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This repository contains the LINPACK for FPGA and its OpenCL kernels. Currently only the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL utility is supported.


CMake is used as the build system. The targets below can be used to build the benchmark and its kernels, where VENDOR can be intel or xilinx:

Target Description
Linpack_VENDOR Builds the host application linking with the Intel SDK
Linpack_test_VENDOR Compile the tests and its dependencies linking with the Intel SDK

Moreover, there are additional targets to generate kernel reports and bitstreams. The provided kernel is optimized for the Bittware 520N board equipped with Stratix 10. Only the LU facotrization without pivoting is implemented on FPGA and external channels are used to calculate the solution in a 2D torus of FPGAs.

The kernel targets are listed below. COMM_TYPE can be IEC for Intel external channel (only available for vendor Intel) and PCIE for communication via PCIe and MPI.

Target Description
hpl_torus_COMM_TYPE_VENDOR Synthesizes the kernel (takes several hours!)
hpl_torus_COMM_TYPEreportVENDOR Just compile kernel and create reports
hpl_torus_COMM_TYPEemulateVENDOR Create a n emulation kernel

You can build for example the host application by running

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make LINPACK_intel

A whole emulation build can be done with

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make LINPACK_intel

This will compile the host code as well a unit test binary with emulation kernels for functionality testing.

You will find all executables and kernel files in the bin folder of your build directory. Next to the common configuration options given in the README of the benchmark suite you might want to specify the following additional options before build:

Name Default Description
DEFAULT_MATRIX_SIZE 1024 Width and heigth of the input matrix
REGISTER_BLOCK_LOG 3 Size of the blocks that will be processed in registers (2^3=8 is the default)
LOCAL_MEM_BLOCK_LOG 5 Size of the blocks that will be processed in local memory (2^3=8 is the default)
DATA_TYPE float Used data type. Can be float or double

Moreover the environment variable INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT has to be set to the root of the Intel FPGA SDK installation.

Additionally it is possible to set the used compiler and other build tools in the CMakeCache.txt located in the build directory after running cmake.


For execution of the benchmark run:

./Linpack_intel -f path_to_kernel.aocx

For more information on available input parameters run

./Linpack_intel -h

Implementation of the LINPACK benchmark proposed in the HPCC benchmark suite for FPGA.
Version: 2.3

MPI Version:  3.1

bin/Linpack_intel [OPTION...]

-f, --file arg         Kernel file name
-n, arg                Number of repetitions (default: 10)
-i,                    Use memory Interleaving
    --skip-validation  Skip the validation of the output data. This will
                        speed up execution and helps when working with special
                        data types.
    --device arg       Index of the device that has to be used. If not
                        given you will be asked which device to use if there are
                        multiple devices available. (default: 0)
    --platform arg     Index of the platform that has to be used. If not
                        given you will be asked which platform to use if there
                        are multiple platforms available. (default: 0)
-r, arg                Number of used kernel replications (default: 1)
    --comm-type arg    Used communication type for inter-FPGA communication
                        (default: AUTO)
    --test             Only test given configuration and skip execution and
-h, --help             Print this help
-m, arg                Matrix size in number of blocks in one dimension for
                        a singe MPI rank. Total matrix will have size m *
                        sqrt(MPI_size) (default: 2)
-b, arg                Log2 of the block size in number of values in one
                        dimension (default: 5)
    --uniform          Generate a uniform matrix instead of a diagonally
                        dominant. This has to be supported by the FPGA kernel!
    --emulation        Use kernel arguments for emulation. This may be
                        necessary to simulate persistent local memory on the FPGA

Available options for --comm-type:

  • IEC: Intel external channels are used by the kernels for communication.
  • PCIE: PCIe and MPI are used to exchange data between FPGAs over the CPU.

To execute the unit and integration tests for Intel devices run

./Linpack_test_intel -f KERNEL_FILE_NAME

in the bin folder within the build directory. It will run an emulation of the kernel and execute some functionality tests.

Result Interpretation

The host code will print the results of the execution to the standard output. The result summary looks similar to this:

norm. resid        resid       machep   
    3.25054e-08    5.88298e-05    1.19209e-07
Validation Time: 4.55059e+01 s
        Method           best           mean         GFLOPS
        total    5.87510e+01    5.87510e+01    2.10546e+04
        GEFA    5.87510e+01    5.87510e+01    2.10541e+04
        GESL    4.70000e-08    4.70000e-08    6.42532e+08
Validation: SUCCESS!

The first row contains data from the correctness check that is done once when executing the benchmark:

  • resid: The maximum residual error when multiplying the result vector with the matrix and subtract by the expected result.
  • norm. resid: The normalized residual error based on resid.
  • machep: machine epsilon that gives an upper bound for rounding errors due to the used floating point format.

The table below contains the performance measurements for the bechmark for the both routines GEFA and GESL. Only GEFA is implemented on FPGA, so only this result is significant for now. GESL measurement is currently disabled and does not show any valid results! The columns of the table contain the following information:

  • best: The best measured time for executing the benchmark in seconds.
  • mean: The arithmetic mean of all measured execution times in seconds.
  • GFLOPS: GFLOP/s achieved for the calculation using the best measured time.

The last row of the output will always contain Validation: SUCCESS!, if the norm. residual is below 1. This will be interpreted as successful validation. In this case, the executable will return 0 as exit code, 1 otherwise.