BAH-3850 | Add. Audit Log Event Messages For IPD And Care View Dashboard
BAH-3850 | Add. Audit Log Event Messages For IPD And Care View Dashboard
Pull request merge
BAH-3850 | Add. Message For IPD Events
BAH-3850 | Add. Message For IPD Events
BAH-3024 | Add. Config To Set Identifier and Ignore Columns in Patien…
BAH-3024 | Add. Config To Set Identifier and Ignore Columns in Patien…
BAH-3024 | Add. Config To Set Identifier and Ignore Columns in Patien…
BAH-3024 | Add. Config To Set Identifier and Ignore Columns in Patien…
Pull request merge
[Rahul] | BAH-3024 | Add. Identifier and Column Ignore List Config in…
[Rahul] | BAH-3024 | Add. Identifier and Column Ignore List Config in…
BAH-3024 | Arjun | Feedbacks on config names and possible values
BAH-3024 | Arjun | Feedbacks on config names and possible values
[Arjun] | BAH-3024 | add. configs for setting identifier and ignoring…
[Arjun] | BAH-3024 | add. configs for setting identifier and ignoring…
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Appointments Month Incorrect Indexing
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Appointments Month Incorrect Indexing
Pull request merge
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Appointments Month Incorrect Indexing
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Appointments Month Incorrect Indexing
Force push
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Appointments Month Incorrect Indexing
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Appointments Month Incorrect Indexing
Deepthi M |BAH-3581 | Updated to fix issue with prescription header i…
Deepthi M |BAH-3581 | Updated to fix issue with prescription header i…
Deepthi M |BAH-3581 | Updated to fix issue with prescription header i…
Deepthi M |BAH-3581 | Updated to fix issue with prescription header i…
Pull request merge
Deepthi M |BAH-3581 | Updated to fix issue with prescription header i…
Deepthi M |BAH-3581 | Updated to fix issue with prescription header i…
Parvathy | BAH-3606 | Add. Config Property to Group Tests by Panel
Parvathy | BAH-3606 | Add. Config Property to Group Tests by Panel
Pull request merge
Parvathy | BAH-3606 | Add. Config Property to Group Tests by Panel
Parvathy | BAH-3606 | Add. Config Property to Group Tests by Panel
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Timezone Difference In Appointment Schedule
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Timezone Difference In Appointment Schedule
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Timezone Difference In Appointment Schedule
[Rahul] | BAH-3522 | Fix. Timezone Difference In Appointment Schedule
BAH-2348 | pulled translations for Brazil portuguese
BAH-2348 | pulled translations for Brazil portuguese