CLI app to track your tasks and manage your to-do list
Task Tracker CLI is a project used to track and manage your tasks. You can add, update and delete tasks, mark a task as in progress or done, and list all tasks, tasks that are done, tasks that are not done, and tasks that are in progress. The tasks are stored in a JSON file in the current directory.
- Add a new task
- Update a task
- Delete a task
- Mark a task as in progress or done
- List all tasks
- List tasks by status (done, todo, in-progress)
- Java 21
- Jackson
- Clone the repository
- Open the project in your favorite IDE
- Run the project
- Or build the project with Maven and run the generated jar file
mvn clean install
Usage: java -jar task-tracker.jar [command]
The options below may be used to perform the desired operations:
add <description> - Add a new task
update <taskId> <description> - Update a task
delete <taskId> - Delete a task
mark-in-progress <taskId> - Mark a task as in progress
mark-done <taskId> - Mark a task as done
list - List all tasks
list done - List all done tasks
list todo - List all todo tasks
list in-progress - List all in progress tasks
help - Display help information
# Adding a new task
task-cli add "Buy groceries"
# Output: Task added successfully (ID: 1)
# Updating and deleting tasks
task-cli update 1 "Buy groceries and cook dinner"
task-cli delete 1
# Marking a task as in progress or done
task-cli mark-in-progress 1
task-cli mark-done 1
# Listing all tasks
task-cli list
# Listing tasks by status
task-cli list done
task-cli list todo
task-cli list in-progress
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Jordi Ayala - @ASJordi
Project Link: