Add new candidates based on wpa-sec analyis
Add new candidates based on wpa-sec analyis
Add new candidates based on wpa-sec analyis
Add new candidates based on wpa-sec analyis
added weak candidates based on wpa-sec analysis (backtix and wasfcaw2…
added weak candidates based on wpa-sec analysis (backtix and wasfcaw2…
added / fixed weak candidates based on backtix and wpa-sec
added / fixed weak candidates based on backtix and wpa-sec
New Altice & Tenda candidates + M-Tel/A1 mod
New Altice & Tenda candidates + M-Tel/A1 mod
New ASUS candidates, removed dupe, updated usage
New ASUS candidates, removed dupe, updated usage
fixed double free or corruption in case of FT using PSK
fixed double free or corruption in case of FT using PSK
fixed double free or corruption in case of FT using PSK
fixed double free or corruption in case of FT using PSK
New ASUS candidates, removed dupe, updated usage
New ASUS candidates, removed dupe, updated usage
Add multiple new candidates & Tenda refactoring
Add multiple new candidates & Tenda refactoring