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Lecture 3: References, Recursion, and Lists

Jan 23, 2023

Declaring a Variable

When you declare a var of a certain type in Java, Java maps the variable name to their location in memory where the information is stored in bits.

Reference Types

When instantiating an Object:

  • Java first allocates a box of bits for each instance variable of the class and fills them with a default value(e,g, 0, null)
  • The constructor then usually fills every such box with some other value.

new: you can think of it as a function that takes a parameter (Object), and returns the address of that object which is 64 bits.

  • note new: does not return the bits of what the object contains, only the address of where the object is stored in memory.

Therefore, when you do Object assignment:

Obj a;
Obj b;
a = new Obj();
b = a;

a contains the address of the location of where the new object is, and when we assign b = a, the address the object is copied over. This is why they point to the same object

C++ Note: For function calls, Java is a language that always does pass by value, even for objects. When passing in objects, it's the address that's passed in to a function.

Lecture 4: SLLists, Nested Classes, Sentinel Nodes

Jan 25, 2023