diff --git a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
index 51361e4a0810b..de093cd1ca42f 100644
--- a/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
+++ b/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
@@ -14,70 +14,17 @@ Beta testers give updates, fixes, and new modules a test run before they’re pu
If you find a bug, just [file a GitHub issue](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/), that’s all. If you want to prefix the title with a “Question:”, “Bug:”, or the general area of the application, that would be helpful, but by no means mandatory. If you have write access, add the appropriate labels.
-If you’re filing a bug, specific steps to reproduce are helpful. Please include the URL of the page that has the bug, along with what you expected to see and what happened instead. You can [check our recommendations to create great bug reports here](http://jetpack.com/contribute/#bugs).
+If you’re filing a bug, specific steps to reproduce are helpful. Please include the URL of the page that has the bug, along with what you expected to see and what happened instead. You can [check our recommendations to create great bug reports here](/docs/guides/report-bugs.md).
-### Write and submit a patch
-If you'd like to fix a bug, you can submit a Pull Request. [Follow these detailed steps to find out how](http://jetpack.com/contribute/#patch).
-When creating Pull Requests, remember:
-- [Check In Early, Check In Often](http://blog.codinghorror.com/check-in-early-check-in-often/).
-- Write [good commit messages](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html).
-- Respect the [Best practices for WordPress development](http://jetpack.com/contribute/#practices).
-#### Code Reviews
-Code reviews are an important part of the Jetpack workflow. They help to keep code quality consistent, and they help every person working on Jetpack learn and improve over time. We want to make you the best Jetpack contributor you can be.
-Every PR should be reviewed and approved by someone other than the author, even if the author has write access. Fresh eyes can find problems that can hide in the open if you’ve been working on the code for a while.
-The recommended way of finding an appropriate person to review your code is by [blaming](https://help.github.com/articles/using-git-blame-to-trace-changes-in-a-file/) one of the files you are updating and looking at who was responsible for previous commits on that file.
-Then, you may ask that person to review your code by mentioning his/her GitHub username on the PR comments like this:
- cc @username
-*Everyone* is encouraged to review PRs and add feedback and ask questions, even people who are new to Jetpack. Also, don’t just review PRs about what you’re working on. Reading other people’s code is a great way to learn new techniques, and seeing code outside of your own feature helps you to see patterns across the project. It’s also helpful to see the feedback other contributors are getting on their PRs.
-#### Coding Standards & Guidelines
+### Translate the plugin
-Consistent coding style makes the code so much easier to read. Here are ours:
+If you speak a foreign language, you can help translate Jetpack into your own language. [here is how.](/docs/translations.md)
-- If you've created a new action or filter, [add inline documentation](https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/inline-documentation-standards/php/#4-hooks-actions-and-filters) to help others understand how to use the action or the filter.
-- Create [unit tests](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/tree/master/tests) if you can. If you're not familiar with Unit Testing, you can check [this tutorial](https://pippinsplugins.com/series/unit-tests-wordpress-plugins/).
-- If [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com/) is installed on your testing environment, run it after committing your changes. It will allow you to [detect errors in Javascript files](http://jshint.com/about/), compile Sass to CSS, and [a few other things](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/master/gulpfile.js).
-#### Lifecycle of a Pull Request
-When you’re first starting out, your natural instinct when creating a new feature will be to create a local feature branch, and start building away. If you start doing this, *stop*, take your hands off the keyboard, grab a coffee and read on. :)
-**It’s important to break your feature down into small pieces first**, each piece should become its own pull request.
-Once you know what the first small piece of your feature will be, follow this general process while working:
-1. Create a new branch, using [the branch naming scheme](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/wiki/Git-Workflow#branch-naming-scheme), _e.g._ `add/video-preview` or `fix/1337-language-too-geeky`.
-2. Make your first commit: any will do even if empty or trivial, but we need something in order to create the initial pull request. Create the pull request and prefix the name with the section of the product, _e.g._ _Sharing: add new Facebook button_. Don’t worry too much if there’s no obvious prefix.
- - Write a detailed description of the problem you are solving, the part of Jetpack it affects, and how you plan on going about solving it.
- - If you have write access, add the **[Status] In Progress** label or wait until somebody adds it. This indicates that the pull request isn’t ready for a review and may still be incomplete. On the other hand, it welcomes early feedback and encourages collaboration during the development process.
-3. Start developing and pushing out commits to your new branch.
- - Push your changes out frequently and try to avoid getting stuck in a long-running branch or a merge nightmare. Smaller changes are much easier to review and to deal with potential conflicts.
- - Don’t be afraid to change, [squash](http://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/10/squashing-commits-with-rebase.html), and rearrange commits or to force push - `git push -f origin fix/something-broken`. Keep in mind, however, that if other people are committing on the same branch then you can mess up their history. You are perfectly safe if you are the only one pushing commits to that branch.
- - Squash minor commits such as typo fixes or [fixes to previous commits](http://fle.github.io/git-tip-keep-your-branch-clean-with-fixup-and-autosquash.html) in the pull request.
-4. If you end up needing more than a few commits, consider splitting the pull request into separate components. Discuss in the new pull request and in the comments why the branch was broken apart and any changes that may have taken place that necessitated the split. Our goal is to catch early in the review process those pull requests that attempt to do too much.
-5. When you feel that you are ready for a formal review or for merging into `master` make sure you check this list.
- - Make sure your branch merges cleanly and consider rebasing against `master` to keep the branch history short and clean.
- - If there are visual changes, add before and after screenshots in the pull request comments.
- - Add unit tests, or at a minimum, provide helpful instructions for the reviewer so he or she can test your changes. This will help speed up the review process.
- - Ensure that your commit messages are [meaningful](http://robots.thoughtbot.com/5-useful-tips-for-a-better-commit-message).
-6. Mention that the PR is ready for review or if you have write access remove the **[Status] In Progress** label from the pull request and add the **[Status] Needs Review** label - someone will provide feedback on the latest unreviewed changes. The reviewer will also mark the pull request as **[Status] Needs Author Reply** if they think you need to change anything.
-7. If you get a , , , , or a LGTM, the pull request is ready to be merged into `master`.
+### Write and submit a patch
-Whether somebody is reviewing your code or you are reviewing somebody else’s code, [a positive mindset towards code reviews](https://medium.com/medium-eng/the-code-review-mindset-3280a4af0a89) helps a ton. We’re building something together that is greater than the sum of its parts.
+If you'd like to fix a bug, you can submit a Pull Request. Before you get started, you'll want to **[set up your development environment.](/docs/development-environment.md)**
-If you feel yourself waiting for someone to review a PR, don’t hesitate to personally ask for someone to review it or to mention them on GitHub.
+Once your development environment is ready, you can get started and [create your first Pull Request!](/docs/pull-request.md)
#### Where to get started?
@@ -87,6 +34,17 @@ If you'd like to contribute but don't know where to get started, you can take a
- All issues labeled with [the "Community" milestone](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3ACommunity) are fair game. That's a great way to contribute new features and fix small issues within Jetpack.
- ["Whisky"](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/labels/Whisky%20Ticket) issues are important bugs or enhancements. Take a crack at it if you feel adventurous! :)
+Are you new to Git? You can [follow these detailed steps to find out how to submit your first patch.](/docs/guides/submit-patch.md)
#### We’re Here To Help
-We encourage you to ask for help at any point. We want your first experience with Jetpack to be a good one, so don’t be shy. If you’re wondering why something is the way it is, or how a decision was made, you can tag issues with **[Type] Question** or prefix them with “Question:”.
+We encourage you to ask for help at any point. We want your first experience with Jetpack to be a good one, so don’t be shy. If you’re wondering why something is the way it is, or how a decision was made, you can create an issue and prefix it with “Question:”.
+## License
+Jetpack is licensed under [GNU General Public License v2 (or later)](/LICENSE.md).
+All materials contributed should be compatible with the GPLv2. This means that if you own the material, you agree to license it under the GPLv2 license. If you are contributing code that is not your own, such as adding a component from another Open Source project, or adding an `npm` package, you need to make sure you follow these steps:
+1. Check that the code has a license. If you can't find one, you can try to contact the original author and get permission to use, or ask them to release under a compatible Open Source license.
+2. Check the license is compatible with [GPLv2](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.en.html#GPLCompatibleLicenses), note that the Apache 2.0 license is *not* compatible.
diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
index 7d7cb69771662..1d6c1e5b9c3b3 100644
--- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
+++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Fixes #
#### Changes proposed in this Pull Request:
#### Testing instructions:
@@ -9,10 +10,3 @@ Fixes #
#### Proposed changelog entry for your changes:
-- [ ] Make sure your changes respect [WordPress' coding standards](https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/coding-standards/).
-- [ ] Did you make changes, or create a **new .js file**? If [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com/) is installed on your testing environment, run `gulp js:hint` before to commit your changes. It will allow you to [detect errors in Javascript files](http://jshint.com/about/).
-- [ ] Did you create a **new action or filter**? [Add inline documentation](https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/inline-documentation-standards/php/#4-hooks-actions-and-filters) to help others understand how to use the action or the filter.
-- [ ] Create **[unit tests](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/tree/master/tests)** if you can. If you're not familiar with Unit Testing, you can check [this tutorial](https://pippinsplugins.com/series/unit-tests-wordpress-plugins/).
