed you can use get_asset_info to read/get asset info from the local database.


    "id": 2,
    "method": "tx_asset_info",
        "asset_id": 1
  • asset_id asset id to retrieve info about. Can be used for any asset even if you don't own it.
  • txId optional, provide your own transaction ID
  • asset_meta obsolete and removed since v6.0

Asset info transaction is free, i.e. doesn't incur any fees.


    "id": 2,
        "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db"

Returns transaction id or error code.


Cancels running transaction


    "id": 4,
        "txId" : "a13525181c0d45b0a4c5c1a697c8a7b8"
  • txId transaction id to cancel.


    "id": 4,
    "result": true

Returns true if successfully canceled or error code with the reason.


Removes transaction from the local history. Cannot remove running transaction


    "id": 4,
        "txId" : "a13525181c0d45b0a4c5c1a697c8a7b8"
  • txId transaction id to be deleted.


    "id": 4,
    "result": true

Returns true if the transaction was successfully deleted or error code with the reason.


Get status & extended information about a single transaction by its transaction id. The example below is given for a simple transaction. Different transaction types have different status records. Consult tx_list method description for details. This method can be called for previously started asset-involving transactions even if assets are not enabled in the current session.


    "id": 4,
        "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db",
        "rates": false
  • txId - transaction id to return status for
  • rates - returns currency rates array at the moment of transaction if set to true. By default is false.


    "id": 4,
        "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db",
        "asset_id": 0,
        "comment": "",
        "fee": 100,
        "kernel": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "receiver": "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67",
        "sender": "f287176bdd517e9c277778e4c012bf6a3e687dd614fc552a1ed22a3fee7d94f2",
        "status": 4,
        "status_string" : "Failed",
        "tx_type": 0,
        "tx_type_string": "simple",
        "failure_reason" : "No inputs",
        "value": 12342342,
        "create_time" : 1551100217,
        "income" : false,
        "sender_identity": "a0a1ebbfeed5c312b309e32715c159e6b4548a6c6c3af25d0dbc16f37a1e9dd6",
        "receiver_identity": "2d8738b0424ad50631e902fab655e7e1795fbb8d92d47c4c8df7336870fcadf5",
        "token": "44pE7ySjZYjbLqwnTJANvr4BudMk1RdvWvaZnBvoCTwFnigfaTSza75bvw7x2GCa377Z4CSRRYZon44Ss9G9joSicNRAgts4u3pL6yV6jDQ6gAVJD9Scyr"


Get the transactions list.


    "id": 8,
        "filter" : 
        "rates": true,
        "skip" : 0,
        "count" : 10
  • filter.status optional, filter transactions by status
  • filter.height optional, filter transactions by height. For simple, asset issue and asset consume transactions denotes height when the transaction was registered in the chain. For asset info transaction means height at which asset confirmation was received. Works only for transactions with status Completed(3).
  • count optional, number of transactions to get. By default, all transactions are returned.
  • skip number of transactions to skip, 0 by default.
  • rates return currency rates at the moment of transaction if true. By default is false.

If assets are not enabled, the method returns only BEAM transactions. To get asset transactions you should enable assets (--enable_assets).

  • filter.asset_id return only asset transactions with given asset id. Present starting from v5.0. If assets are not enabled and filter.asset_id is non-zero nothing would be returned.


