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Setting Up for Development on WebSiteOne (Project Set Up)

These are the steps for setting up your development environment for WebSiteOne (WSO) project. This covers the tools you need to have installed and any specific configuration(s).

Step 1: Git ready (git and GitHub)

We use git for version control and keep the project repository on GitHub. You'll need to be able to use both of those.

Step 2: Get your own local copy of the project to work on

You'll do your development work on your own copy of the project.

[Additional Notes for installation on: ubuntu, osx ]

  • On GitHub, fork AgileVentures/WebSiteOne into your own GitHub area.

  • Clone your fork to your local development machine (or where-ever you are going to do your development coding). To clone the fork, run the following command on your local machine:

    git clone<your-github-name>/WebsiteOne

If you need more information about git and GitHub, see this general guide to getting set up with an AgileVentures project (use as the project URL).

You should now have the entire project -- all of the directories and files -- on your local machine, and it should have a git repository (.git).

When you've finished working on you changes, create a pull request (PR) on GitHub. Here are detailed insttructions on how to create a pull request for WSO.

The whole process of doing a PR and getting it reviewed and merged into this project is described in

Keeping a fork up to date

  1. Clone your fork:
git clone
  1. Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:
cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
  1. Updating your fork from original repo to keep up with WebsiteOne:
git pull upstream develop

Step 3: There are two options of setting up, choose one.

Option 1 - Installation and Usage with Docker

See the Docker Project Setup documentation

Option 2 - Local Installation

Step 1: PostgreSQL and the pg gem

The database used is postgreSQL. You need to have this installed and running on your local machine.

OSX: Install using brew

brew install postgres

psql -V - to get the version of postgres

which psql - to figure out where postgres was installed: returns eg /Applications/

bundle config --with-pg-config=/Applications/

We recommend also installing:

Step 2: Install the gems with bundle install

bundle install

Note: On OSX El Capitan and above, you may get this error:

An error occurred while installing eventmachine (1.2.7), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install eventmachine -v '1.2.7'` succeeds before bundling.

If you then try to install the eventmachine gem, it also fails like this: eventmachine/eventmachine#643. That's because OpenSSL is no longer distributed with OS X. So you may need to use brew to set up OpenSSL:

brew link openssl --force

Another option is to point the gem to your open ssl settings:

gem install eventmachine -- --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1

On a newer macs you can try:

brew install openssl
brew link openssl --force
gem install eventmachine -- --with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1

After you do that, re-try running bundle install and you should be good to go on to the next step.

Note: On OSX El Capitan and above, you may get an error on the pg gem.

To install the pg gem. You’ll need to include the following options to set your path and include the needed headers:

gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/Applications/ --with-pg-include='/Applications/'

**Note that you may need to adjust these lines depending on the exact name of your application. Example: If your application is named Postgres93, then “” will need to be changed to “” in both places.

Step 3: Install javascript dependencies using yarn

Step 4: Request the .env file and confirm your locale

  • You'll have to get the .env file from one of the project admins. The project won't work without it. The .env file should go in the root of the WSO project.
  • Add the following to that file:

the above are test keys from

Step 5: Set up the database and static pages

  • Run the rake command to set up the database. Be sure to use bundle exec so that the gems specific to this project (listed in the Gemfile) are used:

    bundle exec rake db:setup

  • Run the rake command to fetch the content for the static pages:

    bundle exec rake fetch_github:content_for_static_pages

Step 6: Run the tests

Now you're ready to run the tests:

bundle exec rspec spec
npx jasmine-browser-runner runSpecs
bundle exec cucumber features

Discuss any errors with the team on Slack, in a scrum, or in mob or pair programming.

Step 7. Start the server

bundle exec rails s

You can now see the system working on your local development environment!

Be sure to read and understand how to contribute when you're ready to start developing and contributing.

Code Style

We recommend and follow the Ruby Style Guide

Here are notes about comments and altering other's code.

[Note: This page originally at]