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 544a5c3925465..9227e0c6cb599 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
diff --git a/.svnignore b/.svnignore
index 4c535e3dbf8af..d256e4d85e0c5 100644
--- a/.svnignore
+++ b/.svnignore
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
diff --git a/3rd-party/woocommerce-services.php b/3rd-party/woocommerce-services.php
index acf745cb6d090..28cb6f04f5841 100644
--- a/3rd-party/woocommerce-services.php
+++ b/3rd-party/woocommerce-services.php
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
class WC_Services_Installer {
+ /**
+ * @var Jetpack
+ **/
+ private $jetpack;
* @var WC_Services_Installer
@@ -19,6 +24,8 @@ static function init() {
public function __construct() {
+ $this->jetpack = Jetpack::init();
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'add_error_notice' ) );
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'try_install' ) );
@@ -39,6 +46,8 @@ public function try_install() {
if ( false === $result ) {
$redirect = add_query_arg( 'wc-services-install-error', true, $redirect );
+ } else {
+ $this->jetpack->stat( 'jitm', 'wooservices-activated-' . JETPACK__VERSION );
wp_safe_redirect( $redirect );
@@ -73,6 +82,8 @@ public function error_notice() {
* @return bool result of installation/activation
private function install() {
+ $this->jetpack->stat( 'jitm', 'wooservices-install-' . JETPACK__VERSION );
include_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/admin.php' );
include_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php' );
include_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
diff --git a/CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md b/CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..21043481a2002
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Contributor Code of Conduct
+As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of fostering an open and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
+We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality.
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery
+* Personal attacks
+* Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic addresses, without explicit permission
+* Other unethical or unprofessional conduct
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to fairly and consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing this project. Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct may be permanently removed from the project team.
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community.
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by emailing a project maintainer via [this contact form](https://developer.wordpress.com/contact/?g21-subject=Code%20of%20Conduct), with a subject that includes `Code of Conduct`. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. Maintainers are obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.3.0, available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/][version]
+[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org
+[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/
diff --git a/_inc/client/admin.js b/_inc/client/admin.js
index 097e9365dd61e..35620552183df 100644
--- a/_inc/client/admin.js
+++ b/_inc/client/admin.js
@@ -11,10 +11,14 @@ import { createHashHistory } from 'history'
* Internal dependencies
+import accessibleFocus from 'lib/accessible-focus';
import store from 'state/redux-store';
import i18n from 'i18n-calypso';
import Main from 'main';
+// Initialize the accessibile focus to allow styling specifically for keyboard navigation
Initial_State.locale = JSON.parse( Initial_State.locale );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof Initial_State.locale[ '' ] ) {
@@ -73,4 +77,3 @@ function render() {
diff --git a/_inc/client/appearance/index.jsx b/_inc/client/appearance/index.jsx
index f98d0994abda4..69d514a9470c1 100644
--- a/_inc/client/appearance/index.jsx
+++ b/_inc/client/appearance/index.jsx
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import {
getModule as _getModule,
} from 'state/modules';
+import { getShowHolidaySnow } from 'state/settings';
import { ModuleToggle } from 'components/module-toggle';
import { AllModuleSettings } from 'components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page';
import { isUnavailableInDevMode } from 'state/connection';
@@ -34,7 +35,8 @@ export const Page = ( props ) => {
- getModule
+ getModule,
+ showHolidaySnow
} = props,
isAdmin = props.userCanManageModules,
moduleList = Object.keys( props.moduleList );
@@ -90,29 +92,32 @@ export const Page = ( props ) => {
} );
+ let holidaySnowCard = showHolidaySnow ? (
+ : '' }
+ expandedSummary={ isAdmin ? : '' }
+ onOpen={ () => analytics.tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_wpa_settings_card_open',
+ {
+ card: 'holiday_snow',
+ path: props.route.path
+ }
+ ) }
+ >
+ { __( 'Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.' ) }
+ ) : '';
return (
{ cards }
- : '' }
- expandedSummary={ isAdmin ? : '' }
- onOpen={ () => analytics.tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_wpa_settings_card_open',
- {
- card: 'holiday_snow',
- path: props.route.path
- }
- ) }
- >
- { __( 'Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.' ) }
+ { holidaySnowCard }
- { __( 'Activate this module to use Google Analytics.' ) }
+ { __(
+ 'Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic.' +
+ ' WordPress.com stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will ' +
+ 'normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.',
+ {
+ components: {
+ a:
+ }
+ }
+ ) }
} else {
diff --git a/_inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx b/_inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx
index 1667455de9675..52ac2b3805df5 100644
--- a/_inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx
+++ b/_inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { translate as __ } from 'i18n-calypso';
-import { includes } from 'lodash';
+import includes from 'lodash/includes';
import Button from 'components/button';
import SimpleNotice from 'components/notice';
diff --git a/_inc/client/state/settings/reducer.js b/_inc/client/state/settings/reducer.js
index 28e4b956b67ae..f69a6a9335253 100644
--- a/_inc/client/state/settings/reducer.js
+++ b/_inc/client/state/settings/reducer.js
@@ -183,3 +183,12 @@ export function getSettingName( state, name ) {
export function areThereUnsavedSettings( state ) {
return get( state.jetpack.settings, 'unsavedSettingsFlag' );
+ * Returns whether or not the Holiday Snow setting should be displayed.
+ * @param {Object} state Global state tree
+ * @return {Boolean} Whether the Holiday Snow setting should be displayed
+ */
+export function getShowHolidaySnow( state ) {
+ return state.jetpack.initialState.showHolidaySnow;
diff --git a/_inc/jetpack-strings.php b/_inc/jetpack-strings.php
index ab3afeccab603..29085a9062f8c 100644
--- a/_inc/jetpack-strings.php
+++ b/_inc/jetpack-strings.php
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
__( "Options failed to reset.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/dev-version/actions.js:35
__( "Options reset.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/dev-version/actions.js:28
__( "Resetting Jetpack options…", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/dev-version/actions.js:22
-__( "Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/jumpstart/actions.js:47
-__( "Recommended features active.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/jumpstart/actions.js:37
-__( "Activating recommended features…", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/jumpstart/actions.js:29
__( "Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/modules/actions.js:304
__( "Regenerated %(slug)s address .", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/modules/actions.js:286
__( "Updating %(slug)s address…", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/modules/actions.js:266
@@ -34,6 +31,9 @@
__( "%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/modules/actions.js:127
__( "%(slug)s has been activated.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/modules/actions.js:110
__( "Activating %(slug)s…", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/modules/actions.js:94
+__( "Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/jumpstart/actions.js:47
+__( "Recommended features active.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/jumpstart/actions.js:37
+__( "Activating recommended features…", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/jumpstart/actions.js:29
__( "There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/main.jsx:82
__( "There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/main.jsx:68
__( "Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:113
@@ -146,17 +146,6 @@
__( "Connection Settings", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/index.jsx:88
__( "Learn More", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/index.jsx:79
__( "Unavailable in Dev Mode", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/index.jsx:46
-__( "ACTIVE", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:183
-__( "ACTIVE", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:168
-__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:163
-__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:156
-__( "Set up", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:146
-__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:136
-__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:120
-__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:104
-__( "Invalid Key", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:86
-__( "Threats found!", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:71
-__( "Unavailable in Dev Mode", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:61
__( "Compare Plans", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:317
__( "We support all Jetpack users, regardless of plan. But customers on a paid subscription enjoy priority support so that security issues are identified and fixed for you as soon as possible. ", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:312
__( "Enjoy priority support", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:311
@@ -234,6 +223,17 @@
__( "How much is your website worth?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-header.jsx:29
__( "The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-header.jsx:25
__( "Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-header.jsx:22
+__( "ACTIVE", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:183
+__( "ACTIVE", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:168
+__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:163
+__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:156
+__( "Set up", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:146
+__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:136
+__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:120
+__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:104
+__( "Invalid Key", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:86
+__( "Threats found!", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:71
+__( "Unavailable in Dev Mode", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/pro-status/index.jsx:61
__( "No Results Found.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/search/index.jsx:223
__( "Learn More", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/search/index.jsx:212
__( "Upgrade", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/search/index.jsx:178
@@ -288,8 +288,6 @@
__( "Active", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/dash-item/index.jsx:87
__( "Updates Needed", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/dash-item/index.jsx:81
_x( "Settings", "Noun. Displayed to screen readers.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/dash-section-header/index.jsx:43
-__( "Save Settings", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/forms/index.jsx:146
-__( "Saving…", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/forms/index.jsx:146
_x( "Privacy", "Shorthand for Privacy Policy.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:126
__( "Automattic's Privacy Policy", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:124
_x( "Terms", "Shorthand for Terms of Service.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:117
@@ -301,6 +299,8 @@
_x( "Reset Options (dev versions only)", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:56
__( "This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:37
__( "Do you really want to disconnect your site from WordPress.com?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:30
+__( "Save Settings", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/forms/index.jsx:146
+__( "Saving…", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/forms/index.jsx:146
__( "No account? Create one for free…", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-connect/index.jsx:222
__( "Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-connect/index.jsx:214
__( "Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-connect/index.jsx:199
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
__( "Mobile Promos", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:440
__( "Featured Images", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:433
__( "Excerpts", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:426
-__( "Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:408
+__( "Track each scroll load (7 posts by default) as a page view in Google Analytics", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:408
__( "Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:404
__( "Background Color", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:379
__( "Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:376
@@ -459,20 +459,20 @@
__( "Subscriber", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:58
__( "To get started, click on Add Media in your post editor and upload a video; we’ll take care of the rest!", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:44
__( "The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:41
-__( "{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:192
-__( "{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:170
-__( "Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:163
-__( "Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:161
-__( "This module has no configuration options", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:154
-__( "Configure Google Analytics settings.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:141
-__( "Activate this module to use Google Analytics.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:135
-__( "Configure your SEO settings.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:111
-__( "Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:105
-__( "Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:97
-__( "Configure your Security Scans", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:88
-__( "You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:85
-__( "Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:79
-__( "Search your content.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:51
+__( "{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:200
+__( "{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:178
+__( "Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:171
+__( "Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:169
+__( "This module has no configuration options", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:162
+__( "Configure Google Analytics settings.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:149
+__( "Google Analytics is a free service that complements our {{a}}built-in stats{{/a}} with different insights into your traffic. WordPress.com stats and Google Analytics use different methods to identify and track activity on your site, so they will normally show slightly different totals for your visits, views, etc.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:134
+__( "Configure your SEO settings.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:110
+__( "Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:104
+__( "Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:96
+__( "Configure your Security Scans", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:87
+__( "You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:84
+__( "Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:78
+__( "Search your content.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:50
_x( "Apps", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:63
_x( "At a Glance", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:50
_x( "Plans", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:39
diff --git a/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php b/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php
index 91a5cdeabdf2a..7f2fdedafe9ec 100644
--- a/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php
+++ b/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ function page_admin_scripts() {
'happinessGravIds' => jetpack_get_happiness_gravatar_ids(),
'getModules' => $modules,
'showJumpstart' => jetpack_show_jumpstart(),
+ 'showHolidaySnow' => function_exists( 'jetpack_show_holiday_snow_option' ) ? jetpack_show_holiday_snow_option() : false,
'rawUrl' => Jetpack::build_raw_urls( get_home_url() ),
'adminUrl' => esc_url( admin_url() ),
'stats' => array(
diff --git a/_inc/lib/class.media-summary.php b/_inc/lib/class.media-summary.php
index 98844e15b7344..d129f5e688961 100644
--- a/_inc/lib/class.media-summary.php
+++ b/_inc/lib/class.media-summary.php
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
class Jetpack_Media_Summary {
+ private static $cache = array();
static function get( $post_id, $blog_id = 0, $args = array() ) {
$defaults = array(
'max_words' => 16,
'max_chars' => 256,
@@ -21,6 +24,11 @@ static function get( $post_id, $blog_id = 0, $args = array() ) {
$blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
+ $cache_key = "{$blog_id}_{$post_id}_{$args['max_words']}_{$args['max_chars']}";
+ if ( isset( self::$cache[ $cache_key ] ) ) {
+ return self::$cache[ $cache_key ];
+ }
if ( ! class_exists( 'Jetpack_Media_Meta_Extractor' ) ) {
jetpack_require_lib( 'class.media-extractor' );
@@ -242,6 +250,8 @@ static function get( $post_id, $blog_id = 0, $args = array() ) {
$return = apply_filters( 'jetpack_media_summary_output', $return, $post_id );
+ self::$cache[ $cache_key ] = $return;
return $return;
diff --git a/_inc/lib/tracks/client.php b/_inc/lib/tracks/client.php
index cb471c60bbe48..ef7cfaeae88bb 100644
--- a/_inc/lib/tracks/client.php
+++ b/_inc/lib/tracks/client.php
@@ -114,6 +114,12 @@ function jetpack_tracks_get_identity( $user_id ) {
* @return bool true for success | \WP_Error if the event pixel could not be fired
function jetpack_tracks_record_event( $user, $event_name, $properties = array(), $event_timestamp_millis = false ) {
+ // We don't want to track user events during unit tests/CI runs.
