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89 lines (64 loc) · 4.06 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (64 loc) · 4.06 KB

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By contributing to this project, you agree to license your contributions under an MIT license and to waive any requirement to include an additional copyright notice.

To record a grant of license for contributions to the project, please visit the project CLAHub page and complete the steps on the page.

Questions or problems?

Along with using the project issue tracker you can get help in real time on the #whatwg channel on

Want to build, test, and run the code?

Follow the steps below to build, test, and run the checker such that you can open http://localhost:8888/ in a Web browser to use the checker Web UI.

  1. Make sure you have git, python, and JDK 5 or later installed.

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable:


    For example:

    • export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk (older Ubuntu)
    • export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64 (newer Ubuntu)
    • export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) (Mac OS X)
  3. Create a working directory:

     git clone
  4. Change into your working directory:

     cd validator
  5. Start the build script:

     python ./build/ all; python ./build/ all

    Important: Yes, you must run the script twice the first time you build— to work around known issues that cause it to fail to complete when run from scratch in a fresh working directory. For subsequent builds you only have to run it once. And note that the first time you run it, it will need time to download ~300MB of dependencies.

The steps above will build, test, and run the checker such that you can open http://localhost:8888/ in a Web browser to use the checker Web UI.

Use python ./build/ --help to see command-line options for controlling the behavior of the script, as well as build-target names you can call separately; e.g.:

  • python ./build/ build (to build only)
  • python ./build/ build test (to build and test)
  • python ./build/ run (to run only)

Confused about the code? Don’t know where to look?

If you’d like to contribute a bug fix or feature enhancement but aren’t sure where in the code to get started, here’s a brief annotated overview of the repository contents:

  • build - scripts for building, testing, and running the checker
  • htmlparser - (submodule) HTML parser
  • jing-trang - (submodule) RelaxNG engine
  • resources - config files, caching-related catalogs, and some example code
  • schema - HTML+SVG+MathML RelaxNG schemas (used with jing in the checker backend)
  • site - JS & CSS for the checker frontend + code for generating the frontend HTML
  • src/nu/validator
    • checker - non-schema checkers; TableChecker, schematronequiv/Assertions, …
    • client - various clients; e.g., SimpleCommandLineValidator, TestRunner
    • collections - sorting of collections (utility code)
    • datatype - checking microsyntax of attribute values (datatype library)
    • gnu/xml/aelfred2 - processing XML (XML parser)
    • io - variety of *InputStream classes, DataUri, related exception classes
    • json - SAX-inspired streaming interface for writing JSON (utility code)
    • localentities - fetching resources from local cache; LocalCacheEntityResolver
    • messages - handling/emitting validation messages; MessageEmitterAdapter, etc.
    • servlet - core service logic; VerifierServletTransaction, etc.
    • source - handling/emitting "show source" output; SourceHandler & SourceCode
    • spec - parsing the HTML spec & emitting spec excerpts in validation messages
    • validation - entry point for 3rd-party code to use; SimpleDocumentValidator
    • xml - utility code of various kinds
  • tests - (submodule) valid/invalid HTML docs for (regression) testing the checker