    "id": 8,
        "asset_id": 0,
        "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db",
        "comment": "",
        "fee": 0,
        "kernel": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "receiver": "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67",
        "sender": "f287176bdd517e9c277778e4c012bf6a3e687dd614fc552a1ed22a3fee7d94f2",
        "status": 4,
        "status_string" : "Failed",
        "failure_reason" : "No inputs",
        "value": 12342342,
        "create_time" : 1551100217,
        "income" : false,
        "token": "44pE7ySjZYjbLqwnTJANvr4BudMk1RdvWvaZnBvoCTwFnigfaTSza75bvw7x2GCa377Z4CSRRYZon44Ss9G9joSicNRAgts4u3pL6yV6jDQ6gAVJD9Scyr",
        "rates": [
                "from": 3,
                "rate": 200000000,
                "rate_str": "200000000",
                "to": "btc"
                "from": 0,
                "rate": 50000000,
                "rate_str": "50000000",
                "to": "usd"
      "asset_id": 1,
      "asset_meta": "STD:N=Coin;SN=CN;UN=Cgro;NTHUN=Cgroth",
      "comment": "",
      "confirmations": 102,
      "create_time": 1586995332,
      "fee": 0,
      "height": 1908,
      "income": false,
      "receiver": "0",
      "sender": "0",
      "status": 3,
      "status_string": "asset confirmed",
      "txId": "d9f94306127a4ef894733f984b5512cf",
      "tx_type": 6,
      "tx_type_string": "asset info",
      "value": 0,
      "rates": []
        "asset_id": 1,
        "asset_meta": "STD:N=Coin;SN=CN;UN=Cgro;NTHUN=Cgroth",
        "comment": "",
        "confirmations": 1985,
        "height": 25,
        "create_time": 1586966478,
        "fee": 100,
        "income": false,
        "kernel": "1c9e4a9a61df1dda00db10ab4477f88355e13d4ed06c0db36c39b22a2a66f642",
        "receiver": "0",
        "sender": "0",
        "status": 3,
        "status_string": "asset issued",
        "txId": "77008a76aa4b4da697587040b2d21f1e",
        "tx_type": 2,
        "tx_type_string": "asset issue",
        "value": 500000000,
        "rates": []
  • token retuned only in case if the transaction was started with a token.
  • height and confirmations will be absent if the transaction isn't in the chain for simple, asset issue & asset consume transactions, or if asset confirmation is not received for asset info transaction.
  • confirmations the number of blocks which confirm the presence of the transaction.
  • sender_identity and receiver_identity are present if both participants provided these. In UI and CLI called as "sender wallet's signature" and "receiver wallet's signature".
  • status_string is a string representation of status parameter.
  • asset_meta is an asset metadata string. Present from v5.0.
  • tx_type is present starting from v5.0.
  • tx_type_string is a string representation of tx_type parameter. Present starting from v5.0.
  • asset_id is returned starting from v5.0. For BEAM transactions it is always 0, for transactions that involve assets (including send/receive) it is an asset id. Can be 0 for asset info transaction if the transaction was started with asset_meta and the asset has been not found.
  • asset_meta is an asset metadata string. Returned starting from v5.0. Always present for asset issue & consume transactions. Can be empty for asset info transaction if it was started with asset_id and the asset has been not found.
  • kernel is not returned for asset info transactions. These transactions do not have any kernel and only query node for information.
  • appname returned for transactions initiated by DApps. DApp Name
  • appid returned for transactions initiated by DApps. DApp ID (apppid)
  • rates currency rates at the moment of transaction. Empty array if rates were not available at the moment of transaction or transaction does not store rates (asset issue/consume for example).
  • rates.from and from and to currencies. Number denotes asset id (0 for BEAM), string - third-party currencies such as eth, btc &c.
  • rates.rate and rates.rate_str is a conversion rate.
  • address_type type off address used for pust transaction (7), see create_address and TX types. Possible values are
    • offline
    • public_offline
    • max_privacy

IMPORTANT: The recommended number of confirmations for Beam transfers is 80 blocks.

TX statuses

  • pending (0) - pending initial state, the transaction is created, but not sent yet
  • in progress (1) - self sending/waiting for sender/waiting for receiver/in progress. For simple transactions indicates that the sender or receiver should come online to initiate the transaction. For asset issue/consume/info transactions indicates that transaction is being assembled. For asset info transaction means waiting for node response.
  • canceled (2) - cancelled by sender or due to rollback
  • completed (3) - transaction is completed/received/sent/asset issued/asset consumed/asset confirmed
  • failed (4) - failed for some reason or expired
  • registering (5) - self sending/receiving/sending/in progress transaction is taken care by the blockchain, miners needs to PoW and to add it to a block, then block should be added to the blockchain.

TX types

  • simple (0) - simple transaction, send/receive BEAM or asset
  • reserved (1) - currently not returned
  • asset issue (2) - issue new asset units
  • asset consume (3) - consume asset units
  • reserved (4) - currently not returned
  • reserved (5) - currently not returned
  • asset info (6) - asset info transaction, receive full asset information from blockchain
  • push transaction (7) - lelantus push transaction, is used for offline/max privacy payments
  • contract (12) - starting with v6.0, transaction created by contract request, or to fund or execute node-base contract invocation

N.B. tx_list does not return swap, asset register & asset unregister transactions. Transactions are sorted by height in a descending order.


Get current wallet status.


	"id": 6,


	"id": 6,
	    "current_height" : 1055,
	    "current_state_hash" : "f287176bdd517e9c277778e4c012bf6a3e687dd614fc552a1ed22a3fee7d94f2",
            "current_state_timestamp": 1625060769,
	    "prev_state_hash" : "bd39333a66a8b7cb3804b5978d42312c841dbfa03a1c31fc2f0627eeed6e43f2",
            "is_in_sync": true,
	    "available": 100500,
	    "receiving": 123,
	    "sending": 0,
	    "maturing": 50,
	    "difficulty": 2.93914,
  • available sum of available UTXOs you can spend
  • sending/receiving sum of UTXOs currently sending/receiving
  • maturing sum of UTXOs currently maturing
  • locked not used at the moment, ignore
  • difficulty the latest blockchain PoW difficulty
  • current_state_timestamp is a UNIX timestamp in seconds
  • is_in_sync true is wallet is in sync with blockchain

Starting from v5.0 assets support has been added. This slightly changes API response: totals array is added which provides amounts for each asset int the wallet. To get the totals array assets should be enabled (--enable_assets).


	"id": 6,
        "params": {
            "nz_totals": false
  • nz_totalsoptional bool. If true do not return totals for assets with zero balance. By default is false.


