This is the set of FORTRAN routines and Perl scripts to postprocess at client's side the model output files for the ENSEMBLE non nuclear activities, before transferring them to the ENSEMBLE platform.
This package also includes the routines to produce ASCII (.dat) and netCDF (.nc) files starting from encoded grid files generated with enform_aq
(files .ens). These codes are deform_aq
and ens2nc_aq
and their use is described below.
Additional information, also for enform_aqr
The enform_aq
, deform_aq
and ens2nc_aq
programs usage is shown in the script
in folder test_aq
This script calls, for each of these programs, a Perl driver that could also be used as alternative to call the command line of each program.
Download (or clone) this archive:
$ wget
Unzip it:
$ unzip
Compile the executables:
$ cd enform_aqmeii4-master/client
$ ./compile
$ cd ../server
$ ./compile_aq
$ cd ../ens2nc
$ ./compile_ens2nc_aq
Go to test_aq
directory and run
$ cd ../test_aq
$ ./
This script calls in sequence:
, driver forclient/enform_aq
to create a .ens file from a dummy model output../scripts/
, driver forclient/deform_aq
to create a set of ASCII files form an existing .ens file (in this case the .ens file created at step 1).../scripts/
, driver forclient/ens2nc_aq
to convert the .ens content in one or more netCDF files
Call these scripts without parameters to see the required and optional input. For example:
$ perl scripts/
Usage: perl scripts/ -ens_file=/path/to/model_output.ens \
-src_file=/path/to/sequence-case.src \
-cf_file=/path/to/ \
-output_dir=/path/to/output_dir (add final slash) \
-log_dir=/path/to/log_dir (add final slash) \
-force=1 to create non-existing output folder (optional)