+ if ( $user instanceof WP_User && 'wptests_capabilities' === $user->cap_key ) {
+ return false;
+ }
$event_obj = jetpack_tracks_build_event_obj( $user, $event_name, $properties, $event_timestamp_millis );
if ( is_wp_error( $event_obj->error ) ) {
diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt
index 449b6f90f433e..308c7dc4fcd9d 100644
--- a/changelog.txt
+++ b/changelog.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,78 @@
== Changelog ==
+= 4.5 =
+* Release date: January 17, 2017
+* Release post: http://wp.me/p1moTy-3Kc
+This release introduces a brand-new module, Jetpack Ads, a brand-new VideoPress feature, and a lot of new shortcodes and widgets.
+**Exciting New Features and Improvements:**
+* Generate revenue from your site with an all-new WordAds feature, which when enabled displays high-quality ads for your visitors.
+* Today we are proud to release a fully redesigned VideoPress interface for easy uploading, management, and add-free playback of your fantastic videos now fully integrated with your Jetpack Premium or Professional plans.
+* Spice up your sidebar with new widgets that display blog stats, author info, "Follow my blog" buttons, and even an event countdown.
+* Embed your amazing 360° photos with the VR shortcode
+* Link your visitors to your Tumblr or Twitch pages using the new icons in the Social Media Icons Widget.
+* Use the beautiful Jetpack carousel feature to display single images.
+* Turn on and update Related Posts right from the Customizer.
+* Customize the output of the Related Posts headline using a new filter.
+**Performance and Security Improvements:**
+* Your Custom CSS will now be served in a separate stylesheet when it is more than 2,000 characters.
+* Your Stats queries are now always being made over HTTPS.
+* Holiday Snow files now load in the footer, but rest assured the snow still falls from above.
+* We have improved Jetpack's synchronization process to support more plugins and use less resources.
+* The jQuery Cycle script used by slideshow galleries is now minified, resulting in faster loading times.
+**Slightly Less Exciting Enhancements:**
+* The JSON API now allows updating translations and alternative theme installation methods.
+* Public Custom Post Types are now automatically available via the WordPress.com REST API.
+* We've added a token-based authentication mechanism to the REST API in order for the site to be able to receive authenticated requests from WordPress.com.
+* Use `sync` commands in Jetpack's WP CLI.
+* You can now set the value for options directly in the Contact Form shortcode.
+* Updated some verbiage around IP Whitelisting on the Protect settings screen.
+* Custom sharing buttons got some new variables.
+* RIP blip.tv — we've removed your shortcode.
+* Improved Image and Display Posts Widget settings to provide more explanation and better error messages.
+* We've added a few new Content Options to the Customizer for supported themes.
+* Improved the Facebook Widget to avoid confusion when editing width and height settings.
+* Added and improved a few shortcodes.
+**Improved Compatibility:**
+* If your server is misconfigured and we can't get an IP address we're going to deactivate Protect and send you a notice so you're in the loop.
+* The WPML compatibility file wasn't loading at the right time, but we've fixed that.
+* We've improved compatibility with tools like Cavalcade to avoid stuck Cron jobs.
+* Some selected WooCommerce data (order items and order item meta) are now syncing to WordPress.com.
+**Bug Fixes**
+* You'll notice numerous design improvements to the Jetpack UI.
+* Accessibility is important to us so we've made some improvements there.
+* Missing attachments in the Carousel were causing an infinite loop, but we've corrected that.
+* Eliminated a PHP Notice when running the CLI `wp jetpack` command.
+* PHP warnings in the Restaurant Menu Post type have seen their last day with us.
+* Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong connected user for up to 24 hours after they disconnected.
+* Removed a deprecated function to prevent notices when using Infinite Scroll in the Customizer.
+* Long titles in Jetpack widgets weren't looking so great, so we cleaned them up.
+* Before now you weren't able to create a child category from WordPress.com. Now you can!
+* Rogue colons were showing up in the related posts area on sites with the Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Sixteen themes.
+* Fixed a ReCaptcha error on the Email sharing button.
+* Confirmed Instagram embeds actually load when using Infinite Scroll.
+* Site Icons now display on the WordPress.com site management interface.
+* Set a default time limit of 30 seconds when sending sync requests via Cron.
+* Synchronized supported shortcodes on a site.
+* Fixed an issue where empty categories weren't showing with the Widget Visibility feature dropdown.
+* Fixed various little bugs when working with multiple widgets in the Customizer and in the Widgets admin screen.
+* Added a Translate Widget default title in case you haven't defined one.
+* The Top Posts Widget now avoids layout issues when using the Grid layout while displaying a post without an image.
= 4.4.2 =
* Release date: December 6, 2016
diff --git a/class.jetpack-cli.php b/class.jetpack-cli.php
index 77d242858a7ff..f71c62dcd2860 100644
--- a/class.jetpack-cli.php
+++ b/class.jetpack-cli.php
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ public function status( $args, $assoc_args ) {
if ( isset( $args[0] ) && 'full' !== $args[0] ) {
+ /* translators: %s is a command like "prompt" */
WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid command.', 'jetpack' ), $args[0] ) );
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ public function disconnect( $args, $assoc_args ) {
$action = isset( $args[0] ) ? $args[0] : 'prompt';
if ( ! in_array( $action, array( 'blog', 'user', 'prompt' ) ) ) {
+ /* translators: %s is a command like "prompt" */
WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid command.', 'jetpack' ), $action ) );
@@ -148,9 +150,10 @@ public function disconnect( $args, $assoc_args ) {
case 'user':
if ( Jetpack::unlink_user( $user->ID ) ) {
Jetpack::log( 'unlink', $user->ID );
- WP_CLI::success( sprintf( __( '%s has been successfully disconnected.', 'jetpack' ), $action ) );
+ WP_CLI::success( __( 'User has been successfully disconnected.', 'jetpack' ) );
} else {
- WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s could not be disconnected. Are you sure they\'re connected currently?', 'jetpack' ), "{$user->login} <{$user->email}>" ) );
+ /* translators: %s is a username */
+ WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( "User %s could not be disconnected. Are you sure they're connected currently?", 'jetpack' ), "{$user->login} <{$user->email}>" ) );
case 'prompt':
@@ -183,6 +186,7 @@ public function disconnect( $args, $assoc_args ) {
public function reset( $args, $assoc_args ) {
$action = isset( $args[0] ) ? $args[0] : 'prompt';
if ( ! in_array( $action, array( 'options', 'modules' ) ) ) {
+ /* translators: %s is a command like "prompt" */
WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid command.', 'jetpack' ), $action ) );
@@ -199,6 +203,7 @@ public function reset( $args, $assoc_args ) {
foreach ( $options_to_reset['jp_options'] as $option_to_reset ) {
Jetpack_Options::delete_option( $option_to_reset );
usleep( 100000 );
+ /* translators: This is the result of an action. The option named %s was reset */
WP_CLI::success( sprintf( __( '%s option reset', 'jetpack' ), $option_to_reset ) );
@@ -208,6 +213,7 @@ public function reset( $args, $assoc_args ) {
foreach ( $options_to_reset['wp_options'] as $option_to_reset ) {
delete_option( $option_to_reset );
usleep( 100000 );
+ /* translators: This is the result of an action. The option named %s was reset */
WP_CLI::success( sprintf( __( '%s option reset', 'jetpack' ), $option_to_reset ) );
@@ -261,6 +267,7 @@ public function reset( $args, $assoc_args ) {
public function module( $args, $assoc_args ) {
$action = isset( $args[0] ) ? $args[0] : 'list';
if ( ! in_array( $action, array( 'list', 'activate', 'deactivate', 'toggle' ) ) ) {
+ /* translators: %s is a command like "prompt" */
WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid command.', 'jetpack' ), $action ) );
if ( in_array( $action, array( 'activate', 'deactivate', 'toggle' ) ) ) {
@@ -344,6 +351,7 @@ public function module( $args, $assoc_args ) {
public function protect( $args, $assoc_args ) {
$action = isset( $args[0] ) ? $args[0] : 'prompt';
if ( ! in_array( $action, array( 'whitelist' ) ) ) {
+ /* translators: %s is a command like "prompt" */
WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid command.', 'jetpack' ), $action ) );
// Check if module is active
@@ -373,7 +381,8 @@ public function protect( $args, $assoc_args ) {
// Is it already whitelisted?