  "id": 1236,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "current_height" : 1055,
    "current_state_hash" : "f287176bdd517e9c277778e4c012bf6a3e687dd614fc552a1ed22a3fee7d94f2",
    "current_state_timestamp": 1625060769,
    "prev_state_hash" : "bd39333a66a8b7cb3804b5978d42312c841dbfa03a1c31fc2f0627eeed6e43f2",
    "is_in_sync": true,
    "available": 100500,
    "receiving": 123,
    "sending": 0,
    "maturing": 50,
    "difficulty": 2.93914,
    "totals": [
        "asset_id": 0,
        "available": 117065840575291,
        "available_mp": 0,
        "available_mp_str": "0",
        "available_regular": 117065840575291,
        "available_regular_str": "117065840575291",
        "available_str": "117065840575291",
        "change": 0,
        "change_str": "0",
        "locked": 183629687500000,
        "locked_str": "183629687500000",
        "maturing": 183629687500000,
        "maturing_mp": 0,
        "maturing_mp_str": "0",
        "maturing_regular": 183629687500000,
        "maturing_regular_str": "183629687500000",
        "maturing_str": "183629687500000",
        "receiving": 0,
        "receiving_mp": 0,
        "receiving_mp_str": "0",
        "receiving_regular": 0,
        "receiving_regular_str": "0",
        "receiving_str": "0",
        "sending": 0,
        "sending_mp": 0,
        "sending_mp_str": "0",
        "sending_regular": 0,
        "sending_regular_str": "0",
        "sending_str": "0"
        "asset_id": 3,
        "available": 4262500000,
        "available_mp": 0,
        "available_mp_str": "0",
        "available_regular": 4262500000,
        "available_regular_str": "4262500000",
        "available_str": "4262500000",
        "change": 0,
        "change_str": "0",
        "locked": 0,
        "locked_str": "0",
        "maturing": 0,
        "maturing_mp": 0,
        "maturing_mp_str": "0",
        "maturing_regular": 0,
        "maturing_regular_str": "0",
        "maturing_str": "0",
        "receiving": 0,
        "receiving_mp": 0,
        "receiving_mp_str": "0",
        "receiving_regular": 0,
        "receiving_regular_str": "0",
        "receiving_str": "0",
        "sending": 0,
        "sending_mp": 0,
        "sending_mp_str": "0",
        "sending_regular": 0,
        "sending_regular_str": "0",
        "sending_str": "0"
  • totals is an array of totals per asset. Assets that are included in this array by default:

    • BEAM (asset id 0)
    • All assets which have UTXOs.
    • All owned assets, even if there is no UTXOs for the given asset.
  • available_regular available regular UTXOs wallet can spend

  • available_mp available max privacy (shielded) UTXOs wallet can spend

  • available sum of available_regular and available_mp

  • receiving_regular regular UTXOs wallet is currently receiving

  • receiving_mp max privacy (shielded) UTXOs wallet is currently receiving

  • receiving sum of receiving_regular and receiving_mp

  • sending_regular regular UTXOs wallet is currently sending

  • sending_mp max privacy (shielded) UTXOs wallet is currently sending

  • sending sum of sending_regular and sending_mp

  • maturing_regular regular UTXOs currently maturing

  • maturing_mp max privacy (shielded) UTXOs currently maturing

  • maturing sum of maturing_regular and maturing_mp

  • change change that is currently incoming to wallet

  • locked locked UTXOs, sum of maturing_regular, maturing_mp and change

Asset is included in the totals array even if all UTXOs are spent or if there are no UTXOs but asset is owned (issued by the wallet). In case when all the UTXOs are spent totals' fields except asset_id would be 0 (zero balance). To avoid getting assets with zero balance specify "params": {"nz_totals": true}. BEAM is always included, even if balance is 0 and nz_totals is true.

Maximum asset emission is 2128-1. To ensure compatibility with JavaScript raw number (available, maturing &c.) returned only if it is less than or equal to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (253-1). If total's value is greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER only corresponding string representation (xxxx_str) is returned.


Get list of all unlocked UTXOs.


    "id": 6,
    "params" :
        "count": 10,
        "skip": 0,
        "sort": {
            "field": "amount",
            "direction": "asc"
  • count number of UTXO to get, by default all the UTXOs are returned.
  • skip number of UTXO to skip, default is 0.
  • sort.field name of field to sort. Available values are "id|asset_id|amount|type|maturity|createTxId|spentTxId|status|status_string"
  • sort.direction sorting directions "asc" or "desc"


    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 6,
        "id": 123,
        "asset_id": 0,
        "amount": 12345,
        "maturity": 60,
        "type": "mine",
        "createTxId": "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db",
        "spentTxId": "",
        "status": 2,
        "status_string": "maturing"
  • asset_id asset id if coin belongs to an asset and 0 for BEAM coins. By default method returns only BEAM coins. To get asset coins assets should be enabled (--enable_assets)
  • filter.asset_id return only asset coins with given asset id, 0 for BEAM coins. Present starting from v5.0. Assets should be enabled.


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1236,
    "method": "get_utxo",
    "params": {
        "assets": true,
        "filter": {
            "asset_id": 1


  "id": 1236,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "amount": 500000000,
      "asset_id": 1,
      "createTxId": "fd705ce6f8c345309c865dc93de9fec5",
      "id": "0000000183ed2de4d94e6bd56e6f726d01000000000000001dcd6500",
      "maturity": 19,
      "spentTxId": "",
      "status": 1,
      "status_string": "available",
      "type": "norm"
  • type can be fees (comission), mine (coinbase), norm (usual coin, for example received via transaction), chng (change), shld (shielded)
  • status can be unavailable (0), available (1), maturing (2), outgoing (3), incoming (4), spent (6), consumed (7). consumed status is returned only for asset coins starting from v5.0. It means that the coin has been burned (consumed).


