This project is built with Next.JS, Typescript and CSS modules.
Icons - React Icons Documentation
Code Snippets - React Syntax Highlighter Documentation
Translations - next-i18next Documentation
Look through Pre-existing issues or Raise a new issue and ask to be assigned. Pull requests made without a corresponding issue will likely be closed.
Please check the coding standards page before start contributing.
Fork the project
Clone the project:
git clone<your-github-username>/AccessibleWebDev
Navigate to the project directory:
cd AccessibleWebDev
Set the upstream repository:
git remote add upstream
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a new branch:
git checkout -b <YourBranchName>
To run the whole project locally:
npm run dev
Make your changes
Stage your changes:
git add <NameOfFileChanged>
Commit your changes and provide a meaningful commit message:
Unsure how to write a meaningful commit message? Check out this article about How to Write a Good Git Commit Message
git commit -m "<Your commit message here>"
Push your commits to your local repository
git push origin <YourBranchName>
Create a pull request
Wait for maintainers to review your pull request and suggest any changes
Congratulations! You made a contribution to the Accessible For All Community!
If at any time you need help with contributing, please reach out to the maintainers