if ( jetpack_protect_ip_address_is_in_range( $new_ip, $whitelisted->range_low, $whitelisted->range_high ) ) {
- WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( "%s has already been whitelisted", 'jetpack' ), $new_ip ) );
+ /* translators: %s is an IP address */
+ WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s has already been whitelisted', 'jetpack' ), $new_ip ) );
$whitelist[] = $whitelisted->range_low . " - " . $whitelisted->range_high;
@@ -382,7 +391,8 @@ public function protect( $args, $assoc_args ) {
// Check if the IP is already whitelisted (single IP only)
if ( $new_ip == $whitelisted->ip_address ) {
- WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( "%s has already been whitelisted", 'jetpack' ), $new_ip ) );
+ /* translators: %s is an IP address */
+ WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s has already been whitelisted', 'jetpack' ), $new_ip ) );
$whitelist[] = $whitelisted->ip_address;
@@ -429,6 +439,7 @@ public function protect( $args, $assoc_args ) {
WP_CLI::error( __( $result, 'jetpack' ) );
+ /* translators: %s is an IP address */
WP_CLI::success( sprintf( __( '%s has been whitelisted.', 'jetpack' ), $new_ip ) );
case 'prompt':
@@ -474,6 +485,7 @@ public function options( $args, $assoc_args ) {
$flagged = ! in_array( $args[1], $safe_to_modify );
if ( ! in_array( $action, array( 'list', 'get', 'delete', 'update' ) ) ) {
+ /* translators: %s is a command like "prompt" */
WP_CLI::error( sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid command.', 'jetpack' ), $action ) );
diff --git a/class.jetpack-debugger.php b/class.jetpack-debugger.php
index b127f4e50039c..7318f3a3cda1f 100644
--- a/class.jetpack-debugger.php
+++ b/class.jetpack-debugger.php
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public static function jetpack_debug_display_handler() {
$tests['IDENTITY_CRISIS']['result'] = $identity_crisis;
$tests['IDENTITY_CRISIS']['fail_message'] = esc_html__( 'Something has gotten mixed up in your Jetpack Connection!', 'jetpack' );
- $self_xml_rpc_url = home_url( 'xmlrpc.php' );
+ $self_xml_rpc_url = site_url( 'xmlrpc.php' );
$testsite_url = Jetpack::fix_url_for_bad_hosts( JETPACK__API_BASE . 'testsite/1/?url=' );
@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ public static function jetpack_debug_display_handler() {
$default_theme = wp_get_theme( WP_DEFAULT_THEME );
if ( $default_theme->exists() ) {
+ /* translators: %s is the name of a theme */
echo esc_html( sprintf( __( "If your problem isn't known or caused by a plugin, try activating %s (the default WordPress theme).", 'jetpack' ), $default_theme->get( 'Name' ) ) );
} else {
esc_html_e( "If your problem isn't known or caused by a plugin, try activating the default WordPress theme.", 'jetpack' );
@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ public static function jetpack_debug_display_handler() {
diff --git a/class.jetpack-jitm.php b/class.jetpack-jitm.php
index 518c13c2543fe..3556abfb8e876 100755
--- a/class.jetpack-jitm.php
+++ b/class.jetpack-jitm.php
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ function woocommerce_services_msg() {
stat( 'jitm', 'woocommerce_services-viewed-' . JETPACK__VERSION );
+ $jetpack->stat( 'jitm', 'wooservices-viewed-' . JETPACK__VERSION );
diff --git a/class.jetpack-network-sites-list-table.php b/class.jetpack-network-sites-list-table.php
index b878baf3469c4..662bc1c1f49ba 100644
--- a/class.jetpack-network-sites-list-table.php
+++ b/class.jetpack-network-sites-list-table.php
@@ -25,10 +25,9 @@ public function prepare_items() {
// Deal with bulk actions if any were requested by the user
- // Get sites
- $sites = $jpms->wp_get_sites( array(
- 'exclude_blogs' => array( 1 ),
- 'archived' => false,
+ $sites = get_sites( array(
+ 'site__not_in' => array( get_current_blog_id() ),
+ 'archived' => false,
) );
// Setup pagination
@@ -55,10 +54,10 @@ public function column_blogname( $item ) {
$actions = array(
- 'edit' => '' . __( 'Edit', 'jetpack' ) . '',
- 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
- 'view' => 'View',
- 'jetpack-' . $item->blog_id => 'Jetpack',
+ 'edit' => '' . esc_html__( 'Edit', 'jetpack' ) . '',
+ 'dashboard' => '' . esc_html__( 'Dashboard', 'jetpack' ) . '',
+ 'view' => '' . esc_html__( 'View', 'jetpack' ) . '',
+ 'jetpack-' . $item->blog_id => 'Jetpack',
return sprintf('%1$s %2$s', '' . get_blog_option( $item->blog_id, 'blogname' ) . '', $this->row_actions($actions) );
@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ public function column_connected( $item ) {
) );
- return 'Disconnect';
+ return '' . esc_html__( 'Disconnect', 'jetpack' ) . '';
@@ -105,13 +104,13 @@ public function column_connected( $item ) {
'name' => 'subsiteregister',
'site_id' => $item->blog_id,
) );
- return 'Connect';
+ return '' . esc_html__( 'Connect', 'jetpack' ) . '';
public function get_bulk_actions() {
$actions = array(
- 'connect' => 'Connect',
- 'disconnect' => 'Disconnect'
+ 'connect' => esc_html__( 'Connect', 'jetpack' ),
+ 'disconnect' => esc_html__( 'Disconnect', 'jetpack' )
return $actions;
diff --git a/class.jetpack-network.php b/class.jetpack-network.php
index 991358f8f5f03..789282c227d66 100644
--- a/class.jetpack-network.php
+++ b/class.jetpack-network.php
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public function deactivate() {
- $sites = $this->wp_get_sites();
+ $sites = get_sites();
foreach ( $sites as $s ) {
switch_to_blog( $s->blog_id );
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ public function jetpack_sites_list() {
* @todo Make state messages show on Jetpack NA pages
- Jetpack::state( 'missing_site_id', 'Site ID must be provided to register a sub-site' );
+ Jetpack::state( 'missing_site_id', esc_html__( 'Site ID must be provided to register a sub-site.', 'jetpack' ) );
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ public function jetpack_sites_list() {
Jetpack::log( 'subsitedisconnect' );
if ( ! isset( $_GET['site_id'] ) || empty( $_GET['site_id'] ) ) {
- Jetpack::state( 'missing_site_id', 'Site ID must be provided to disconnect a sub-site' );
+ Jetpack::state( 'missing_site_id', esc_html__( 'Site ID must be provided to disconnect a sub-site.', 'jetpack' ) );
@@ -746,68 +746,6 @@ public function get_option( $name ) {
return $options[ $name ];
- /**
- * Return an array of sites on the specified network. If no network is specified,
- * return all sites, regardless of network.
- *
- * @todo REMOVE THIS FUNCTION! This function is moving to core. Use that one in favor of this. WordPress::wp_get_sites(). http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_get_sites NOTE, This returns an array instead of stdClass. Be sure to update class.network-sites-list-table.php
- * @since 2.9
- * @deprecated 2.4.5
- *
- * @param array|string $args Optional. Specify the status of the sites to return.