Read asset info from local database. Asset info can be refreshed using tx_asset_info. It is also automatically refreshed during asset transactions (but not always) to ensure that asset operations are safe. This method can be called even if assets are not enabled.


    "id": 6,
    "method": "get_asset_info",
    "params" :
        "asset_id": 1
  • asset_id asset id to retrieve info about. Can be used for any asset even if you don't own it.
  • asset_meta obsolete and removed since v6.0


    "id": 1236,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "asset_id": 1,
        "emission": 2000000000,
        "emission_str": "2000000000",
        "isOwned": 1,
        "lockHeight": 39,
        "metadata": "STD:SCH_VER=1;N=YAN Coin;SN=YAN;UN=Yan;NTHUN=Yanik",
        "metadata_kv": true,
        "metadata_pairs": {
            "N": "YAN Coin",
            "NTHUN": "Yanik",
            "SCH_VER": "1",
            "SN": "YAN",
            "UN": "Yan"
        "metadata_std_min": true,
        "metadata_std": true,
        "ownerId": "0ae08a49e018e98177774294107dc033790b87538e54a20e99c6b98f1dbd39ce",
        "refreshHeight": 927

Returns full asset info or error code.

  • asset_id asset id
  • metadata asset metadata
  • emission & emission_str total asset emission. Maximum asset emission is 2128-1. To ensure compatibility with JavaScript raw number returned only if it is less than or equal to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (253-1). If asset emission is greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER only corresponding string representation is returned.
  • isOwned is 1 if you own this asset
  • lockHeight last block when asset emission turned to/from 0.
  • refreshHeight block at which asset information has been received. Please note, that all returned fields are valid only for this and previous blocks. In next blocks emission might change, asset become unregistered &c. Use tx_asset_info to retrieve the most recent info.
  • metadata_kv true if metadata was parsed successfully as key=value pairs
  • metadata_pairs present only if metadata_kv is true, provides actual parsed key=value pairs
  • metadata_std_min true if metadata is k=v pairs and minimal necessary pairs are present, i.e. N(Name), UN(Unit Name), SN(Short Name), NTHUN (Smallest Unit Name)
  • metadata_std true if metadata is k=v pairs and fully adheres to the Asset Descriptor Specification


Generates ID for a transaction.


    "id": 2,


    "id": 2,


Exports payment proof for given txId.


    "id": 4,
    "method": "export_payment_proof", 
        "txId" : "a13525181c0d45b0a4c5c1a697c8a7b8"


    "id": 4,
        "payment_proof": "8009f28991ef543253c8b6a2caf15cf99e23fb9c2b4ca30dc463c8ceb354d7979e80ef7d4255dd5e885200648abe5826d8e0ba0157d3e8cf9c42dcc8258b036986e50400371789ee82afc25ee29c9c57bcb1018b725a3a94c0ceb1fa7984ea13de4982553e0d78d925a362982182a971e654857b8e407e7ad2e9cb72b2b8228812f8ec50435351000c94e2c85996e9527d9b0c90a1843205a7ec8f99fa534083e5f1d055d9f53894"
  • payment_proof is a hex-encoded byte buffer which contains information about sender, receiver, amount and kernel, signed with receiver's private key. This info could be unpacked and verified using verify_payment_proof method by the third party. Receiver creates a payment proof in order give receiver an ability to proof that actual payment was made. Sender does not sign transaction if receiver does not provide him this evidence.

N.B. Payment proofs for asset transaction are supported starting from v5.0. These proofs cannot be verified by earlier clients/APIs versions. Regular BEAM payment proofs generated by the latest clients/APIs still would be accepted by earlier versions of clients/APIs.


Verifies payment_proof.


    "id": 4,
        "payment_proof" : "8009f28991ef543253c8b6a2caf15cf99e23fb9c2b4ca30dc463c8ceb354d7979e80ef7d4255dd5e885200648abe5826d8e0ba0157d3e8cf9c42dcc8258b036986e50400371789ee82afc25ee29c9c57bcb1018b725a3a94c0ceb1fa7984ea13de4982553e0d78d925a362982182a971e654857b8e407e7ad2e9cb72b2b8228812f8ec50435351000c94e2c85996e9527d9b0c90a1843205a7ec8f99fa534083e5f1d055d9f53894"


    "id": 4,
        "is_valid": true,
        "asset_id": 0,
        "sender":   "9f28991ef543253c8b6a2caf15cf99e23fb9c2b4ca30dc463c8ceb354d7979e",
        "receiver": "ef7d4255dd5e885200648abe5826d8e0ba0157d3e8cf9c42dcc8258b036986e5",
        "amount":   2300000000,
        "kernel":   "ee82afc25ee29c9c57bcb1018b725a3a94c0ceb1fa7984ea13de4982553e0d78"
  • is_valid true if signature is valid,
  • sender sender's SBBS address
  • receiver is a receiver's SBBS address, is it is used to verify the signature
  • amount amount sent by the transaction in groth
  • asset_id asset id of the transaction, 0 for BEAM. Returned starting from v5.0
  • kernel id of the kernel of this transaction

N.B. v5.0+ APIs accept proofs generated by older versions.


Available from v6.0, can be used after Fork3.

