Releases: ApeWorX/ape-ledger
Releases · ApeWorX/ape-ledger
Ape Ledger 0.3.0
- chore: upgrade eth-ape version @NotPeopling2day (#26)
- feat: CLI display before signing transactions and messages @unparalleled-js (#25)
Special thanks to: @NotPeopling2day and @unparalleled-js
Ape Ledger 0.2.1
- fix: allow working without connection @unparalleled-js (#24)
Special thanks to: @unparalleled-js
Ape Ledger 0.2.0
- chore: plugin version alignment 0.2.0 @NotPeopling2day (#22)
Special thanks to: @NotPeopling2day
Ape Ledger 0.1.1
Ape Ledger 0.1.0
Ape Ledger 0.1.0-beta.2
- fix: version checking for transaction type when signing a transaction
- docs: use beta-like language in the development section of readme @unparalleled-js (#13)
- refactor: align repo with trezor @evanblank3 (#15)
- refactor: align ledger and trezor repos from pr feedback @evanblank3 (#14)
Special thanks to: @evanblank3 and @unparalleled-js
Ape Ledger 0.1.0-beta.1
- chore: update pin of ape core, change beta tag @fubuloubu (#12)
- fix: relax and upgrade eth-account version @unparalleled-js (#11)
- fix: update ape syntax and usage @unparalleled-js (#8)
Special thanks to: @fubuloubu and @unparalleled-js
Ape Ledger 0.1.0-alpha.2
Ape Ledger 0.1.0-alpha.1
v0.1.0-alpha.1 feat: ledger (#4)
Ape-Ledger v0.1.0-alpha.0
Baseline release