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easyFL: A Lightning Framework for Federated Learning

This repository is PyTorch implementation for paper CADIS: Handling Cluster-skewed Non-IID Data in Federated Learning with Clustered Aggregation and Knowledge DIStilled Regularization which is accepted by CCGRID-23 Conference.

The repository is a modified version of easyFL, which was introduced by the authors in Federated Learning with Fair Averaging (IJCAI-21). EasyFL is a strong and reusable experimental platform for research on federated learning (FL) algorithm. It is easy for FL-researchers to quickly realize and compare popular centralized federated learning algorithms.

Our easyFL is a strong and reusable experimental platform for research on federated learning (FL) algorithm. It is easy for FL-researchers to quickly realize and compare popular centralized federated learning algorithms.

Table of Contents


The project is implemented using Python3 with dependencies below:



First, run the command below to get the splited dataset MNIST:

# generate the splited dataset
python --dataset mnist --dist 0 --skew 0 --num_clients 100

dist is from 0 to 6 (except 4), skew from 0 to 7

Second, run the command below to quickly get a result of the basic algorithm FedAvg on MNIST with a simple CNN:

python --task mnist_cnum100_dist0_skew0_seed0 --model cnn --algorithm fedavg --num_rounds 20 --num_epochs 5 --learning_rate 0.215 --proportion 0.1 --batch_size 10 --eval_interval 1

The result will be stored in ./fedtask/mnist_cnum100_dist0_skew0_seed0/record/.

Third, run the command below to get a visualization of the result.

# change to the ./utils folder
cd ../utils
# visualize the results

Reproduced FL Algorithms

Method Reference Publication
FedAvg [McMahan et al., 2017] AISTATS' 2017
FedProx [Li et al., 2020] MLSys' 2020
FedFV [Wang et al., 2021] IJCAI' 2021
qFFL [Li et al., 2019] ICLR' 2020
AFL [Mohri et al., 2019] ICML' 2019
FedMGDA+ [Hu et al., 2020] pre-print
FedFA [Huang et al., 2020] pre-print
SCAFFOLD [Karimireddy et al., 2020] ICML' 2020
FedDyn [Acar et al., 2021] ICLR' 2021

For those who want to realize their own federaed algorithms or reproduce others, please see algorithms/, where we take two simple examples to show how to use easyFL for the popurse.


Basic options:

  • task is to choose the task of splited dataset. Options: name of fedtask (e.g. mnist_client100_dist0_beta0_noise0).

  • algorithm is to choose the FL algorithm. Options: fedfv, fedavg, fedprox, …

  • model should be the corresponding model of the dataset. Options: mlp, cnn, resnet18.

Server-side options:

  • sample decides the way to sample clients in each round. Options: uniform means uniformly, md means choosing with probability.

  • aggregate decides the way to aggregate clients' model. Options: uniform, weighted_scale, weighted_com

  • num_rounds is the number of communication rounds.

  • proportion is the proportion of clients to be selected in each round.

  • lr_scheduler is the global learning rate scheduler.

  • learning_rate_decay is the decay rate of the global learning rate.

Client-side options:

  • num_epochs is the number of local training epochs.

  • learning_rate is the step size when locally training.

  • batch_size is the size of one batch data during local training.

  • optimizer is to choose the optimizer. Options: SGD, Adam.

  • momentum is the ratio of the momentum item when the optimizer SGD taking each step.

Other options:

  • seed is the initial random seed.

  • gpu is the id of the GPU device, -1 for CPU.

  • eval_interval controls the interval between every two evaluations.

  • net_drop controls the dropout of clients after being selected in each communication round according to distribution Beta(net_drop,1). The larger this term is, the more possible for clients to drop.

  • net_active controls the active rate of clients before being selected in each communication round according to distribution Beta(net_active,1). The larger this term is, the more possible for clients to be active.

  • num_threads is the number of threads in the clients computing session that aims to accelarate the training process.

Additional hyper-parameters for particular federated algorithms:

  • mu is the parameter for FedProx.
  • alpha is the parameter for FedFV.
  • tau is the parameter for FedFV.
  • ...

Each additional parameter can be defined in ./utils/fflow.read_option


We seperate the FL system into four parts: benchmark, fedtask, method and utils.

├─ benchmark
│  ├─ mnist							//mnist dataset
│  │  ├─ data							//data
│  │  ├─ model                   //the corresponding model
│  |  └─                 //the core supporting for the dataset, and each contains three necessary classes(e.g. TaskGen, TaskReader, TaskCalculator)							
│  ├─ ...
│  └─						//the basic tools for generating federated dataset
├─ fedtask
│  ├─ mnist_client100_dist0_beta0_noise0//IID(beta=0) MNIST for 100 clients with not predefined noise
│  │  ├─ record							//record of result
│  │  ├─ info.json						//basic infomation of the task
│  |  └─ data.json						//the splitted federated dataset (fedtask)
|  └─ ...
├─ method
│  ├─							//FL algorithm implementation inherit
│  ├─						//FL algorithm superclass(i.e.,fedavg)
│  ├─							
│  ├─
|  └─ ...
├─ utils
│  ├─							//option to read, initialize,...
│  ├─						//model-level operators
│  └─				        //to generate the visualization of record
├─					        //generate fedtask
├─ requirements.txt


This module is to generate fedtask by partitioning the particular distribution data through To generate different fedtask, there are three parameters: dist, num_clients , beta. dist denotes the distribution type (e.g. 0 denotes iid and balanced distribution, 1 denotes niid-label-quantity and balanced distribution). num_clients is the number of clients participate in FL system, and beta controls the degree of non-iid for different dist. Each dataset can correspond to differrent models (mlp, cnn, resnet18, …). We refer to [McMahan et al., 2017], [Li et al., 2020], [Li et al., 2021], [Li et al., 2019], [Caldas et al., 2018], [He et al., 2020] when realizing this module. Further details are described in benchmark/


image This module is the specific federated learning algorithm implementation. Each method contains two classes: the Server and the Client.


The whole FL system starts with the, which runs after initialization. Then the server repeat the method iterate() for num_rounds times, which simulates the communication process in FL. In the iterate(), the BaseServer start with sampling clients by select(), and then exchanges model parameters with them by communicate(), and finally aggregate the different models into a new one with aggregate(). Therefore, anyone who wants to customize its own method that specifies some operations on the server-side should rewrite the method iterate() and particular methods mentioned above.


The clients reponse to the server after the server communicate_with() them, who first unpack() the received package and then train the model with their local dataset by train(). After training the model, the clients pack() send package (e.g. parameters, loss, gradient,... ) to the server through reply().

Further details of this module are described in algorithm/


Utils is composed of commonly used operations: model-level operation (we convert model layers and parameters to dictionary type and apply it in the whole FL system), the flow controlling of the framework in and the supporting visualization templates to the result. To visualize the results, please run ./utils/ Further details are described in utils/


Since we've made great changes on the latest version, to fully reproduce the reported results in our paper Federated Learning with Fair Averaging, please use another branch easyFL v1.0 of this project.


Please cite our paper in your publications if this code helps your research.

  title={CADIS: Handling Cluster-skewed Non-IID Data in Federated Learning with Clustered Aggregation and Knowledge DIStilled Regularization},
  author={Nang Hung Nguyen, Duc Long Nguyen, Trong Bang Nguyen, Thanh-Hung Nguyen, Hieu Pham, Truong Thao Nguyen and Phi Le Nguyenn},
  booktitle={The 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing},