Talos PXE is a project aimed at boostrapping an initial Talos cluster from a single bootable USB stick. This stick plugs into an avaiable computer and will provide a selection menu for any PXE bootable machine connected to the same network. The software is able to adapt to an existing DHCP server via proxyDHCP or provide a DHCP server of its own.
- Docker
- Golang version 1.16.7
- LinuxKit
You need to download the Talos kernel and initramfs before proceeding. These should be placed in assets
Generate the configuration via:
talosctl gen config -o assets talos-k8s-metal-tutorial https://controlplane.local:8443
sed 's/type: controlplane/type: init/' assets/controlplane.yaml > assets/init.yaml
First step is building the pxe network container via:
docker build -t pxe .
then that container can be converted into a bootable VM via LinuxKit:
linuxkit build -docker -format iso-bios linux.yml