Invokes application shader. Only application/wallet side shaders are accepted. Use CLI to call a contract shader.


    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 2,
    "method": "invoke_contract", 
        "contract": [123, 123, 123],
        "args": "role=manager,action=view"



    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 2,
    "method": "invoke_contract", 
        "contract_file": "....",
        "args": "role=manager,action=view"
  • contract contract code as raw bytes array, optional.
  • contract_file file name to read contract code from, optional. Absolute or relative to the executable CWD.
  • args contract arguments, optional. Depends on the called shader. Consult shader-specific docs for details.
  • create_tx bool, pass true create transaction automatically if contract wants it and return txid. Pass false to avoid transaction creation, get raw tx data that can be passed to process_invoke_data later. By default is true.

contract parameter always takes precedence over the contract_file.


  "id": 1236,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "output": "{\"contracts\": [{\"cid\": \"2b105519ee7e170d92abffbc1eb5426d4e20910af2f54bcee43eb84c74dcfa4b\",\"Height\": 27004},{\"cid\": 
               \"55df189ac5c1f9b982fa34fb8050f005c331203023816ddbb2d641a96a3fcb2a\",\"Height\": 27001},{\"cid\": 
               \"6add645863c29d9dc43ab9987af870cb91fd0dfb4e26ae09ca97ac8ff5372f6e\",\"Height\": 532}]}"
  • output contract output. Depends on the called shader. Can be empty
  • txid transaction created by contract (if any)
  • raw_data raw data returned by the contract based on which transaction can be created using process_invoke_data

Shader Errors

Please notice that API returns errors only if there is an API error (no shader code, parse error &c.). If there was an error inside the shader itself API call would be successful and shader output should be checked. For example:

Code caching

If there was an invoke_shader before contract/contract_file can be omitted. In this case contract code from previous call would be used. In case of wallet_api code caching works on per-connection level. In case of applications caching works on per-application level.


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1236,
    "method": "invoke_contract",
    "params": {
        "contract_file": "./faucetManager.wasm",
        "args": "role=manager"


  "id": 1236,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "output": "{\"error\": \"Action not specified\"}"

Requests queue

Before v6.1 it was not allowed to make the next contract call before the previous one is completed. As per v6.1 priority queue is added for invoke_contract requests. If previous call is not completed new invoke_shader call would be added to the queue and executed later. New parameters were added to control the queue:

  • priority - integer, 0 by default. Calls with higher priority would be placed on top of the queue
  • unique - integer, 0 by default. If there is already an invoke_contract call with the same unique queued or being executed the new call will not be added to the queue. This might be necessary to avoid queue congestion with multiple status while previous requests are still pending. Value of 0 is ignored and doesn't trigger call omission.


Creates transaction requested by a contract


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1236,
    "method": "process_invoke_data",
    "params": {
        "data": [123, 123, 123]


  "id": 1236,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "txid": "..."
  • txid contract transaction id created as a result of the call


Calculates change for given amount


    "id": 4,
        "amount" : 1234,
        "asset_id": 2,
        "fee": 10000,
        "is_push_transaction": true


    "id": 4,
        "asset_change": 12,
        "asset_change_str": "12",
        "change": 12,
        "change_str": "12",
        "explicit_fee": 1100000,
        "explicit_fee_str": "1100000"


  • amount is a requested amount we are going to send
  • asset_id optional asset id of the requested amount. Default is 0 (BEAM). This method can be used for non-BEAM coins even if assets are not enabled.
  • fee explicit fee in GROTHs chosen by the user
  • asset_change change amount for requested asset_id
  • change change in for BEAM. asset_change and change are equal if asset_id == 0, i.e. BEAM
  • explicit_fee the fee which should be used
  • is_push_transaction true if we are going to push transaction output into the shielded pool.


Returns block header from blockchain


    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 2,
    "method": "block_details", 
        "height": 200
  • height height of block.


    "id": 4,
        "block_hash": "7aec20e5b56706d57a4dca1df4a4d3104dbdbf8d6005499845558b7a32694d02",
        "chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c503b09ac0",
        "definition": "0d3f4e63743760c6397d76086e1cc0ebe749c121206c8150738dc84edcd30092",
        "difficulty": 118.4594497680664,
        "height": 200,
        "kernels": "705cdfa154eec35e4b4b0e2163ff9c81f8f035641ee4b0b95c3f3c5b0f170ffe",
        "packed_difficulty": 114939514,
        "pow": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004f04638c1f4cee1b7ad6d906",
        "previous_block": "d195cc69fbd2b402cc33ecb303f5391f0010f34ee059f30b908ed10f0fe5a255",
        "rules_hash": "340bbeabc390f481df1f84aedf0b679c1c7ed1f0e28d4340c9c49b4c41611f85",
        "timestamp": 1619598150
  • block_hash is a block hash
  • chainwork is a chainwork
  • definition is a definition
  • difficulty is a difficulty
  • height is a block height
  • kernels is a kernels
  • packed_difficulty is a packed difficulty
  • pow is a pow
  • previous_block is hash of previous block
  • rules_hash is a rules hash
  • timestamp is a timestamp


Returns version info


    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 1,
    "method": "get_version"


  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "api_version": "6.1",
    "api_version_major": 6,
    "api_version_minor": 1,
    "beam_branch_name": "master",
    "beam_commit_hash": "f7dcfab5341e84a58918f2fde0fc2be9c09264eb",
    "beam_version": "6.1.11462",
    "beam_version_major": 6,
    "beam_version_minor": 1,
    "beam_version_rev": 11462


Add data to IPFS local node and pin it. Action is automatically cancelled on API restart.


