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Introduction to BONSAI repositories

This document provides a brief overview of the 26 repositories in BONSAMURAIS and will be updated if more repositories are added or current repositories are modified.

Repositories for management, guidelines and documentation

  1. .github - Community health - BONSAI Code of Conduct. Links for accessing community support
  2. bonsai - Management and Documentation for BONSAI . Also hosts the Wiki
  3. enhancements - BEP formal decision-making system used for software development. Decisions, debates, voting...etc
  4. python-skeleton- Guidelines for developing projects and packages for BONSAI using python.
  5. reproducibility - Guidelines to provide transparency and reproducibility of the work products of BONSAI/ Hackathon
  6. infrastructure-private- Passwords, config and other non public data for BONSAI infrastructure (contains password for access to ODA jena)
  7. hackathon-2019 - Planning and info for BONSAI hackathon
  8. - Development of the static webpage for bonsai using python library staticjinja
  9. board - Private repository for BONSAI board meeting minutes

Repositories for BONSAI ontology

  1. BONSAI- ontology-RDF-framework - Discussions on how ontology was developed. Includes examples in .ttl and xml format for what the data should look like. Links to published ontology as well as URIs to be used for time intervals, activity type...etc. The figure below shows the graphical representation of the BONSAI ontology. All data in BONSAI is transformed to RDF using the concepts defined in the BONSAI ontology.
  2. ontology- Code to publish the core ontology for BONSAI to the web

Database conversion

  1. Exiobase-conversion-software - Contains scripts for conversion of Exiobase Hybrid SUTs to RDF in .ttl and .nt files.
  2. ystafdb - Contains scripts for conversion of YSTAFDB flows and processes to RDF in .ttl and .nt files
  3. mojo - Applies system model frame work to SUT data in RDF format. Turns the raw data into a computational structure (Hybrid Supply and Use data to Input Output data). The computational structure is converted to RDF and returned to the triplestore (under development)

RDF conversion, data, storage

  1. arborist - Creates .ttl files of the meta data in Exiobase and other data sources based on an ontology. Designed to work with BONSAI ontology.
  2. rdf - Contains .ttl files generated by arborist. All .ttl files can also be accessed from here.
  3. importer- This repository imports data in RDF format and loads it into the triplestore.
  4. triple-store - A triple-store is where RDF data is loaded and can be queried from. This repository contains competency queries and information related to the Bonsai RDF triple-store backend: Virtuoso triplestore

Correspondence tables

  1. Correspondence-tables - Contains correspondence tables that systematically explains where, and to what extent, the categories in one classification may be found in other classifications, or in earlier versions of the same classification. Also includes code to convert the corresponding tables to .ttl files.
  2. LCIA_Module - Contains correspondence tables for impact assessment (charactherization factors) and converts in RDF format for entry into the database.

Web Application

  1. yasgui-query-interface- Interface to query from the BONSAI database.
  2. bonsai_api - Aims to develop user friendly interface to query RDF data. Uses REST API endpoints to query the BONSAI database using POST and GET methods (under development).

Graphical scheme

Figure of how (some of) the repositories described here are linked to support data conversion from tabular form to RDF (

Auxillary repositories

  1. bentso - Aims to collect annual data from European electricity via ENTSO-E API and convert it to RDF format using BONSAI ontology.
  2. beebee - Conversion utility to parse BONSAI resolved database dumps for Brightway2

Deprecated repositories

1.bontofrom 2.correspondentia 3.grafter 4.bonsai_web_api