diff --git a/iothub/device/src/Exceptions/IotHubClientErrorCode.cs b/iothub/device/src/Exceptions/IotHubClientErrorCode.cs
index 27abbb3841..fa408b7f5b 100644
--- a/iothub/device/src/Exceptions/IotHubClientErrorCode.cs
+++ b/iothub/device/src/Exceptions/IotHubClientErrorCode.cs
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public enum IotHubClientErrorCode
/// Retrying with exponential back-off could resolve this error. For information on the IoT hub quotas and
/// throttling, see .
- Throttled,
+ Throttled = 429,
/// The ETag in the request does not match the ETag of the existing resource.
diff --git a/iothub/device/src/Exceptions/IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage.cs b/iothub/device/src/Exceptions/IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage.cs
index 8b72d4e489..4e52233ff4 100644
--- a/iothub/device/src/Exceptions/IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage.cs
+++ b/iothub/device/src/Exceptions/IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage.cs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client
internal class IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage
- internal string ErrorCode { get; set; }
+ internal int ErrorCode { get; set; }
internal string TrackingId { get; set; }
diff --git a/iothub/device/src/Transport/Mqtt/GetTwinResponse.cs b/iothub/device/src/Transport/Mqtt/GetTwinResponse.cs
index c2597b3e35..6f36392963 100644
--- a/iothub/device/src/Transport/Mqtt/GetTwinResponse.cs
+++ b/iothub/device/src/Transport/Mqtt/GetTwinResponse.cs
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ internal class GetTwinResponse
/// The error message if the request failed.
- internal string Message { get; set; }
+ internal IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage ErrorResponseMessage { get; set; }
diff --git a/iothub/device/src/Transport/Mqtt/MqttTransportHandler.cs b/iothub/device/src/Transport/Mqtt/MqttTransportHandler.cs
index c20040aed2..6ec4ece945 100644
--- a/iothub/device/src/Transport/Mqtt/MqttTransportHandler.cs
+++ b/iothub/device/src/Transport/Mqtt/MqttTransportHandler.cs
@@ -639,9 +639,23 @@ public override async Task GetTwinAsync(CancellationToken cancel
if (getTwinResponse.Status != 200)
- throw new IotHubClientException(
- getTwinResponse.Message,
- IotHubClientErrorCode.NetworkErrors);
+ // Check if we have an int to string error code translation for the service returned error code.
+ // The error code could be a part of the service returned error message, or it can be a part of the topic string.
+ // We will check with the error code in the error message first (if present) since that is the more specific error code returned.
+ if ((Enum.TryParse(getTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.ErrorCode.ToString(), out IotHubClientErrorCode errorCode)
+ || Enum.TryParse(getTwinResponse.Status.ToString(), out errorCode))
+ && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(IotHubClientErrorCode), errorCode))
+ {
+ throw new IotHubClientException(getTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.Message, errorCode)
+ {
+ TrackingId = getTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.TrackingId,
+ };
+ }
+ throw new IotHubClientException(getTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.Message)
+ {
+ TrackingId = getTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.TrackingId,
+ };
return getTwinResponse.Twin;
@@ -727,18 +741,23 @@ public override async Task UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(ReportedPropertie
if (patchTwinResponse.Status != 204)
- if (Enum.TryParse(patchTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.ErrorCode, out IotHubClientErrorCode errorCode))
+ // Check if we have an int to string error code translation for the service returned error code.
+ // The error code could be a part of the service returned error message, or it can be a part of the topic string.
+ // We will check with the error code in the error message first (if present) since that is the more specific error code returned.
+ if ((Enum.TryParse(patchTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.ErrorCode.ToString(), out IotHubClientErrorCode errorCode)
+ || Enum.TryParse(patchTwinResponse.Status.ToString(), out errorCode))
+ && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(IotHubClientErrorCode), errorCode))
throw new IotHubClientException(patchTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.Message, errorCode)
- TrackingId = patchTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.TrackingId
+ TrackingId = patchTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.TrackingId,
throw new IotHubClientException(patchTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.Message)
- TrackingId = patchTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.TrackingId
- }; ;
+ TrackingId = patchTwinResponse.ErrorResponseMessage.TrackingId,
+ };
return patchTwinResponse.Version;
@@ -1061,10 +1080,33 @@ private void HandleTwinResponse(MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs received
if (status != 200)
+ IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage errorResponse = null;
+ // This will only ever contain an error message which is encoded based on service contract (UTF-8).
+ if (payloadBytes.Length > 0)
+ {
+ string errorResponseString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payloadBytes);
+ try
+ {
+ errorResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(errorResponseString);
+ }
+ catch (JsonException ex)
+ {
+ if (Logging.IsEnabled)
+ Logging.Error(this, $"Failed to parse twin patch error response JSON. Message body: '{errorResponseString}'. Exception: {ex}. ");
+ errorResponse = new IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage
+ {
+ Message = errorResponseString,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ // This received message is in response to an update reported properties request.
var getTwinResponse = new GetTwinResponse
Status = status,
- Message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payloadBytes), // The error message is encoded based on service contract, which is UTF-8.
+ ErrorResponseMessage = errorResponse,
@@ -1104,7 +1146,7 @@ private void HandleTwinResponse(MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs received
catch (JsonReaderException ex)
if (Logging.IsEnabled)
- Logging.Error(this, $"Failed to parse Twin JSON: {ex}. Message body: '{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payloadBytes)}'");
+ Logging.Error(this, $"Failed to parse Twin JSON. Message body: '{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payloadBytes)}'. Exception: {ex}.");
@@ -1128,7 +1170,7 @@ private void HandleTwinResponse(MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs received
catch (JsonException ex)
if (Logging.IsEnabled)
- Logging.Error(this, $"Failed to parse twin patch error response JSON: {ex}. Message body: '{errorResponseString}'");
+ Logging.Error(this, $"Failed to parse twin patch error response JSON. Message body: '{errorResponseString}'. Exception: {ex}. ");
errorResponse = new IotHubClientErrorResponseMessage