    "id": 1,
    "method": "ipfs_add", 
        "data" : [1, 2, 3],
        "pin"  : true,
        "timeout": 5000
  • data raw uint8 bytes array to store in IPFS
  • pin optional bool, if true data would also be pinned to the local IPFS node. Default is true.
  • timeout timeout in milliseconds. By default method doesn't timeout


    "id": 1,
    "result" : 
        "hash" : "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t",
        "pinned": true
  • hash IPFS hash of the added data
  • pinned bool flag that indicates if data has been pinned or just added


Calculate IPFS hash (CID) of the data


    "id": 1,
    "method": "ipfs_hash", 
        "data" : [1, 2, 3],
        "timeout": 5000
  • data raw uint8 bytes to calculate hash of
  • timeout timeout in milliseconds. By default method doesn't timeout


    "id": 1,
    "result" : 
        "hash" : "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t"
  • hash IPFS hash of the data


Get data from IPFS by hash. Action is automatically cancelled on API restart. May take a lot of time if data is not present on the local node.


    "id": 1,
    "method": "ipfs_get", 
        "hash" : "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t",
        "timeout": 5000
  • hash IPFS has of the data to get
  • timeout timeout in milliseconds. By default method doesn't timeout


    "id": 1,
    "result" : 
        "hash" : "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t",
        "data" : [1, 2, 3]
  • hash IPFS hash of the data
  • data actual data as uint8 bytes array


Pin data to the local node. If data is not stored in the local node it is discovered and downloaded (ipfs_get). Action is automatically cancelled at API restart. May take a lot of time.


    "id": 1,
    "method": "ipfs_pin", 
        "hash" : "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t",
        "timeout": 5000
  • hash IPFS has of the data to pin
  • timeout timeout in milliseconds. By default method doesn't timeout


    "id": 1,
    "result" : 
        "hash" : "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t"
  • hash IPFS hash of the pinned data


Unpin data from the local node. Data is not deleted and will be available via ipfs_get until garbage collected.


    "id": 1,
    "method": "ipfs_unpin", 
        "hash" : "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t"
  • hash IPFS has of the data to unpin


    "id": 1,
    "result" : 
        "hash" : "QmWWQSuPMS6aXCbZKpEjPHPUZN2NjB3YrhJTHsV4X3vb2t"
  • hash IPFS hash of the unpinned data


Garbage collect IPFS storage, i.e. delete unpinned data until storage has at least 10% of free space (default settings). May take a lot of time. In desktop client gc is run automatically every hour.


    "id": 1,
    "method": "ipfs_gc", 
        "timeout" : 60000
  • timeout timeout in milliseconds. By default method doesn't timeout


    "id": 1,
    "result" : 
        "result" : true
  • result success flag


Subscribe/unsubscribe to API events.


    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
    "id": 1,
    "method": "ev_subunsub",
    "params": {
        "ev_sync_progress": true,
        "ev_system_state": true,
        "ev_assets_changed": true,
        "ev_addrs_changed": true,
        "ev_utxos_changed": true,
        "ev_txs_changed": true


  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true
  • ev_xxxx corresponding event name, optional, bool. True subscribes to the event, false unsubscribes. All ev_xxxx paramaters are optional. If event is not specified its subscription state remains unchanged. Immediately after subscription corresponding event is generated providing the latest state.


Event is generated while wallet is being synced with the blockchain. Let's consider the following situation:

  • current wallet height is 105
  • block 106 has been just mined

In this case the following sequence of events would be generated:

1. <--

  "id": "ev_sync_progress",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "current_height": 105,
    "current_state_hash": "76de9b9bcbc1b1a4775d54f2b98c3edc222f5a86698209200e459043fe218a29",
    "current_state_timestamp": 1625146903,
    "sync_requests_done": 0,
    "sync_requests_total": 2,
    "is_in_sync": true,
    "prev_state_hash": "3a2a3bd55615d3de86b86c920f715ad47973be7dbc2fde2d4c39b937e96177e1",
    "tip_height": 106,
    "tip_prev_state_hash": "76de9b9bcbc1b1a4775d54f2b98c3edc222f5a86698209200e459043fe218a29",
    "tip_state_hash": "7bb40b96ee4606c3e8f085aa633b66c14f041178142eb1077521621cde47e3b1",
    "tip_state_timestamp": 1625146951

In event 1 API tells that there is 1 new block to sync (tip_height - current_height is 1) and nothing has been yet done (sync_requests_done is 0). Current height is 105 (current_height), target height is 106 (tip_height) and our wallet is still in a 'synce tolerance range' (is_in_sync is true). If is_in_sync is false all the requested/pending transaction would be delayed until the wallet is synced.

