Total issuance: 100,000,000 Tokens
Network: Ethereum
Proportional distribution: 95% Holders / 5% Dev Wallet (locked)
For every 20 tokens issued to investors, 1 token will be issued to the Dev wallet, maintaining the proportionality.
Each token will be backed to the treasury, and its market value for issuance will always be linked to the proportional value of the treasury.
100,000,000 / Treasure value
There will be no trading on the primary market. To access their portion of the treasury, the investor must return the token to the platform through a reverse bond system.
The token may be traded in a secondary market, under the responsibility of the exchange or operator that so desires. To formalise this secondary market relationship, a compliance contract must be respected in order to preserve the integrity of its participating clients.
If this compliance is breached by the operator, sanctions may be applied and its representative value of the treasure blocked until the issue is finalised.
The reverse bond will be a 30 day process. This is due to implications for the release time of PoS validators, which can vary by up to 28 days, depending on the network. This will also serve as a security tool against bad actors in the market, thus discouraging any criminal eviction attempts.