All notable changes to the "go-outliner" extension will be documented in this file.
- Changed from get
go -u
togo install
command (#16)
- Fixed issue where VS Code will throw error regarding
view not being registered.
- Extension will now correctly update its UI after installing missing outliner binary.
- Changed the way HOME variable is handled
- Modified the way extension looks up binaries.
- Updated
regarding extension shortcut.
- On item selection cursor is not placed in the middle a screen, compared to the top of window as it was before.
- Returned an option to extend main Explorer tab with Go symbols instead of having to go to a separate tab.
configuration option
- Fixed issue where working directory is incorrectly resolved to its parent folder.
- Moved UI to separate tab
- Removed
configuration option
- Tests/Benchmarks view added
- Test/Benchmark specific function command added
- Test/Benchmark all functions command added
configuration option for debug channel
- Fixed typo.
- MacOS binary look up fix
- Fixed incorrect changes from 0.0.7
- Added better handling of PATH and GOPATH lookups so related Go executabes can be found
- Items are now sorted by label
- Config option to exclude *_test.go files from output result. Test files are excluded by default.
- Fixed file path for command to fix Linux issue
- Removed "func", "type", "var", "const" prefixes from labels
- Icons
- Initial release