INDEV Syntaxies 2024
There are new features of Syntaxies
Solution Explorer
This feature allows the developer to open a project manually with their programming language. To open a project, click Open a project, then you will need to assign a directory and this message will ask you what language your project is in.
After this the project will open but only the following format files will be displayed and the directories will depend on the programming language you have chosen.Here are what will include the following boxs:
- CSharp: .cs
- Lua: .lua & .luac
- Web page: .html .htm .shtml .xhtml .css .js & .php
- PHP: .php .phps & .phtml
- Visual Basic: .vb
Revamped Create Item
Now this dialog will allow you to choose which file you want to create, but on the right side the title, programming language, and basic code will be displayed.