- *
- * @return array An array of site data
- */
- public function wp_get_sites( $args = array() ) {
- global $wpdb;
- if ( wp_is_large_network() ) {
- return;
- }
- $defaults = array( 'network_id' => $wpdb->siteid );
- $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
- $query = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE 1=1 ";
- if ( isset( $args['network_id'] ) && ( is_array( $args['network_id'] ) || is_numeric( $args['network_id'] ) ) ) {
- $network_ids = array_map( 'intval', (array) $args['network_id'] );
- $network_ids = implode( ',', $network_ids );
- $query .= "AND site_id IN ($network_ids) ";
- }
- if ( isset( $args['public'] ) ) {
- $query .= $wpdb->prepare( "AND public = %d ", $args['public'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $args['archived'] ) ) {
- $query .= $wpdb->prepare( "AND archived = %d ", $args['archived'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $args['mature'] ) ) {
- $query .= $wpdb->prepare( "AND mature = %d ", $args['mature'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $args['spam'] ) ) {
- $query .= $wpdb->prepare( "AND spam = %d ", $args['spam'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $args['deleted'] ) ) {
- $query .= $wpdb->prepare( "AND deleted = %d ", $args['deleted'] );
- }
- if ( isset( $args['exclude_blogs'] ) ) {
- $query .= "AND blog_id NOT IN (" . implode( ',', $args['exclude_blogs'] ) . ")";
- }
- $key = 'wp_get_sites:' . md5( $query );
- if ( ! $site_results = wp_cache_get( $key, 'site-id-cache' ) ) {
- $site_results = (array) $wpdb->get_results( $query );
- wp_cache_set( $key, $site_results, 'site-id-cache' );
- }
- return $site_results;
- }
// end class
diff --git a/class.jetpack-twitter-cards.php b/class.jetpack-twitter-cards.php
index 7cc2683cc1efe..5934dce259f89 100644
--- a/class.jetpack-twitter-cards.php
+++ b/class.jetpack-twitter-cards.php
@@ -100,9 +100,11 @@ static function twitter_cards_tags( $og_tags ) {
if ( ! isset( $og_tags['og:description'] ) || '' == trim( $og_tags['og:description'] ) || __('Visit the post for more.', 'jetpack') == $og_tags['og:description'] ) { // empty( trim( $og_tags['og:description'] ) ) isn't valid php
$has_creator = ( ! empty($og_tags['twitter:creator']) && '@wordpressdotcom' != $og_tags['twitter:creator'] ) ? true : false;
if ( ! empty( $extract ) && 'video' == $extract['type'] ) { // use $extract['type'] since $card_type is 'summary' for video posts
- $og_tags['twitter:description'] = ( $has_creator ) ? sprintf( __('Video post by %s.', 'jetpack'), $og_tags['twitter:creator'] ) : __('Video post.', 'jetpack');
+ /* translators: %s is the post author */
+ $og_tags['twitter:description'] = ( $has_creator ) ? sprintf( __( 'Video post by %s.', 'jetpack' ), $og_tags['twitter:creator'] ) : __( 'Video post.', 'jetpack' );
} else {
- $og_tags['twitter:description'] = ( $has_creator ) ? sprintf( __('Post by %s.', 'jetpack'), $og_tags['twitter:creator'] ) : __('Visit the post for more.', 'jetpack');
+ /* translators: %s is the post author */
+ $og_tags['twitter:description'] = ( $has_creator ) ? sprintf( __( 'Post by %s.', 'jetpack' ), $og_tags['twitter:creator'] ) : __( 'Visit the post for more.', 'jetpack');
diff --git a/class.jetpack-xmlrpc-server.php b/class.jetpack-xmlrpc-server.php
index a3717fc2992f1..f1d6a493f46ad 100644
--- a/class.jetpack-xmlrpc-server.php
+++ b/class.jetpack-xmlrpc-server.php
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ class Jetpack_XMLRPC_Server {
public $error = null;
+ /**
+ * The current user
+ */
+ public $user = null;
* Whitelist of the XML-RPC methods available to the Jetpack Server. If the
* user is not authenticated (->login()) then the methods are never added,
@@ -20,9 +25,9 @@ function xmlrpc_methods( $core_methods ) {
'jetpack.verifyAction' => array( $this, 'verify_action' ),
- $user = $this->login();
+ $this->user = $this->login();
- if ( $user ) {
+ if ( $this->user ) {
$jetpack_methods = array_merge( $jetpack_methods, array(
'jetpack.testConnection' => array( $this, 'test_connection' ),
'jetpack.testAPIUserCode' => array( $this, 'test_api_user_code' ),
@@ -48,7 +53,7 @@ function xmlrpc_methods( $core_methods ) {
* @param array $core_methods Available core XML-RPC methods.
* @param WP_User $user Information about a given WordPress user.
- $jetpack_methods = apply_filters( 'jetpack_xmlrpc_methods', $jetpack_methods, $core_methods, $user );
+ $jetpack_methods = apply_filters( 'jetpack_xmlrpc_methods', $jetpack_methods, $core_methods, $this->user );
@@ -321,6 +326,12 @@ function test_api_user_code( $args ) {
* @return boolean
function disconnect_blog() {
+ // For tracking
+ if ( ! empty( $this->user->ID ) ) {
+ wp_set_current_user( $this->user->ID );
+ }
Jetpack::log( 'disconnect' );
diff --git a/class.jetpack.php b/class.jetpack.php
index 2a6a466bd044a..94f4fda4a1c92 100644
--- a/class.jetpack.php
+++ b/class.jetpack.php
@@ -1303,11 +1303,10 @@ public static function is_development_mode() {
if ( defined( 'JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG' ) ) {
$development_mode = JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG;
+ } elseif ( $site_url = site_url() ) {
+ $development_mode = false === strpos( $site_url, '.' );
- elseif ( site_url() && false === strpos( site_url(), '.' ) ) {
- $development_mode = true;
- }
* Filters Jetpack's development mode.
@@ -2530,7 +2529,6 @@ public static function activate_module( $module, $exit = true, $redirect = true
if ( 'protect' === $module ) {
include_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . 'modules/protect/shared-functions.php';
if ( ! jetpack_protect_get_ip() ) {
- error_log( 'hello' );
Jetpack::state( 'message', 'protect_misconfigured_ip' );
return false;
@@ -2753,6 +2751,7 @@ public static function disconnect( $update_activated_state = true ) {
// If the site is in an IDC because sync is not allowed,
// let's make sure to not disconnect the production site.
if ( ! self::validate_sync_error_idc_option() ) {
+ JetpackTracking::record_user_event( 'disconnect_site', array() );
$xml = new Jetpack_IXR_Client();
$xml->query( 'jetpack.deregister' );
@@ -4438,7 +4437,7 @@ public function generate_secrets( $action, $exp = 600 ) {
public function get_remote_query_timeout_limit() {
$timeout = (int) ini_get( 'max_execution_time' );
if ( ! $timeout ) // Ensure exec time set in php.ini
- $timeout = 30;
+ $timeout = 30;
return intval( $timeout / 2 );
@@ -4451,7 +4450,7 @@ public function get_remote_query_timeout_limit() {
* @return true or Jetpack_Error
public function validate_remote_register_response( $response ) {
- if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
+ if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return new Jetpack_Error( 'register_http_request_failed', $response->get_error_message() );
@@ -4473,7 +4472,7 @@ public function validate_remote_register_response( $response ) {
} else {
$error_description = isset( $json->error_description ) ? sprintf( __( 'Error Details: %s', 'jetpack' ), (string) $json->error_description ) : '';
return new Jetpack_Error( (string) $json->error, $error_description, $code );
} elseif ( 200 != $code ) {
return new Jetpack_Error( 'wpcom_bad_response', sprintf( __( 'Error Details: %s', 'jetpack' ), $code ), $code );
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Code Reviews
+Code reviews are an important part of the Jetpack workflow. They help to keep code quality consistent, and they help every person working on Jetpack learn and improve over time. We want to make you the best Jetpack contributor you can be.
+Every PR should be reviewed and approved by someone other than the author, even if the author has write access. Fresh eyes can find problems that can hide in the open if you’ve been working on the code for a while.
+The recommended way of finding an appropriate person to review your code is by [blaming](https://help.github.com/articles/using-git-blame-to-trace-changes-in-a-file/) one of the files you are updating and looking at who was responsible for previous commits on that file.
+Then, you may ask that person to review your code by mentioning his/her GitHub username on the PR comments like this:
+ cc @username
+*Everyone* is encouraged to review PRs and add feedback and ask questions, even people who are new to Jetpack. Also, don’t just review PRs about what you’re working on. Reading other people’s code is a great way to learn new techniques, and seeing code outside of your own feature helps you to see patterns across the project. It’s also helpful to see the feedback other contributors are getting on their PRs.
+Whether somebody is reviewing your code or you are reviewing somebody else’s code, [a positive mindset towards code reviews](https://medium.com/medium-eng/the-code-review-mindset-3280a4af0a89) helps a ton. We’re building something together that is greater than the sum of its parts.
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+# Coding Standards & Guidelines
+These are some things to keep in mind when writing code for Jetpack plugin. Please follow them to speed up the review process and get your code merged faster.
+### Versions supported
+- Jetpack supports PHP 5.2, so to name two examples, don't use array notation like `[]` or the short ternary like `expr1 ?: expr3`: use always `array()` and the long ternary `expr1 ? expr2: expr3`.
+- Jetpack supports the WP current version and the immediate previous version. So if WP version is 4.6, Jetpack will support it, as well as 4.5. It's desirable that when Jetpack is installed in older versions, it doesn't fail in a severe way.
+### General
+- Install PHP Code Sniffer [Code Sniffer rules for WordPress Coding Standards.](https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards#installation) They will make it easier for you to notice any missing documentation or coding standards you should respect. Most IDEs display warnings and notices inside the editor, making it easy to inspect your code.
+- If coding a module, make sure you declare the module in the inline doc, [like this](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/16bc2fce3ace760ff402f656dcf05255888f23f4/modules/sitemaps/sitemaps.php#L92-L101). The same applies for filters or actions, [as shown here](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/16bc2fce3ace760ff402f656dcf05255888f23f4/modules/sitemaps/sitemaps.php#L143-L151).
+- Sanitize URLs, attributes, everything. WordPress.com VIP has this nice [article about the topic](https://vip.wordpress.com/documentation/vip/best-practices/security/validating-sanitizing-escaping/).
+- Create [unit tests](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/tree/master/tests) if you can. If you're not familiar with Unit Testing, you can check [this tutorial](https://pippinsplugins.com/series/unit-tests-wordpress-plugins/).
+### Widgets
+- Make them support Customizer's Selective Refresh. Here's an [article about it](https://make.wordpress.org/core/2016/03/22/implementing-selective-refresh-support-for-widgets/).
+- Some Widgets ported from WordPress.com must only be registered if Jetpack is connected.
+- Add the `jetpack_widget_name` filter to the widget title [as shown here](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/blob/447766aa676dfc78822d33af4f73535668eba063/modules/widgets/my-community.php#L37).
+### Translations
+- Where it applies, make strings available for translation.