2. <--

  "id": "ev_sync_progress",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "current_height": 105,
    "current_state_hash": "76de9b9bcbc1b1a4775d54f2b98c3edc222f5a86698209200e459043fe218a29",
    "current_state_timestamp": 1625146903,
    "sync_requests_done": 1,
    "sync_requests_total": 2,
    "is_in_sync": true,
    "prev_state_hash": "3a2a3bd55615d3de86b86c920f715ad47973be7dbc2fde2d4c39b937e96177e1",
    "tip_height": 106,
    "tip_prev_state_hash": "76de9b9bcbc1b1a4775d54f2b98c3edc222f5a86698209200e459043fe218a29",
    "tip_state_hash": "7bb40b96ee4606c3e8f085aa633b66c14f041178142eb1077521621cde47e3b1",
    "tip_state_timestamp": 1625146951

In event 2 API tells that 1 sync request has been processed (sync_requests_done is 1). It can be block body downloaded, utxo received &c. Since sync_requests_total is 2 not everything is received, some requests are still pending.

3. <--

  "id": "ev_sync_progress",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "current_height": 105,
    "current_state_hash": "76de9b9bcbc1b1a4775d54f2b98c3edc222f5a86698209200e459043fe218a29",
    "current_state_timestamp": 1625146903,
    "sync_requests_done": 2,
    "sync_requests_total": 2,
    "is_in_sync": true,
    "prev_state_hash": "3a2a3bd55615d3de86b86c920f715ad47973be7dbc2fde2d4c39b937e96177e1",
    "tip_height": 106,
    "tip_prev_state_hash": "76de9b9bcbc1b1a4775d54f2b98c3edc222f5a86698209200e459043fe218a29",
    "tip_state_hash": "7bb40b96ee4606c3e8f085aa633b66c14f041178142eb1077521621cde47e3b1",
    "tip_state_timestamp": 1625146951

In event 3 API tells that 2 sync events have been receive (`sync_requests_done` is 2) and since `sync_requests_total` is 2 too we can conclude that everything is downloaded now though not yet processed and wallet state has not yet moved to the next block (current_height is still not changed and is 105).

`4. <--`
  "id": "ev_sync_progress",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "current_height": 106,
    "current_state_hash": "7bb40b96ee4606c3e8f085aa633b66c14f041178142eb1077521621cde47e3b1",
    "current_state_timestamp": 1625146903,
    "sync_requests_done": 2,
    "sync_requests_total": 2,
    "is_in_sync": true,
    "prev_state_hash": "76de9b9bcbc1b1a4775d54f2b98c3edc222f5a86698209200e459043fe218a29",
    "tip_height": 106,
    "tip_prev_state_hash": "76de9b9bcbc1b1a4775d54f2b98c3edc222f5a86698209200e459043fe218a29",
    "tip_state_hash": "7bb40b96ee4606c3e8f085aa633b66c14f041178142eb1077521621cde47e3b1",
    "tip_state_timestamp": 1625146951

In event 4 API tells that the wallet state is moved to the last tip (sync_requests_total == sync_requests_done == 0 AND tip_state_hash == current_state_hash AND tip_height == current_height).


Generated when wallet moves to the next state, for example when new block is mined and wallet has acknowledged and processed this fact or when new block is delivered during the sync.


  "id": "ev_system_state",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "current_height": 113738,
    "current_state_hash": "4bbf9eb9cc409ce17c49cc7952edfed7583e8636e3e5d84b2034779034cb439c",
    "current_state_timestamp": 1625663362,
    "is_in_sync": true,
    "prev_state_hash": "4995999f065eb5f04687fe9a43b93d7e344e99d17f2e2703260904f70aabfbd0",
    "tip_height": 113738,
    "tip_prev_state_hash": "4995999f065eb5f04687fe9a43b93d7e344e99d17f2e2703260904f70aabfbd0",
    "tip_state_hash": "4bbf9eb9cc409ce17c49cc7952edfed7583e8636e3e5d84b2034779034cb439c",
    "tip_state_timestamp": 1625663362


Event is generated when any address is changed/removed/updated &c.


  "id": "ev_addrs_changed",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
      "change": 3,
      "change_str": "reset",
      "addrs": [
              "address": "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",
              "category": "",
              "comment": "",
              "create_time": 1553174321,
              "duration": 1520,
              "expired": true,
              "own": true,
              "own_id": 16730903,
              "own_id_str": "16730903",
              "identity": "2d8738b0424ad50631e902fab655e7e1795fbb8d92d47c4c8df7336870fcadf5",
              "type": "offline",
              "wallet_id": "22813f28ae198b1aa28aed3d0dc69a7c75f0a3c8b72c5950c997d0a569e74f90b61"
              "address": "19e6ce53a137a1aa59ef19538c181acc5cd06cbfc7b985901345328786f8ae300a7",
              "category": "",
              "create_time": 1553174321,
              "duration": 1520,
              "expired": true,
              "comment": "",
              "own": true,
              "own_id": 16730903,
              "own_id_str": "16730903",
              "identity": "9d99a7e3d1a6a73fbfa01efe63020135654f7b1561d65c74266fe9db6e80b096",
              "type": "regular",
              "wallet_id": "19e6ce53a137a1aa59ef19538c181acc5cd06cbfc7b985901345328786f8ae300a7"
  • change, change_str - check ev_XXX_changed Events section for details
  • addrs - array of changed addresses


Event is generated when an asset is changed, i.e. metadata refreshed or metadata dropped due to the asset delisting or internal metadata processing error. Note that metadata can be dropped while an asset is still on chain but local metadata becomes invalid, for example in certain situations during rollback. If you have any asset coins in wallet but no valid metadata for a given asset id refresh it using tx_asset_info. Metadata is also automatically refreshed during the send/receive/issue/consume operations if necessary.

