Number | 4 |
Title | BONSAI knowledge management and communication strategy |
Status | Draft |
Type | Guidelines |
Proposed By | Tom Millross |
Editor | |
Created | 2019-03-12 |
Last updated | 2019-03-18 |
Version | 2 |
The goal of this effort is to organise the Bonsai mediums such that interested people can quickly navigate to the most up-to-date information which is relevant for them. This way they are more likely to properly understand the project without unnecessary struggle. Once they have this understanding, their path toward meaningful contributions will be clearly guided from a getting-started guide.
There are currently too many communication channels separate places for digitally documenting/storing our combined knowledge. It is hard for newcomers to get started, and for active participants to know where each type of information should reside. The growth of new mediums should be halted, with any new alternatives discussed before they are created.
As of the writing of this proposal, there are the following mediums (LinkedIn and the Google Drive have been deprecated):
- The website
- The 'main' mailing list on and the hackathon sub-group
- BONSAMURAIS organization on Github, plus repositories
- A Slack workspace
Further mediums have also been suggested, such as:
- a Discourse forum
- an Open Science Framework (OSF) project
- a StackOverflow tag
- ...
This BEP proposes guidelines for knowledge management and communication. A specific use-case for each of three mediums is described: the Web-page, mailing list, and GitHub (with sub-sections). No other new mediums should be created without advanced discussion.
The scope of this proposal is limited to written, publicly accessible knowledge and communication mediums. Private communications including video/phone calls, personal emails, and messaging applications are beyond scope. Source code management, documentation and version control are not covered. Nor are marketing activities, blogs, or other externally-focused communications.
All action points already discussed publicly and committed-to-acting-upon by Michele De Rosa here are excluded. Discussions regarding LinkedIn (at a board meeting) and Google Docs (here) have already been completed (with the decision to deprecate their usage), and are hence also omitted from this proposal.
The website should be used for information which does not require ongoing contribution and is mostly static. It is also used for web-applications (example), which are beyond the scope of this proposal.
Proposed action (in addition to these):
- The BONSAI web page source code to be made public as a Github repo under the BONSAMURAIS organization, enabling updates via pull requests.
To be used for high-level announcements, conceptual discussion, and in areas where a consensus needs to be found (within working groups or across the full community).
GitHub issues (see below) are preferred for project & task management and technical implementation details and discussion.
GitHub offers a variety of integrated functionality which we propose to use in the de-facto standard way (as described by the GitHub help articles which are linked). This section first describes the top-level information architecture concepts: 'organisations' & 'repositories'. Then the suggested use of specific tools and functionality within these: 'community health files', 'wikis', 'issues', and 'project boards'.
There is only one existing Bonsai organisation on GitHub. No others should be made without advanced discussion.
Guidance on when to create/merge/delete repositories is beyond the scope of this BEP.
As the first thing people see when navigating the GitHub website; each repository should have a file which clearly describes the repo's purpose. We should follow the GitHub recommendations.
- What the project does
- Why the project is useful
- How users can get started with the project
- Where users can get help with your project
- Who maintains and contributes to the project
Whereas previously we were writing the "getting started" guide on a Wiki page - the readme is a more prominent and hence appropriate place, which will be seen by all potential contributors.
There should be limited duplication of information between the readmes and the 'community health files' (see below). Further examples and recommendations can be found/researched here.
These include the licenses, contribution guidelines, and code of conduct. See this help page and issue #17 for their implementation in the BONSAMURAIS organisation, which is a part of this proposal.
Only the repository bonsai should have the Wiki functionality enabled. All other repositories should link to content in this wiki, where appropriate. The Wiki should be used:
- for storing persistent knowledge, which may be open to contribution, which is not already captured on the website or README files
- for end-user documentation
- for a growing list of FAQs
The Wiki should not be used for:
- task management, as the interface does not effectively support this use-case.
- source code documentation
- the getting started guide (instead, use the of the BONSAI repo)
We should use Github Issues for most of the written communication between contributors which is not appropriate for the website or mailing list. Specifically functional and technical specifications are best discussed here. They are the most suitable place for writing, assigning and managing tasks and sub-tasks.
Project boards can be used for organisation and prioritisation of Issues. It is possible for both organisations and repositories to have multiple project boards each.
High-level organisation-wide project tracking should be handled on the BONSAMURAIS boards. Whereas projects relating to specific working groups should be managed within their respective repositories.
See BEPs 1 & 2. These should be used for large-scale proposals and governance issues.
This proposal suggests extending the usage of GitHub. A consequence of this is that contributors may need new habits in order to maintain their situational awareness. Using the GitHub watch feature is one way this can be achieved: by watching the repos you'd like to receive notifications for. Then you must also sign into GitHub frequently or have appropriate email notification settings. Better recommendations welcome!
Broadly: to use well-integrated functionality wherever possible. GitHub is where our code is, and it makes sense to manage the project close to the code wherever possible. More detail explained above in sub-sections.
Not included
- Extending/increasing usage of the mailing list
- Managing tasks using the Wiki
- When to create/merge/delete GitHub repositories
- Ideal mediums & locations for various documentation types other than the GitHub issues for requirements. E.g. Architecture/design, source code, database, API, tests, end-user. (split between source-code, Sphinx, and the Wiki)
- Archiving strategy for code and knowledge generated in hackathon repository (due to the temporal nature of the hackathon, this will soon become a legacy artefact)
Communicate and manage the projects and knowledge following these guidelines, then survey people's perspective on whether this meets their requirements. This includes hackathon participants actively communicating under this proposal; and outside observers / fresh contributors with alternative perspectives.
Also: the communication and knowledge management practises are expected to iteratively evolve and improve through time, as issues are found and additional requirements are recognised.
- Issue #10: "Bonsai task management: GitHub Issues"
- Bilateral video/phone conversations with Chris Mutel, Romain Sacchi, Michele De Rosa.
- The mailing list discussion announcing this BEP.
All BEPs must be licensed with CC0:
To the extent possible under law, Tom Millross has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to Bonsai Enhancement Proposal 0004. This work is published from: The Netherlands.