+- Instead of `__`, `_e`, `_x` and similar functions, use their safe versions `esc_html__`, `esc_html_e`, `esc_html_x` and others where possible.
+- Add the `jetpack` text domain to the translation functions.
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+# Development Environment
+The javascript and CSS components of this plugin's admin interface need to be built in order to get the runtime bundle (`_inc/build/admin.js`)
+**Recommended Environment**
+* Node 6.x
+* npm 3.8.x
+* yarn 0.17.9
+## A note on Node versions used for the build tasks
+We try to frequently keep the Node version we use up to date. So, eventually you may need to refresh your package dependencies (i.e., the `node_modules` directories). This is because some dependencies are built specifically for the Node version you used when you installed them (either by running `yarn build` or `yarn`).
+We recommend usage of [nvm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/nvm) for managing different Node versions on the same environment.
+**Note:** If you have previously run the Jetpack build tasks (e.g. `yarn build`), and didn't come back to it for a long time, you can
+run this command before building again. Otherwise you may experience errors on the command line while trying to build.
+$ yarn distclean
+**Start Development**
+1. Make sure you have `git`, `node`, and `npm` installed and a working WordPress installation.
+2. Clone this repository inside your Plugins directory.
+ ```
+ $ git clone https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack.git
+ $ cd jetpack
+ ```
+3. Install [yarn](https://www.npmjs.com/package/yarn) package.
+ ```
+ npm install -g yarn@0.17.9
+ ```
+4. Make sure the Jetpack plugin is active and run
+ ```
+ $ yarn build
+ ```
+ This will install npm dependencies and then build the files.
+5. Open `/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack` in your browser.
+## Development build
+The development build will create a build without minifying or deduping code. It will also install dependencies for you, so you don't need to `npm install` before it.
+$ yarn build
+## Development build with changes monitoring (watch)
+You can ran a watch process which will continuously watch the front-end JS and CSS/Sass for changes and rebuild accordingly.
+Instead of `yarn build` you'd use `yarn watch`.
+Before running the watch process you may need to `npm install` the npm dependencies first if you didn't do it already.
+$ yarn
+$ yarn watch
+## Production build
+The production build will generate minified files without duplicated code (resulting from dependencies) and also will generate the matching sourcemap files and language files.
+$ yarn build-production
+## Unit-testing
+Jetpack includes several [unit tests](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/tree/master/tests) that you can run in your local environment before to submit a new Pull Request.
+To get started, you can follow the instructions [here](https://phpunit.de/getting-started.html) to install PHPUnit on your machine. Once you've done so, you can get the WordPress testing codebase like so:
+`svn checkout http://unit-tests.svn.wordpress.org/trunk wordpress-tests`
+To run tests on your machine, you can run `phpunit` while in the Jetpack directory.
+If you need more information, you can follow [this guide](https://jetpack.com/2013/08/20/unit-tests/).
+If you're not familiar with PHP Unit Testing, you can also check [this tutorial](https://pippinsplugins.com/series/unit-tests-wordpress-plugins/)
+## Unit-testing the JS Admin Page
+You can run [Mocha](https://mochajs.org/) based tests for the Admin Page source code.
+Standing on your jetpack directory, run
+$ yarn
+$ yarn test-client
+## Use PHP CodeSniffer and ESLint to make sure your code respects coding standards
+We strongly recommend that you install tools to review your code in your IDE. It will make it easier for you to notice any missing documentation or coding standards you should respect. Most IDEs display warnings and notices inside the editor, making it even easier.
+- You can find [Code Sniffer rules for WordPress Coding Standards](https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards#installation) here. Once you've installed these rulesets, you can [follow the instructions here](https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards#how-to-use) to configure your IDE.
+- For JavaScript, we recommend installing ESLint. Most IDEs come with an ESLint plugin that you can use. Jetpack includes a `.eslintrc` file that defines our coding standards.
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+# Git Workflow
+## Familiar with Git?
+If you're not familiar with Git, you can [follow these detailed steps to find out how to submit your first patch.](guides/submit-patch.md)
+## Branch Naming Scheme
+All changes should be developed in a new branch created from the `master` branch.
+Branches use the following naming conventions:
+* `add/{something}` -- When you are adding a completely new feature
+* `update/{something}` -- When you are iterating on an existing feature
+* `fix/{something}` -- When you are fixing something broken in a feature
+* `try/{something}` -- When you are trying out an idea and want feedback
+For example, you can run: `git checkout master` and then `git checkout -b fix/whatsits` to create a new `fix/whatsits` branch off of `origin/master`.
+## Mind your commits
+- [Check In Early, Check In Often](http://blog.codinghorror.com/check-in-early-check-in-often/).
+- Ensure that your commit messages are [meaningful.](http://robots.thoughtbot.com/5-useful-tips-for-a-better-commit-message)
+## Keeping Your Branch Up To Date
+While it is tempting to merge from `master` into your branch frequently, this leads to a messy history because each merge creates a merge commit. When working by yourself, it is best to use `git pull --rebase master`, but if you're pushing to a shared repo, it is best to not do any merging or rebasing until the feature is ready for final testing, and then do a [rebase](https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/wiki/How-to-Rebase-a-Pull-Request) at the very end. This is one reason why it is important to open pull requests whenever you have working code.
+If you have a Pull Request branch that cannot be merged into `master` due to a conflict (this can happen for long-running Pull Request discussions), it's still best to rebase the branch (rather than merge) and resolve any conflicts on your local copy before updating the Pull Request with `git push --force`. **Be aware** that this will **replace** any commits currently in your shared branch, so anyone who is also using that branch will be in trouble. Only use `git push --force` if the Pull Request is ready to merge and no one else is using it (or of you have coordinated the force-push with the other developers working on the branch).
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+# Check out Jetpack's Source Code
+Most software projects, including WordPress, use a version-control system to keep track of source code and revisions. Jetpack is available right here on [GitHub](https://github.com/). Here are the basics of downloading Jetpack using Git.
+(If you're not familiar with Git and GitHub, [the GitHub Guides videos](http://www.youtube.com/user/GitHubGuides) are a great place to start.)
+## Installing Git
+The easiest way to get Git is to download a binary package for your operating system from [Git's website](http://git-scm.com/downloads) -- there are packages for most major operating systems, including Mac OSX, Windows, several versions of Linux, and more.
+For more, check out [the documentation](http://git-scm.com/doc) on Git's website.
+## Creating a GitHub account, and generating SSH keys
+Jetpack's code is hosted on GitHub.com. Although you can browse the plugin code, and even download it without creating an account, you will need to sign-up if you want to contribute by reporting bugs or proposing patches.
+Once you've signed up, we recommend that you generate SSH keys to establish a secure connection between your computer and GitHub. This will allow you to pull code from GitHub, and push patches without having to enter your password every single time. You can follow [this guide](https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys) to add SSH keys to your computer and to your GitHub account.
+## Checking Out the Code
+Once you install Git, you'll need to check out the code before you can work on it -- that is, you'll download the code from a remote location (repository) to your computer. Here's how:
+- Navigate to [Jetpack's GitHub page](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack), and hit the "Fork" button:
+When doing so, you make a copy of the current development version of Jetpack to your own GitHub account.
+- On your computer, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want Jetpack to be located.
+- Execute the [clone command](http://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone). For instance, to check out the copy of the Jetpack repository you've just created on GitHub:
+`git clone git@github.com:YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/jetpack.git jetpack`
+- Navigate to the `jetpack` directory: `cd jetpack`
+- Add the original Jetpack repository as a new remote: it will allow you to pull changes we make to the original repository, thus keeping your local copy up to date.
+`git remote add upstream git@github.com:Automattic/jetpack.git`
+If it's been a while since you created that fork, you'll want to make sure you're using Jetpack's latest development version, use the [fetch and merge commands](https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork) to apply the latest Jetpack changes to your local repository, without losing any of your local changes.
+git fetch upstream
+git checkout master
+git merge upstream/master
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+# Creating a Great Bug Report
+[The Issues tab](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues) is a ticket database used to track projects and bugs -- we use it to manage new features, bug reports, and general project tasks. It's designed to make it as simple as possible for people to report bugs and submit patches to the code.
+## Three Steps to Being a GitHub Star
+### 1. Make sure the bug is really a bug.
+Before you report a bug, make sure it's not just internet gremlins or a compatibility problem. Before you begin your investigation, make sure you're running the latest versions of WordPress and Jetpack.
+Start by turning off all your other plugins and switching to the default Twenty Seventeen theme. Do you still see the issue? If so, you might have found a bug.
+If the issue disappears, it was probably caused by a conflict with one of your plugins or themes. Now, test them one at a time -- activate only Jetpack and that theme or plugin to eliminate other variables. When the issue reappears, you've found the culprit!
+### 2. See if it's already been reported.
+To check if a bug has already been reported, you can:
+- Check out the [Known Issues](http://jetpack.me/support/getting-started-with-jetpack/known-issues/) page.
+- Look through the [current list of Opened Issues](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues?state=open).
+- Browse the [Jetpack Support Forums](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/jetpack).
+Not mentioned in any of those places? Not caused by a conflict with another plugin or theme? By George, you've found a bug! Time to report it.
+### 3. Submit a detailed, precise bug report.
+The more specific your ticket is, the easier it will be for someone to zap the bug. Log in to GitHub, [open a new issue](https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/new), and be sure to fill out all the relevant details: a concise summary and a clear description are key. If it's been mentioned by someone else, like on the [Jetpack Support Forums](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/jetpack), include a link.
