This is a simple implementation of training a personalized hotword/wakeword detection or a command-reconizer model using tensorflow.js
Training is done on the browser itself. No need for heavy GPUs etc.
- Open train.html and collect samples for each word by clicking on the correpsonding button for the word and speaking the word out loud. (The recorder remains on for about 1 or 2 seconds. Tip: 10-20 samples for each word should be enough for a decent model. Collect much more samples for background noise as compared to other words.
- After collecting the samples and clicing the train button, 2 files - transferModel.json and transferModel.weights.bin would be downloaded in your Downloads folder. Copy and paste these files to the "weights" folder.
- Edit the metadata.json file with the hotwords that you have used.
- Run a local server, say, python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
- Open demo.html and play around with it.
For more information visit