Metadata dropped:


  "id": "ev_assets_changed",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": { 
      "change": 1,
      "change_str": "removed",
      "assets": [
         {"asset_id": 121}, 
         {"asset_id": 122} 
  • change, change_str - check ev_XXX_changed Events section for details
  • assets - array of changed assets. In case of the removed event only asset ids are provided

Metadata updated:


    "id": "ev_assets_changed",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "change": 3,
        "change_str": "reset",
        "assets": [
              "asset_id": 1,
              "emission": 2000000000,
              "emission_str": "2000000000",
              "isOwned": 1,
              "lockHeight": 39,
              "metadata": "STD:SCH_VER=1;N=YAN Coin;SN=YAN;UN=Yan;NTHUN=Yanik",
              "metadata_kv": true,
              "metadata_pairs": {
                 "N": "YAN Coin",
                 "NTHUN": "Yanik",
                 "SCH_VER": "1",
                 "SN": "YAN",
                 "UN": "Yan"
              "metadata_std_min": true,
              "metadata_std": true,
              "ownerId": "0ae08a49e018e98177774294107dc033790b87538e54a20e99c6b98f1dbd39ce",
              "refreshHeight": 927


Event is generated when UTXOs/Coins are changed. If assets are not enabled event is generated only for BEAM UTXOs. To get asset UTXOs notifications assets should be enabled (--enable_assets).


    "id": "ev_utxos_changed",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "change": 3,
        "change_str": "reset",
        "utxos": [
                "id": 123,
                "asset_id": 0,
                "amount": 12345,
                "maturity": 60,
                "type": "mine",
                "createTxId": "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db",
                "spentTxId": "",
                "status": 2,
                "status_string": "maturing"
  • change, change_str - check ev_XXX_changed Events section for details
  • coins array of changed utxos, most up to date meta. Check get_utxo for more details


Event is generated when transactions are changed.


    "id": "ev_txs_changed",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "change": 3,
        "change_str": "reset",
        "txs": [
                "txId" : "10c4b760c842433cb58339a0fafef3db",
                "asset_id": 0,
                "comment": "",
                "fee": 100,
                "kernel": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "receiver": "472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67",
                "sender": "f287176bdd517e9c277778e4c012bf6a3e687dd614fc552a1ed22a3fee7d94f2",
                "status": 4,
                "status_string" : "Failed",
                "tx_type": 0,
                "tx_type_string": "simple",
                "failure_reason" : "No inputs",
                "value": 12342342,
                "create_time" : 1551100217,
                "income" : false,
                "rates": [],
                "sender_identity": "a0a1ebbfeed5c312b309e32715c159e6b4548a6c6c3af25d0dbc16f37a1e9dd6",
                "receiver_identity": "2d8738b0424ad50631e902fab655e7e1795fbb8d92d47c4c8df7336870fcadf5",
                "token": "44pE7ySjZYjbLqwnTJANvr4BudMk1RdvWvaZnBvoCTwFnigfaTSza75bvw7x2GCa377Z4CSRRYZon44Ss9G9joSicNRAgts4u3pL6yV6jDQ6gAVJD9Scyr"


Event is generated when wallet connection status is changed. For example, connected/disconnected to node, detected own node, etc.


  "id": "ev_connection_changed",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "node_connected": true,
    "own_node": false,
  • node_connected - if true this means that wallet successfully connected at least to one node
  • own_node - true if one of connected beam nodes has owner key
  • last_connect_error - this field contains a string with last connection error explanation


Generates Schnorr signature for a custom message with public key generated from the given key material.


    "id": 1,
    "method": "sign_message", 
        "message" : "my message",
        "key_material": "b51efe78d3e7c83c8dbc3d59d5e06b2bd770139e645bc19e50652632cbdd47d10000000047616c6c6572792d6b65792d6f776e6572"
  • message user message to sign
  • key_material hex encoded key material for key generation. It could be retrieved from application shader


    "id": 1,
    "result" : 
        "signature" : "bb025df14a3f0539c4b89d5eeacb8510de5de49456cff3d4027323697469021b0022262fc2457523a28524e696ec3b2825e9c4558d78da2db165cd93b8710eb7b3"
  • signature 65-byte hex encoded Schnorr signature. It signes SHA256("beam.signed.message"+len(message)+message)


Verifies Schnorr signature for a custom message.


    "id": 1,
    "method": "verify_signature", 
        "message" : "my message",
        "public_key": "37b20c87f7b70c133e3c99e54e97b1febc51b61c0310a3a5ba6856748a67e9e601",
        "signature": "bb025df14a3f0539c4b89d5eeacb8510de5de49456cff3d4027323697469021b0022262fc2457523a28524e696ec3b2825e9c4558d78da2db165cd93b8710eb7b3"
  • message user message to sign
  • public_key 33 byte hex encoded public key
  • signature 65 byte hex encode signature


    "id": 1,
    "result" : true
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