+Here's a sample of what a helpful summary looks like:
+> Summary of the issue: *The Jetpack Image widget won't display the selected image.*
+> Steps to reproduce:
+> *1. Activate the Extra Sidebar Widgets module.*
+> *2. Include the Jetpack Image widget in the sidebar, and fill out all the fields, including the image URL.*
+> *3. Save the Widget and view your site.*
+> Expected behavior or result: *The sidebar should display the selected image*
+> Actual behavior or result: *An error appears: "Image could not be found."*
+> Link to Example (if applicable): *http://example.com/image-widget/*
+> Screenshots: _screenshot of error message goes here_
+## Cross-Browser Testing, AKA "Don't Forget About Internet Explorer 8"
+If you believe you've come across a bug and you've worked through all the steps detailed above, it's worth checking to see if the issue can be reproduced in different browsers. You can find download links to the most recent versions of all the major browsers on [Browse Happy.](http://browsehappy.com/)
+You should also check to see if the potential bug is limited to one browser; this is especially important for any bugs that may be Javascript or jQuery-related, as some browsers are more likely to experience those issues than others.
+## Contribute and comment on existing issues
+In addition to reporting bugs and submitting patches, you can also follow the progress of any issue you're interested in or add details to an existing issue.
+To follow an issue, log in to GitHub, find the issue you're interested in, scroll to the bottom, and click on **Subscribe**:
+If you have information to add to an existing ticket, feel free to add a comment to it!
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+# Creating and Submitting Patches
+## Bug Zapping
+If you're fixing a bug, [start by forking Jetpack's repository](get-started-with-git.md) and clone that new fork of Jetpack to your computer. Once you're done, [create a new branch following our guidelines](/docs/git-workflow.md). Then, checkout that branch.
+git branch branch-name
+git checkout branch-name
+You can then edit files and commit your changes as you go.
+- To get a list of files you've changed, use the [status command](http://git-scm.com/docs/git-status): `git status`
+- To show the changes you've made in a line-by-line patch format, use the [diff command](http://git-scm.com/docs/git-diff) to output a [unified diff](http://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/manual/html_node/Detailed-Unified.html#Detailed%20Unified) of all the changes you made to the source code: `git diff`
+- To show the differences in a single file, use the diff command (or include multiple file paths to show differences between a set of pages): `git diff path/to/file`
+## Create a Pull Request
+To share the changes you've made, you'll need to push your changes to your repository on GitHub, and [submit a pull request](/docs/pull-request.md).
+1. Start by committing the changes you've made to your local repository. To do so, you'll need to add the files you've changed to the staging area first: `git add .`
+2. Then, commit your changes: `git commit`
+You'll want to keep the first line of your commit message brief, giving a quick explanation of your changes. You can then give more details in the following lines.
+3. Now that you've committed your changes, they're ready to be pushed to your fork on Github, like so: `git push origin branch-name`
+4. The last step is to create a Pull Request to let us know about your changes. GitHub will prompt you to create this Pull Request when you access your fork:
+5. Click on "Compare & Pull Request" to create the Pull request.
+6. When creating that Pull Request, be sure to [follow our guidelines here.](/docs/pull-request.md)
diff --git a/docs/pull-request.md b/docs/pull-request.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6e15098ec5abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pull-request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Lifecycle of a Pull Request
+When you’re first starting out, your natural instinct when creating a new feature will be to create a local feature branch, and start building away. If you start doing this, *stop*, take your hands off the keyboard, grab a coffee and read on. :)
+**It’s important to break your feature down into small pieces first**, each piece should become its own pull request.
+Once you know what the first small piece of your feature will be, follow this general process while working:
+1. [Create a new branch, following our Git Workflow.](git-workflow.md)
+2. Make your first commit: we need something in order to create the initial pull request. Create the pull request and prefix the name with the section of the product, _e.g._ _Sharing: add new Facebook button_. Don’t worry too much if there’s no obvious prefix.
+ - Write a detailed description of the problem you are solving, the part of Jetpack it affects, and how you plan on going about solving it.
+ - If you have write access, add the **[Status] In Progress** label or wait until somebody adds it. This indicates that the pull request isn’t ready for a review and may still be incomplete. On the other hand, it welcomes early feedback and encourages collaboration during the development process.
+3. Start developing and pushing out commits to your new branch.
+ - Push your changes out frequently and try to avoid getting stuck in a long-running branch or a merge nightmare. Smaller changes are much easier to review and to deal with potential conflicts.
+ - Don’t be afraid to change, [squash](http://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/10/squashing-commits-with-rebase.html), and rearrange commits or to force push - `git push -f origin fix/something-broken`. Keep in mind, however, that if other people are committing on the same branch then you can mess up their history. You are perfectly safe if you are the only one pushing commits to that branch.
+ - Squash minor commits such as typo fixes or [fixes to previous commits](http://fle.github.io/git-tip-keep-your-branch-clean-with-fixup-and-autosquash.html) in the pull request.
+ - Remember to [respect Coding Standards & Guidelines.](coding-guidelines.md)
+4. If you end up needing more than a few commits, consider splitting the pull request into separate components. Discuss in the new pull request and in the comments why the branch was broken apart and any changes that may have taken place that necessitated the split. Our goal is to catch early in the review process those pull requests that attempt to do too much.
+5. When you feel that you are ready for a formal review or for merging into `master` make sure you check this list.
+ - Make sure your branch merges cleanly and consider rebasing against `master` to keep the branch history short and clean.
+ - If there are visual changes, add before and after screenshots in the pull request comments.
+ - Add unit tests, or at a minimum, provide helpful instructions for the reviewer so he or she can test your changes. This will help speed up the review process.
+ - Check [Coding Standards & Guidelines](coding-guidelines.md) one last time.
+6. Mention that the PR is ready for review or if you have write access remove the **[Status] In Progress** label from the pull request and add the **[Status] Needs Review** label - someone will provide feedback on the latest unreviewed changes. The reviewer will also mark the pull request as **[Status] Needs Author Reply** if they think you need to change anything. You can [learn more about our code reviews here.](code-reviews.md)
+7. If you get a **[Status] Ready To Merge** label, the pull request is ready to be merged into `master`.
+8. The release manager will take a look and test your branch, and merge it into `master` so it can be part of the next release.
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--- /dev/null
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+# Release Management
+For every release, we will have a milestone that contains everything that is slated for that release. Issues/PRs should not be mass-punted from one release to the next. When getting punted from a release, issues/PRs should either have their milestone removed completely (from which they will need to be triaged), or they should be put into the "Not Currently Planned" milestone, which is any issue/PR that is valid, but not currently scheduled for inclusion in the point release or the next two major releases.
+Any new feature/major bug fix going in gets tagged with "Master Issue" and either "[Type] Bug Fix", "[Type] Enhancement", "[Type] Janitorial" or "[Type] Feature". Initially, it should be tagged as "[Status] Proposal". If it's something that's absolutely required for this release, it gets tagged "[Priority] Blocker" so we know at a glance that it can't be moved to a future release. It's also tagged with its' area of the plugin as usual. The text of the master issue should be the proposed implementation, and that text should ALSO be posted as the first comment (more on this in a second)
+If an issue is fairly involved, it may also make sense to create a GitHub project for it, and that project should be linked to from the “Master Issue”. Any sub-issues created to track portions of a master issue should be tagged “Subissue” and refer back to the master issue # as the first line in the issue body so that they can easily be filtered. Sub-issues should start at "[Status] In Progress".
+Any PRs would then get connected to that master issue, and conversation should take place within the master issue, with the original post being regularly updated with the current state of things, so that anyone can see, at a glance, where the issue stands, but they can read through the comments for more context. The Jetpack Lead and Release Lead should review any master issues for the upcoming release weekly (as part of their call) to make sure that the main post body is up to date. The last line of the main post body should always be “Last Updated: DATE"
+The issue then gets updated as it moves through the process, from proposal to in progress to review needed to review complete to merged.
+## Tag Details
+### Tags: Type
+- Bug: Something that is broken in the current public version of Jetpack
+- Feature: An all-new feature
+- Enhancement: An update to an existing feature
+- Janitorial: Under-the-hood cleanups/improvements
+### Tags: Status
+- Proposal (Issues): For a master issue, at this point it is being considered. Before leaving this status, there should be a clear plan for execution, designs should be completed (if needed), and there should be developers responsible for implementation. Only the Jetpack Lead should move a master issue out of the Proposal stage.
+- In Progress (Issues/PRs): At this point, an issue has finalized designs and developers working on it. When development is complete, it should be moved to "Needs Review". Master issues should stay "In Progress" until all of their PRs are merged, at which point they should transition to "Needs Testing".
+- Needs Review (PRs): This status indicates that a PR is in need of code review. Once that code review is complete, it should be moved to the "Needs Testing" status, unless the code reviewer also tested it, in which case it can move straight to "Ready to Merge"
+- Needs Design Review (Issues/PRs): This status indicates than input from Jetpack Design is needed. It's unique in that it can coexist with other statuses.
+- Needs Testing (PRs): At this point, a PR is complete and has been code reviewed, it just needs to be tested. Upon successful testing, it should move to "Ready to Merge".
+- Ready to Merge (PRs): From here, PRs have been completed, reviewed and tested. From here, the Release Lead (or the Jetpack Lead, if needed) should do a final code review/test run and merge the PR.
+### Tags: Priority
+- Blocker: This is an issue that we can't ship without. If it's not ready, the release needs to be delayed, the issue cannot be punted to a future release.
+- High
+- Medium
+- Low
+## Example Master Issue and Subissue formatting
+### Master Issue
+Synopsis: One or two sentences about what this Master Issue is aiming to achieve.
+Project: (Optional, if you are using a GitHub project to track the components of this MI, link to it here)
+Responsible: The GitHub username(s) of the parties responsible for handling this issue. (these users should also be set as responsible through GitHub)
+User experience: This should go into detail on what the user should experience using this feature/enhancement/fix
+Technical approach: Any notes on how we'll attack things from a technical standpoint
+Designs: This should be screenshots of the design
+Complete: A number from 0-100% (including the % sign) representing (approximately) how far along this is
+Difficulty: A number from 1-40 representing (approximately) how difficult this is. Imagine that each number from 1-10 indicates about half a day worth of work, or 4 hours of development
+Last Updated: Date (by @username)
diff --git a/docs/translations.md b/docs/translations.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..56ec460f9cbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/translations.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# How To Translate Jetpack
+## Who translates Jetpack? How can I get involved?
