Library for solving the cross-platform binaries problem (works on Windows as well) containing helpers for easier read/write on IPFS by extending the JavaScript IPFS API functionality.
Some of the differences:
- Able to specify init folder
- Promised based, no callbacks
- Connector can be accessed from anywhere inside the app as it is a singleton
- Plug your favorite logging library (by default console). See tests folder
For more information please see the API docs
npm install @akashaproject/ipfs-connector --save
import { IpfsConnector } from '@akashaproject/ipfs-connector';
const instance = IpfsConnector.getInstance();
// start ipfs daemon and download binaries if needed
instance.start().then((api) => {});
// stop daemon
// see api docs
// add/get data to ipfs
// cid zdpuB2CAUgUbyJ4s8SmqcGGaGfs7bG337dDNty8NSCR3fhgRw
const cid = instance.api.add({firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe'});
//returns John
instance.api.get(cid, '/firstName');
// read data from ipfs'ipfs hash')
// access default ipfs-http-api from
git clone
cd ipfs-connector
// install dependencies
npm install
// run tests
npm test
// generate docs
npm run docs