The SaaS Accelerator is offered under the MIT License as open source software and is not supported by Microsoft.
If you need help with the accelerator or would like to report defects or feature requests, use the Issues feature on this GitHub repository.
- Video walkthrough of installation
- Basic installation script
- Update to a newer version of the SaaS Accelerator
- Install script parameter descriptions
- Setting up a development environment
- Alternative deployments
⏯️ See this video for a complete walkthrough: Installing the SaaS Accelerator with the Azure portal cloud shell.
You can install the SaaS Accelerator code using a single command line within the Azure Portal Cloud Shell.
Note: use the Azure Cloud Shell's PowerShell shell, not the default bash shell. You can select the shell via the drop-down in the top left corner.
Copy the following section to an editor and update it to match your company preference.
- Replace
with your Team name or some other meaningful name for your depth. (Ensure that the final name does not exceed 21 characters) - Replace
with a valid email from your org that will use the portal for the first time. Once deployed, this account will be able to login to the administration panel and give access to more users. - Replace
with a value that matches your company's naming conventions for resource groups - [Optional] Replace
East US
with a region closest to you.
wget; `
chmod +x; `
./ -version 8.0.303; `
$ENV:PATH="$HOME/.dotnet:$ENV:PATH"; `
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 8.0.0; `
git clone -b 8.0.0 --depth 1; `
cd ./Commercial-Marketplace-SaaS-Accelerator/deployment; `
.\Deploy.ps1 `
-WebAppNamePrefix "SOME-UNIQUE-STRING" `
-ResourceGroupForDeployment "SOME-RG-NAME" `
-PublisherAdminUsers ",user2@email" `
-Location "East US"
The script above will perform the following actions.
- Create required App Registration for SaaS Marketplace API authentication
- Create required App Registration for SSO on your Landing Page
- Deploy required infrastructure in Azure for hosting the landing page, webhook and admin portal
- Deploy the code and database on the infrastructure.
The following are optional parameters that you can include in the deployment (see parameter description below for details).
-TenantID "xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" `
-AzureSubscriptionID "xxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx" `
-ADApplicationID "xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" `
-ADApplicationSecret "xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" `
-ADMTApplicationID "xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" `
-LogoURLpng "https://company_com/company_logo.png" `
-LogoURLico "https://company_com/company_logo.ico" `
-IsAdminPortalMultiTenant "true" `
specified while running the upgrade command, which will replace the current version. If you have any custom changes, we recommend you implement a strategy to backup and replace them after the upgrade.
If you already have deployed the SaaS Accelerator, but you want to update it so that you take advantage of new features developed, you can run the following command:
*you need to ensure that you use the same parameters you used in the initial deployment *if upgrading to release version < 8.0.0, please replace the below dotnet and dotnet-ef versions to 6 release.
wget; `
chmod +x; `
./ -version 8.0.303; `
$ENV:PATH="$HOME/.dotnet:$ENV:PATH"; `
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 8.0.0; `
git clone -b <release-version-branch-to-deploy> --depth 1; `
cd ./Commercial-Marketplace-SaaS-Accelerator/deployment; `
.\Upgrade.ps1 `
-WebAppNamePrefix "marketplace-SOME-UNIQUE-STRING" `
-ResourceGroupForDeployment "marketplace-SOME-UNIQUE-STRING" `
Parameter | Description |
WebAppNamePrefix | [required] A unique prefix used for creating web applications. Example: contoso |
ResourceGroupForDeployment | Name of the resource group to deploy the resources. Default: WebAppNamePrefix value |
Location | [required] Location of the resource group |
PublisherAdminUsers | [required] Provide a list of email addresses (as comma-separated-values) that should be granted access to the Publisher Portal |
TenantID | The value should match the value provided for Active Directory TenantID in the Technical Configuration of the Transactable Offer in Partner Center. If value not provided, you will be asked to select the tenant during deployment |
AzureSubscriptionID | Id of subscription where the resources will be deployed. Subscription must be part of the Tenant Provided. If value not provided, you will be asked to select the subscription during deployment. |
ADApplicationID | The value should match the value provided for Active Directory Application ID in the Technical Configuration of the Transactable Offer in Partner Center. If value not provided, a new application will be created. |
ADApplicationSecret | Valid secret for the ADApplication. Required if ADApplicationID is provided. If ADApplicationID is not provided, a secret will be generated. |
ADMTApplicationID | A valid App Id for an Azure AD Application configured for SSO login. If value not provided, a new application will be created. |
SQLServerName | A unique name of the database server (without Default: WebAppNamePrefix -sql |
LogoURLpng | The url of the company logo image in .png format with a size of 96x96 to be used on the website |
LogoURLico | The url of the company logo image in .ico format |
IsAdminPortalMultiTenant | Set to true if you want to enable multi-tenant support for the admin portal. Default: false |
Quiet | Disable verbose output when running the script |
You may be interested in customizing the look and feel or the sites or behavior of the code. There is a video module showing how to set up a development environment for the SaaS Accelerator.
The video is rather lengthy, so use the chapter links in the video description to skip to the exact section you want to see.
⏯️ Setting up a development environment for the SaaS Accelerator
There are other ways to deploy the SaaS Accelerator environment (e.g. development, maual deployment, etc). Additional instruction can be found here.
The Webapps uses Managed Identity to communicate with the database. The Managed Identity is created during the deployment of the WebApps. The Managed Identity is then used to create a user in the database and grant the user the necessary permissions. The connection string used by the WebApps to connect to the database is then updated to use the Managed Identity. For more information on how App Service use Managed Identity to connect to the database, please refer to the following link.