+Anyone can help by suggesting new translations [here](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/jetpack/).
+Once you've suggested a new translation, [a GlotPress validator](https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/teams/) will review it. They will then approve, reject, or change your suggestions. Once your changes get approved, they are automatically shipped to all Jetpack users using WordPress in your language.
+## How does GlotPress work?
+You can find detailed GlotPress documentation on [this page](https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/tools/glotpress-translate-wordpress-org/).
+## I want to change translations locally. Where can I download the .PO file for my language?
+You'll find options to create a .PO file and export translations at the bottom of each language page on translate.wordpress.org.
+## I found a missing translation, but I can’t find the string in GlotPress
+Some Jetpack modules, like Comments, Subscriptions, or Likes, are hosted on WordPress.com. Thus, you will have to look in [the WordPress.com GlotPress project](http://translate.wordpress.com/projects/wpcom/) to find the strings to translate.
diff --git a/functions.opengraph.php b/functions.opengraph.php
index fb59656b3ca72..5db74f45b6016 100644
--- a/functions.opengraph.php
+++ b/functions.opengraph.php
@@ -313,7 +313,13 @@ function jetpack_og_get_image( $width = 200, $height = 200, $max_images = 4 ) {
$img_width = '';
$img_height = '';
- $image_id = attachment_url_to_postid( $image_url );
+ $cached_image_id = get_transient( 'jp_' . $image_url );
+ if ( false !== $cached_image_id ) {
+ $image_id = $cached_image_id;
+ } else {
+ $image_id = attachment_url_to_postid( $image_url );
+ set_transient( 'jp_' . $image_url, $image_id );
+ }
$image_size = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, $width >= 512
? 'full'
: array( $width, $width ) );
@@ -351,7 +357,15 @@ function jetpack_og_get_image( $width = 200, $height = 200, $max_images = 4 ) {
$img_width = '';
$img_height = '';
- $image_id = attachment_url_to_postid( $image_url );
+ $cached_image_id = get_transient( 'jp_' . $image_url );
+ if ( false !== $cached_image_id ) {
+ $image_id = $cached_image_id;
+ } else {
+ $image_id = attachment_url_to_postid( $image_url );
+ set_transient( 'jp_' . $image_url, $image_id );
+ }
$image_size = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, $max_side >= 512
? 'full'
: array( $max_side, $max_side ) );
diff --git a/jetpack.php b/jetpack.php
index f0776dcb10492..5efd8da6d887c 100644
--- a/jetpack.php
+++ b/jetpack.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Plugin URI: http://jetpack.com
* Description: Bring the power of the WordPress.com cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a WordPress.com account to use the powerful features normally only available to WordPress.com users.
* Author: Automattic
- * Version: 4.6-beta1
+ * Version: 4.7-alpha
* Author URI: http://jetpack.com
* License: GPL2+
* Text Domain: jetpack
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_WP_VERSION', '4.6' );
-define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '4.6-beta1' );
+define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '4.7-alpha' );
define( 'JETPACK_MASTER_USER', true );
define( 'JETPACK__API_VERSION', 1 );
define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
diff --git a/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-taxonomy-endpoint.php b/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-taxonomy-endpoint.php
index 3c3ae5641ceaf..b3f722691b256 100644
--- a/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-taxonomy-endpoint.php
+++ b/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-taxonomy-endpoint.php
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function new_taxonomy( $path, $blog_id, $taxonomy_type ) {
$data = wp_insert_term( addslashes( $input['name'] ), $taxonomy_type,
- 'description' => addslashes( $input['description'] ),
+ 'description' => isset( $input['description'] ) ? addslashes( $input['description'] ) : '',
'parent' => $input['parent']
diff --git a/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php b/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php
index cb7bc02b1f81d..f0dea3ac7b742 100644
--- a/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php
+++ b/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function new_term( $path, $blog_id, $taxonomy ) {
$data = wp_insert_term( addslashes( $input['name'] ), $taxonomy, array(
- 'description' => addslashes( $input['description'] ),
+ 'description' => isset( $input['description'] ) ? addslashes( $input['description'] ) : '',
'parent' => $input['parent']
) );
diff --git a/json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-sync-endpoint.php b/json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-sync-endpoint.php
index 2c694896dfebe..3db8086a0e460 100644
--- a/json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-sync-endpoint.php
+++ b/json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-sync-endpoint.php
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ protected function result() {
$modules = null;
- return array( 'started' => Jetpack_Sync_Actions::do_full_sync( $modules ) );
+ return array( 'scheduled' => Jetpack_Sync_Actions::do_full_sync( $modules ) );
protected function validate_queue( $query ) {
diff --git a/json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php b/json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php
index cc7a0de0c6651..202829b9f66da 100644
--- a/json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php
+++ b/json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@
'users' => '(string) Comma-delimited list of user IDs to sync',
'response_format' => array(
- 'started' => '(bool) Whether or not the synchronisation was started'
+ 'scheduled' => '(bool) Whether or not the synchronisation was started'
'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/example.wordpress.org/sync'
) );
diff --git a/languages/json/jetpack-af.json b/languages/json/jetpack-af.json
index e8c395495a357..7f2269df6ef9f 100644
--- a/languages/json/jetpack-af.json
+++ b/languages/json/jetpack-af.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"":{"po-revision-date":"2015-08-21 12:56:15+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/1.0-alpha-1100","project-id-version":"dev"},"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Connect Jetpack":[null,""],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,""],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,""],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,""],"Site Stats":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,""],"Whitelist Management":[null,""],"Related":[null,""],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,""],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,""],"Publicize":[null,""],"Related Posts":[null,""],"Email Address":[null,"E-posadres"],"Preview":[null,"Vooraf Kyk"],"Excerpts":[null,""],"Featured Images":[null,""],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,""],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,""],"View people's profiles when you mouse over their Gravatars":[null,""],"WordPress.com is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,""],"Proofreading":[null,""],"English Options":[null,""],"Bias Language":[null,""],"Complex Phrases":[null,""],"Diacritical Marks":[null,""],"Double Negatives":[null,""],"Hidden Verbs":[null,""],"Jargon":[null,""],"Passive Voice":[null,""],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,""],"Redundant Phrases":[null,""],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,""],"Ignored Phrases":[null,""],"Color Scheme":[null,"Kleurskema"],"Terms":[null,""],"Privacy":[null,"Privaatheid"],"Debug":[null,""],"Learn More":[null,""],"Settings":[null,"Instellings"],"Active":[null,"Aktief"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"":{"po-revision-date":"2015-08-21 12:56:15+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/1.0-alpha-1100","project-id-version":"dev"},"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Connect Jetpack":[null,""],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,""],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,""],"Learn more":[null,""],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,""],"Site Stats":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,""],"Whitelist Management":[null,""],"Related":[null,""],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,""],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,""],"Publicize":[null,""],"Related Posts":[null,""],"Email Address":[null,"E-posadres"],"Preview":[null,"Vooraf Kyk"],"Excerpts":[null,""],"Featured Images":[null,""],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,""],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,""],"WordPress.com is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,""],"Proofreading":[null,""],"English Options":[null,""],"Bias Language":[null,""],"Complex Phrases":[null,""],"Diacritical Marks":[null,""],"Double Negatives":[null,""],"Hidden Verbs":[null,""],"Jargon":[null,""],"Passive Voice":[null,""],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,""],"Redundant Phrases":[null,""],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,""],"Ignored Phrases":[null,""],"Color Scheme":[null,"Kleurskema"],"Terms":[null,""],"Privacy":[null,"Privaatheid"],"Debug":[null,""],"Learn More":[null,""],"Settings":[null,"Instellings"],"Active":[null,"Aktief"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/json/jetpack-ary.json b/languages/json/jetpack-ary.json
index 3fd5581c9dabf..112f740e412c9 100644
--- a/languages/json/jetpack-ary.json
+++ b/languages/json/jetpack-ary.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-07-04 02:14:32+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.1.0-alpha","project-id-version":"Development (trunk)"},"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"WordPress.com Likes are:":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Meta key example: ":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a WordPress.com account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to WordPress.com.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Threats don't discriminate":[null,""],"Backup, protect, repair and build a better website.":[null,""],"Powerful security tools for ultimate peace of mind":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from WordPress.com?":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Saving…":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free…":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Realtime backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place.":[null,""],"Security Scanning & Backups":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to Premium or Pro in order to unlock worldclass security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Unlock the full potential of your site with the features included in your plan.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to Premium or Pro in order to unlock world class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Realtime backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"Unlimited backup archive":[null,""],"Includes on-demand malware scanning":[null,""],"Supports 1-3 sites":[null,""],"Jetpack Professional offers advanced features including:":[null,""],"Need more?":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. 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+ /* translators: %s is the name of a form field */
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+ /* translators: %s is the name of a form field */
$this->add_error( sprintf( __( '%s requires at least one selection', 'jetpack' ), $field_label ) );
default :
// Just check for presence of any text
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+ /* translators: %s is the name of a form field */
$this->add_error( sprintf( __( '%s is required', 'jetpack' ), $field_label ) );
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$content_help .= sprintf(
- __( ' The default content width for the %1$s theme is %2$d pixels.', 'jetpack' ),
+ _n( ' The default content width for the %1$s theme is %2$d pixel.', ' The default content width for the %1$s theme is %2$d pixels.', intval( $GLOBALS['content_width'] ), 'jetpack' ),
intval( $GLOBALS['content_width'] )
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@@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ static function content_width_settings() {
More info.)', 'jetpack' ),
@@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@ static function content_width_settings() {
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